magapajeet 1 point ago +1 / -0

Saw so many weird things in 2020 in tarrant county. Every GOP won their race by a decent margin except Trump vs Biden. Probably at least a 20:1 trump to Biden car sticker/sign ratio as well.

Of course Biden dominated the mail in votes here

magapajeet 11 points ago +11 / -0

Not surprising my local CVS shut down and I had to go to another CVS nearby and the pharmacist there told me straight out they made their money from these shots and that dried up so they're just closing down stores now around here.

This is Texas not one of those crazy blue areas where theft is forcing closures

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
magapajeet 43 points ago +43 / -0

This makes sense to me. Realistically speaking RFK Jr poses a bigger threat to Biden than Trump. If Trump starts to shift his focus a little bit to attack RFK Jr more it will have a ton of TDS sufferers back RFK which will do one of two things:

Expose even further the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party to their own supporters

Take more votes and money away from Biden.