Eel3 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is it me? I don't listen to Patriot Radio.. But if those at Patriot Radio fear a Michelle Obama run...Then I feel they are controlled opposition trying to soften us up for "The Steal" in 2024. To think that she even has a legitimate chance given the water under the bridge up to now...sad for them if they truly believe it.

Eel3 2 points ago +2 / -0

On one hand she has no political future anymore and her Dads name is no help at all. She has no choice really. She is doomed.

Eel3 4 points ago +4 / -0

If weed truly was the problem then you'd might expect it happens everyday in a city like Amsterdam...lived there for 90 days...nothing like this ever happened while I was there.

Girl has demons running all thru her as Beetlejuice would say.

Eel3 1 point ago +1 / -0

I replied to post using this phone account supporting a Russian officers assessment of who was behind current events but was banned for somehow "sliding" the OP's post???

Somehow I was supposed to apologize for my "error" if I wished to be unbanned .

I replied with that wasn't going to apologize for agreeing with subject of the OP'S post.

Still banned on PW but only my phone.

Eel3 2 points ago +2 / -0

The list's origins via /pol/ or voat's Pizzagate appeared same day, I saw the list at Voat first, someone had up loaded jpegs of flight logs ID'ing some passengers as written by the pilots in command of the aircrafts flown.

Eel3 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have speculated in past the Ballon was a DS reaction to Space Force having taken over all space based communications. I never believed the Ballon to be controlled by the Chinese.

Eel3 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just saw the trailer before I viewed Godzilla Minus 1 today....didn't realize Nick Offerman is playing the President...I actually know the railway bridges Nick used to spray paint "ZOFO" on when he was in high school. When I last saw him last he was dressed like Satan with a four foot penis on his way to a Halloween party with Megan...always thought humorous he ended up a meme here but he's not one one "us" to be sure.

Eel3 4 points ago +4 / -0

If that's the layout:

Thanks for the staircase? It will make a great deep dive facility after it gets flooded with sea water...I am sure there a couple different kinds of drilling rigs that could crack open the shelter as well...now pump some fertilizer or diesel and wait...I bet the secret escape will no longer be a secret in couple hours time I expect.

So much for the wannabe Morlock.

Eel3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or that their captors were not who we thought they were, hence becoming a loose ends.

Eel3 5 points ago +5 / -0

For some Democrats it most certainly is the last election they will vote in because after 20yrs in jail for sedition you don't ever get to vote again...or hold office...so after all they are speaking some measure of truth, poor them......not.

Eel3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Re: Epcot Any truth to the front door of the farm house in The Land attraction leading to a dark room with loungers arranged in a half circle that also connects to the Clown room on the second floor above the Land and Soaring?

Accounts originating from 4chan /pol/ and 8chan/kun would state that this is a collection point to kidnap children.

But it can only be true if the farm house connects with the clown room. According to Youtube Vlogger Adam the Woo the clown room was still a clown room 4-5months ago.

Weird question perhaps.

Eel3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reads more like an observation then a agreement with the behavior to me...many may think otherwise of course.

Eel3 6 points ago +6 / -0

We sin because we can and have the free will to do so...to think otherwise is to say "The Devil made me do it" which isn't right either. Sin is possible and Satan never has to lift a finger to make it happen. Just saying...

Eel3 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think Q suggested that 20% we would never know...and yes I believe disinformation was used on the anons to get our attention and then to rattle the Cabal into making mistakes as not all drops were for Anon eyeballs. I approve of The Plan btw.

Eel3 6 points ago +6 / -0

Q offered Maggie an opportunity to step off the train...I think she knows there is rope waiting for her.

Eel3 8 points ago +8 / -0

Hillary being the head of the snake...the faithful are the body of the snake who when separated from head/Hillary still continue to act not understanding they are comprimised and dead already.

I wouldn't be surprised if she was dealt with long ago. And the "faithful" quietly under investigation since.

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