Based_in_Space 2 points ago +2 / -0

They do have that sign up front behind Trump saying “become ungovernable”

Based_in_Space 4 points ago +4 / -0

Watching his speech now. Kinda wild to see the dynamic with the crowd. He said he would put some libertarians in the cabinet. Might be good strategy to gain the few libertarian percentage to his side.

Based_in_Space 4 points ago +4 / -0

And he didn’t have internet mass surveillance capability.

Based_in_Space 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some slack in the calculating. Usually it is average of the bid and ask price. But end up w fractions of penny so some could round up or down to nearest penny.

Based_in_Space 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I think it has to be before the summer.

Before the national party conventions I think Republican is in June and Dem in August. Dem probably looking to ditch him before convention. They looking to crash market, lay fault at his feet. He likely will bow out for “health reasons” or whatever. Their candidate can claim ‘wasn’t me’ with regard to the crash. But might play into white hats hands as with crash, hedge funds will old have to mark down their long positions which will give them less leverage in keeping silver and GME and other stuff down. They may lose grip and whole thing starts dominoes (controlled demo) of banks getting liquidated up to prime brokers then clearing houses then the big boss itself central bank.

I think part of plan is to drink the deep state’s milkshake and take all their money. No money means no summer of love no cheating because most of that is from paid mercenaries who will go away if no money.

But who really knows for sure.

Based_in_Space 1 point ago +1 / -0

I noted the astronomical (heh) coincidence the DFV posted his last post of ET at exact same time GME closed at 22.22.

And what is drop 2222 about?


Based_in_Space 4 points ago +4 / -0

I got from yahoo finance app. Not sure why it would show slightly different one to another some rounds error maybe

Based_in_Space 14 points ago +14 / -0

GME closed at 22.22 DFV posted clip of ET going home at exact same time as close. Probably pre scheduled but how could he know it would close on 22.22?

And drop 2222


Based_in_Space 3 points ago +3 / -0

Usually some org picks a day to push their cause to raise money. So different organizations some like UN etc.

Other times they look at history to celebrate a birthday or some achievement which took place.

In this case they designated 16th May as Light Day because person that invented the Laser demonstrated Laser successfully on that date in 1960.

Based_in_Space 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hopefully. But I guess like getting married or having kids. No one is ready until it happens and you have to go through it.

Based_in_Space 9 points ago +9 / -0

I believe could be simultaneous as ‘precipice’. Some think precipice is some nuclear event but even that I don’t people will wake up. Mess with their money however many will wake up rather quickly. Precipice could be a market crash and war at same time. Could be simultaneous as some war stuff or nuclear event. MOASS could happen as Marge calls if banks collateral gets written down due to market crash. Ones that go bankrupt, all positions would liquidate including their short positions in memestonks. Enough happen at same time or dominioes then may get MOASS feedback loop and more hedgies get liquidated. But as hedgies get liquidated their long positions also get liquidated. So crash could happen at same time as MOASS. Well, in theory.

Based_in_Space 10 points ago +10 / -0

I suspect many tranches of the Plan not really cited at all in drops. Like Britney or Free Britney thing I believe was to expose Hollywood bullshit somehow. Lots of other legs of plan to wake up people in different ways. GME for the stock bros. Britney and some other stuff for women who follow celebrity gossip. Covid vax stuff to expose medical fraud Etc etc.

Based_in_Space 9 points ago +9 / -0

LOL, okay Therese.

Based_in_Space 8 points ago +8 / -0

Should redact your name.

Based_in_Space 4 points ago +4 / -0

What they talk about a lot on superstonk

We are all “beneficial owners” meaning not actual owners.

Based_in_Space 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure. I looked at drops for related terms but couldn’t find anything or was using wrong terms. But we’ll see what happens.

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