1baldeagle 1 point ago +1 / -0

You still haven't answered my questions. Satan quoted scripture to Jesus. We all know how that went. An honorable man would answer my questions as he is seeking truth. The answers are plain and in the open for all to see. Jesus says these things no need for debate or pray about what he says. Or just say you don't know or want to know. The apostles challenged Paul. So it should be with the Brethren. Telling the Truth is the highest form of Love. It's like warning someone about destruction approaching a person Gentile or Jew. We need to stop blessing Demonic systems. Study to show thyself approved. I just want to know if you will answer my questions.

1baldeagle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Saying what Jesus says means I am a disciple of Jesus Christ anything else is of satan. You can't be a disciple if you don't study the teacher. It is sad that you failed to answer the simple questions I asked. I knew you would fail when I sent them to you. A hardened heart is one that refuses the Truth of Jesus and continues to support His enemies.

1baldeagle 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's what you say. HOLY SPIRIT says to try every spirit to determine if it is of GOD. Disciples don't pray about things the Teacher says/teaches, they Believe. Jesus is Lord. Many folk prayed and cast out demons,however Jesus sent them away from him because He didn't know them. Everything that's not of Jesus will be exposed in these times. Religion will no longer hide the deceivers.

1baldeagle 1 point ago +1 / -0

No true Believers have ever slaughtered anyone. That would be the Catholicism gang. That is totally different from the Gospel. Nothing in the Gospel endorses wholesale slaughter of people.

1baldeagle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Christ has already spoken via Holy Spirit inspired scripture. You either believe or don't It's plain and simple in the scripts. Jesus speaks the truth and the HOLY SPIRIT confirms Jesus.

1baldeagle 0 points ago +1 / -1

What did Jesus say about folk calling themselves Jews? Will liars enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Every man chooses his own fate. Jesus or death. They will have what they choose.

1baldeagle 0 points ago +1 / -1

Good post. Folk will have to renew their thinking about many systems.

1baldeagle 0 points ago +1 / -1

Unity is not biblical. Good will not unite with evil. Light will not unite with darkness. God will not unite with Satan. Truth will not unite with lies. Righteousness doesn't need large numbers of people to be established. Justice is never achieved without conflict. That's Biblical. Be careful who you stand with.

1baldeagle 3 points ago +3 / -0

She hates American Blacks even more because
they don't celebrate Kwanzaa.

1baldeagle 1 point ago +1 / -0

She cares nothing for American lives or fortunes People like her think Americans are fodder for zionist demons. Let her give her empty life away.

1baldeagle 1 point ago +1 / -0

The article is about supporting Donald Trump Not ABs many flaws as a human. Comprehension is key to being a good reader.. It's apparent that you haven't finished your GED course work. Success to you as you move forward in completing your studies.

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