ViaToil 2 points ago +2 / -0

While it could be a number of things, good to speak up on things like this and question it just in case it is found there is a direct link to it so that families affected may be able to get the care they need. Do have a grand where the mother got one of the damn shots, so far she is above height and weight at two, my kiddo called me last week and mentioned that she had a same age boy cousin from her mother's side over and the grandbaby looked a good year older that he, in body size. That being said, I do not know that child's mother's shot status, maybe he is too short for his age? they all first-time parents so they have nothing to gauge it on but, what's Infront of them now.

ViaToil 4 points ago +5 / -1

While I am not the biggest fan of MTG, I did get to watch a lot of that and she was responding to snark remarks in the form of questions when it was going on. NONE of them should be tossing "passive aggressive" at each other, democrats love the passive aggressive snipe and swipes, some are just over allowing them to get away with it. They did get back to business after a short break. and the yay's had it 22 to 20. Pass.

ViaToil 4 points ago +4 / -0

Question. Do people usually just stand there unphased with super loud gun blasts (as heard on that clip) going off right next to their heads? Seems a couple right there, did turn to look at the commotion with them tackling the guy but, many not moving as if to NOT get shot and out of the way? Did see a flinch with the first bang out of some in the front row but, thats it, not acting like there were several gun shots going off, just strange. Maybe they are just not as jumpy with such things or some.

ViaToil 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have your first in your early 20's and more once the fear of having a child is gone, you do not want to be 50+ when your children are ready to legally leave the nest. IMO.

ViaToil 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yup, I have a couple photos I took where it looks like a giant firebird/angel and later same spot, the "head" area looks like it is a cowled human with typical angel wings plus over the right shoulder the negative space in redish hues looks like a giant raven flying down to the figure where the beak would be is the negative space just at the bottom of neck/shoulder. I was impressed artistically the way it looks heh.

ViaToil 3 points ago +3 / -0

For any who do not understand, the Solar flares already happened this week, it takes 24-36 hours or so, depending on how fast it travels for the plasma to reach us. When the flares themselves hit, earth was blasted with radiation within minutes each time, hot spots from each, was at whatever part of the planet was directly facing at the time. If you have clear skies tonight, might try and catch the lights.

ViaToil -1 points ago +1 / -2

Depends on what form that criticism comes in. I mean, after hearing some of those protesters words of pure hate and calling for deaths of others, I am sure that wont get you very far on even X (since it is against the law to be doing).

ViaToil 5 points ago +5 / -0

CBD oil works great for my puppers who is scared to death by loud noises, been using it for 4th and Newyear for a couple years now, calms her right down. Not thought about using it for sleep troubles though. Most dogs do have crazy sleep events like that, who knows whats going through their minds in Rem. Mine have every once in a while but, never every day or every time the sleep. Knowing your dog well enough to know it's usual reaction to things does help. Does the dog over react to stimuli when awake? Could be reliving trauma, could be dreaming of running freely in a field chasing a rabbit, could be playing with her puppies, who knows. I do agree with knockknock, try allowing her to listen to a low energy show that is in Spanish at night for a bit, see if that helps her. I would keep in a low energy one where no one is raising their voices though, incase them doing so may be a fear trigger. You seem connected, many humans do not bother to even try to understand how their dogs may be thinking, animals do not think and look at the world around them the same way humans do. They live in the here and now most of the time, make sure you yourself are not projecting your own guilt of knowing how horrid humans can be onto to her. Past is the past and most of the time, dogs will be just fine living in the here and now and not the past. The last two shelter dogs we brought into the home, as soon as introduced to the rest of the "pack" humans and other pets alike, there was no special treatment to the new pack member, they all expected to behave, have fun and get plenty of belly rubs. lol. Easier when you have other dogs in the home who accept the new one because the new one learns the rules of the pack from the other dogs more than from us silly humans.. well, xept my smallest Pomeranian, she chose to learn from our elder cat, she even still paws the ground every time she goes pee outside, like the cat did in its litterbox oO. Sorry about the book here, I am no expert, just have owned many animals over the years and have myself consulted "experts" or advice here and there. One other thing comes to mind, if you feel she is have a problem understanding language, maybe it will be easier for her to pick up non verbal directions. I have a def dog, she does great, responds to hand and body cues. If I look at her and lift my chin in a direction, she moves the way I pointed with a quick flick of my head. If she is outside and I want her to come in, all I have to do is walk around the corner and be looking at her and as soon as she sees me, I walk back inside, she knows I am "calling her to come in now". Many of the cues I give her, I learned from watching how the other dogs "talked to each other" using their body language.

ViaToil 4 points ago +4 / -0

IMO, more like anti woke agenda stuff that has gotten way out of hand for regular people. Think she found out real quick how hard they go after you if you "Step out of line" on something last year and has been moving more Anti woke since when things come up.

ViaToil 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, I do not have an eucalyptus tree in my back yard, or state or maybe continent.. heh heh heh easier to get a hold of the oils. Just make sure they are real oil from eucalyptus and not just a mishmash of lab made chemicals(like many of the cheap oils are) Oh, if had said tree in back yard, would be best to make your own oil just to be sure it is pure. lol.

ViaToil 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just remember, we all must take our own personal journey with God, her included, it cannot be forced and should never be shamed but, encouraged without demands. Same goes for those addicted to drugs/alcohol really, it has to come from within them to want to suck in that deep breath and bravely move forward to recovery. We all should stive to live our best lives for ourselves of ourselves and doing so without leaving a trail of regrets in the past when dealing with others, they are doing the same. We can speak our words, same as God can speak his but, it is up to each and every one of us to accept and understand at our own pace. Glad you were able to break out of your mind fuck loop and regain a lil balance out there.

ViaToil 2 points ago +2 / -0

I guess you could look at it that way. I am pretty sure, in context it was that, the ONLY reason DJT took a jobs hit was because of 2020 and covid pre 2020 and no covid the job numbers were great and growing monthly, all the local economies were feeling good (as it the actual citizens of the USA across the brd) .. then covid and BAM "all the experts worldwide" told everyone to shut your nations down what each nation did to varying extents. DJT, after a short few months SAW what was happening and said to OPEN BACK UP, some states listened and did while other states did not, in fact a few of the Blue states seemed to be trying to follow Canada and do more harsher lockdowns instead. The states that did open back up quicker, were doing noticeably better overall faster than the ones that refused to do so what, in turn, caused the USA as a whole to not fully crash over it like some other countries did. Then Biden took office and yeah... yuck.

ViaToil 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tell ya again, Countries need to take back their own resources, boot everyone else out from owning their lands, including the US out and US needs to take back every inch of their own Land as well. Africa as a whole could be a very wealthy and thriving country but, instead, it is exploited by other countries and Global organizations who are profiting off of Africa resources and dont care about Africans, the wildlife or the local eco systems of Africa.

ViaToil 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sounds good but, if you want any trust, OPEN up All your fact checking and statements to be Community noted like on X so any biased fact checkers will not drive a narrative with their opinions that they claim are facts. Lets all get a "fact checking department" You know, one that works for us and knows where to look for the pre-arranged propaganda piece/study/poll we all can spew out about our statements so that we look like we fact checked using anything like actual facts.

ViaToil 2 points ago +2 / -0

My household got it once, I was affected by it so mildly that, all I got was exhaustion feeling for a couple day and insane sneezes. I self-isolated for the week of course, like I do whenever I get the sniffles, besides that, I never tired to actively avoid others, even if they did have the sniffles, was offering help if "they needed me to run down and get them some food/drinks/meds" but, I never got flue like symptoms again after the first time when I know it was active in-home. No shots, no Iver, nothing. Others I know who had the flu even pretty harshly and were not shot up, next time it went through home the following years, it was MUCH more milder. Only people I know who it affected more were people who insisted on allowing them to shoot em in the arm yearly. Cant speak for everyone, only those I personally know and interact with out here in the world, heh. edit to comment: Some people have perfectly fine immune systems, naturally but, not everyone does, be sure to be getting a good balanced source of your Vitamins and if you are always getting ill from things, yes def invest in helpful backups like, Ivermectin. Who knows what they are infecting us with next or currently. I was an active outdoors, fearless in the mud, dealing with all sorts of animals daily kinda kid and that may be why my immune system knows what to do now as an adult. Not everyone was lucky and got to grow up that way.

ViaToil 1 point ago +1 / -0

While the "horsey sauce" may help in the event of a complete emergency, please get the human grade and, with the animal stuff, make sure you are not taking the type that has that extra ingredient in it, it is poison.

ViaToil 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yup, they are waiting for the Surrender to WHO to blast it everywhere so they can try to strip everyone's rights away allowing WHO to try and invade us.

ViaToil 6 points ago +6 / -0

Seems, this is why Hitler and other dictators/communist transfer, after using them for their color revolutions, had their useful idiots put down first, they were programed to act that way to destabilize the nation with this sort of thing, couldn't have them turning on em when no longer needed.
Still nothing but a useful idiot but, I agree, good to see when the actual problem people being accused and shamed by their own creations. I pray these young people get plenty of counseling and therapy once they are older and wiser and realize just now much they have been duped and who was actually duping them the entire time.

ViaToil 3 points ago +3 / -0

It sounds like they did not "legally revoke it" just "did not do anything that he said to do" undermining him on that, and tons of other things and in doing so, undermining the citizens and the country. Who is Mark Milley really working for, sure seems it isnt the president, or the citizens or even the USA.

ViaToil 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is Mark Milley a Blue Anon conspiracy theorist? COURT MARTIAL that man, seriously. He went out of his way to go against Trump for his own crazy conspiracy shit. Demanding that we NOT take our equipment out of Af claiming "too expesive to do so" Giving China direct info without even consulting Trump on it, now this crap? What else has that man done AGAINST our country, it's citizens and, at the time, his president?!?!? Oh, and there are the reports of them already talking about undermining Trump if he gets back into office?!?!? WHO is Mark Milley really working for?!?!?

ViaToil 1 point ago +1 / -0

A ton of spam and phishing going on. My phone has been pretty quiet. It hasn't blown up since RINO Haley dropped out. Her campaign is the only one that has ever blasted my phone and I cant even stand that woman. heh. I as well, dont go to a bunch of paytriot sights, do not buy random things anywhere.

ViaToil 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am shocked, I have to admit I agree with him on this one.

ViaToil 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, seems about right. When I heard a new bill passed, they already had it ready to go before the planned protests as the "solution". You can be, Antisemitic as far as free speech, you dont have to like everyone but, you should NOT be calling for the murder of anyone you do not like. Jew, Lefty, Maga, whitey, black, Chinese or else. I do NOT like it when the shove a bill through, you KNOW, it will be a loophole into the overreaching banhammer on our first amendment or abused to be used as such. Laws against calling for the death of another is already there. Same as they have always done.

ViaToil -6 points ago +2 / -8

Stop with the Jew this Jew that propaganda please, you are starting to sound like a cringy activist.

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