suleo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Protecting yourself is not allowed in fascist NYC.

So yea, try 'arming yourself' there and see where you end up, unless you're part of the protected class.

This works both ways. The 'terrorists' won't try this stuff in a place where they know people WILL be armed.

suleo 22 points ago +22 / -0

No, the day the corpse was laid bare for all to see.

It's been dead for a while now.

suleo -1 points ago +3 / -4

Inb4 "that's just the talmud, the torah is better".

Chosenitis is a mental disease and its terminal stage is pure satanism. Whether shit is brown or black doesn't make it less shitty.

suleo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Total Reuters bullshit.

MINSK, May 24 โ€“ RIA Novosti. Vladimir Putin spoke about his readiness for negotiations on Ukraine, but they are possible in order to achieve the goals of the special operation, presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said, commenting on the Reuters publication. According to the agency, citing sources, the Russian leader is allegedly ready for a dialogue with Kiev on a ceasefire if the Ukrainian authorities recognize the current front lines as borders. โ€œNo, this is not so. The President has repeatedly said that he is ready for negotiations. But these are negotiations in order to achieve the goals that we are now achieving through a special military operation,โ€ Peskov noted. As the Kremlin representative clarified, Putin meant that the complex documents drawn up earlier could be the foundation for discussions, but nothing more.


suleo 3 points ago +5 / -2

The earliest and strongest form of control in fact. It was infiltrated immediately.

Religion is not spirituality. Religion is not god or Source. Religion is a way to control, subjugate & divide.

suleo 9 points ago +10 / -1

You have buildings suffering a DIRECT HIT FROM A MISSILE and they are still standing. But if a plane hits a building on the 91st floor, then the whole building, AND THE ONE NEXT TO IT, goes down because of said plane.

Yes, makes total sense.

suleo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Those 'experts' are morons at best, satanic scum at worst.

There is a very simple rule of thumb about food, what is good and what is not.

What is good:

  • Whatever people have been eating for thousands of years, up to 1940.

What is not:

  • Any new stuff that appeared after 1940.
suleo 4 points ago +4 / -0

In the Athenian democracy the people that could vote were QUITE well educated. Male citizens (landowners) could vote. They were also the ones who would go fight the wars and had to pay for their armor & weapons. So they had money and time (they had slaves to do the actual labor).

They still voted for opportunists & retards which eventually destroyed the Athenian state by losing the Peloponnesian War. Especially the massive imperial overreach of the Sicilian Campaign which basically did them in.

So yea, he lived through that and saw the effect. What he failed to mention, or did not observe, was that Athens had been seriously corrupted by money which was extracted by them being an empire.

Funnily enough, during the Peloponnesian war and the eventual defeat of Athens, Lysander re-introduced GOLD to Sparta. Ever since Lycurgus' original laws, Spartans did not use gold to trade, they used coal or iron, because Lycurgus thought gold would corrupt them.

Lysander reintroduced it so as to pay the Persians to give him a fleet to defeat Athens. Then, 60 years after that Spartans basically became debauched & corrupted by gold so they lost their hegemony to the Thebans.

Fun stuff. In other words, all the 'modern' stuff we observe has happened before.

suleo 4 points ago +4 / -0

A necessary but not sufficient condition.

Demoninion (dominion) voting machines and ANY other electronic counting machines need to go. They do fractional/weighted voting.

Trump vote: 0.75. Pedo vote: 1.25.

They can set whatever arbitrary weights they want.

suleo 4 points ago +4 / -0

He didn't turn into anything. He just did what he's told to do, what's required of him as a chosenite (of satan).

Chosenites eat their own if it furthers their cause.

He's a big case in point of that.

Even chosenites have ranks. Low level pleb chosenites were 'sacrificed' during ww2 (of course not in the numbers they mention now, much much less), for higher level chosenites to prosper in the aftermath.

The results speak for themselves.

suleo 8 points ago +8 / -0

It's not called a DEATH cult because of its love of life...

suleo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fully awake? No.

MORE awake than 2016? For sure.

  • Vaxxxxines
  • Medical scams
  • Insurance scams
  • FED
  • Inflation (a scam in itself)
  • Justice scam
  • School scam
  • University scam
  • Jews scam
  • Foreign aid scam
  • Military scam
  • Voting scam
  • 'Democracy' scam

Each of those dimensions of scamming/cheating/lying to humanity is being exposed and more and more people are starting to see the lies, even if just in one of those dimensions.

Did Trump expose all of those? No. But he helped quite a bit in the exposure

suleo 1 point ago +1 / -0
  • A new hope
  • The empire strikes back <<<<--- you are here
  • Return of the Jedi

All this but without the hammil soyboy.

suleo -1 points ago +2 / -3

Which in wall street terms means the stock should be 0.

Remember: in the last 15+ years, profitability is not the point. "social media" is. Also, the cabal funds the places it wants so the 'market' is distorted and basically irrelevant.

Amazon retail never turned a profit (it's subsidized by AWS) and yet...

suleo 2 points ago +2 / -0

North of 78 is cabal central demoncraps.

Maskclair (montclair), Summit, Shore Hills etc.

And of course Newark & Jersey City with all the 'migrants' and the rest of the voting scam crap.

The further rural you go, the more red (and harder to cheat) it becomes.

And of course murphy cheated in the last governor election.

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