FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've heard of this framework, but I don't really enough to make much of an evaluation.

The point for me is that common law is rooted in transcendental principles aka the laws that God imbued the universe with.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Which is completely ironic, because the entire foundation of British and American law is the common law that evolved in the melting pot of Christian civilization.

Sure, the Cabal has corrupted the system by using civil law and maritime contract law as if it applies to people on the land, but common law is the product of Christian civilization.

Meanwhile, the Cabal infected Islam and created Wahhabism in order to weaponize Islam against the West.

FractalizingIron 6 points ago +6 / -0

u/Ehjax78 Here is one of my favorite videos of all time, on my Must See top ten list. It happens to be on this topic. Banned and removed from youtube numerous times over the years, I managed to rip a copy and was able to upload to Rumble.

This 30 minute video is a great primer for folks to get an introduction to the Frankfurt School and it provides a great foundation to understand what the West has been dealing with for some 70+ years now.

Highly recommended for all anons.

The Architects of Western Decline


FractalizingIron 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think DJT knows very well who Vivek is, so to me, there are three possibilities:

One, Vivek the Snake is actually Vivek the undercover operative, where the image generated by his previous actions were a part of a deployment

Two, Vivek the Snake has been shown the receipts, and has recognize the folly of his ways, turned around and decided to cooperate with the right team, which also happens to be the winning team

Three, Vivek the Snake is a snake who thinks he can hoodwink DJT and also the Maga public, but who will find that he has been fully outmaneuvered in the end (anb he will not be electable in 2028)

FractalizingIron 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not to mention hundreds and thousands of others who have followed in Jesus' footsteps. They blame the blameless, lie about truth-tellers, and stone the prophets who warn them that God's justice is a thing for the sinful to fear.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only quibble I had was the inclusion of Bill Gates III. I don' think he is mentally retarded at all. Rather, I would classify him as an insane psychopath. Soul retarded, sure. But not mentally so.

But as I said, it's just a quibble..... Carry on.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

So happy to see this post, Wins!!!!!

I fully agree, and I have been thinking about how anons should prepare themselves for any possible outcome.

I understand that reactively, a guilty conviction would FEEL like a loss, so unfair, and a hit to gut, but THAT is what the Deep State wants us to feel and to affect us using that emotional jab.

We need to apply our critical thinking, our knowledge of that is REALLY going on (psywar and information war), and understanding of the activity of the White Hats to keep our emotions in check and see just how much we are winning everywhere.

I suspect that the DS will attempt to try to lure MAGA into some false flag situations as they try to prompt the most reactive response, but we must take care to not let them, and spread awareness and understanding as the antidote to the mental and emotional manipulation that the Cabal brings.

Did I mention I'm so happy to see this post? Good sticky job, mods, too.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for replying. We tend to see things that we are attuned to see. There is a portion of misdirected and negative emotional activity here, but for the most part, I tend to let it just wash away (I ignore much of it) and I think that proportionally speaking, GAW is still far ahead of many internet zones of interaction in terms of camaraderie, mutual support and general sincerity.

If you feel like deleting your account, why not take a break. There is an ebb and flow to the community, and things might very well have a different overall flavor one or two months from now...

In any case, take care, be well. GAW is just one little pool in a massive community of awakened thinkers and doers, but we are all a work in progress.

FractalizingIron 6 points ago +6 / -0

I think maga and anons should be prepared for a guilty verdict. And, it would do nothing except make DJT's support even greater.

He would appeal, the case is a crock and would be knocked down on appeal, and its extremely unlikely he would go to jail.

DJT is embracing the lawfare and using it to boost the awakening and awareness.

But anons should be prepared and not dismayed or react emotionally if the verdict is guilty. All of this is a necessary part of cleansing the deep state and the swamp world.

If its a hung jury or he's acquitted, that will be fine. But how we carry our emotions is KEY to wining in the information / narrative / psywar, and anons are on the front line.

FractalizingIron 8 points ago +8 / -0

You know, you should really have a fraction more sensitivity towards your fellow anons than to put up a post title saying (Aussie Screwed).

So what should ausanons do now. Just go out the back door and commit suicide?

Your subject line is so fricking offensive to Australian anons, it's ridiculous. It's the worst kind of doomerism, but for you, its OK because its not your country that's "SCREWED" but someone else's?

Labor, the current government in power, committed itself. That's their policy. But that does not mean that it's been implemented, or agreed to, or signed into law by parliament, to start with.

Also, the WHO treaty was voted down (AGAIN) and has been 'delayed'.

Australian governments come and go, and the information war is alive. Don't you think that the Q op is real and that the White Hats have a plan?

Next time you feel the urge to make a post like this, please put in title


It might give you a little perspective.

Save your doomer headlines for that other Patriots.win site, not GAW. If you are going to report on this, then do it accurately and stop posting doomer opinions. I mean, did you even read the actual content and ANY of the comments, or ingest what is taking place?

Sure, the Labor position is disgusting, but if you think this means Australia is screwed, you're the one doing the dooming.

Anons, if actually awake, should be encouraging each other and bolstering each others determination to fight and change and defeat the Cabal, not to embrace dumb ideas like EVERYONE is SCREWED (oh, well, in this case, it's only Australia that's screwed, so *that's OK).

Face - fricking - palm.

FractalizingIron 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, you say potato, I say tomato.

Both organizations are pretty darn satanic, and I don't know if "more dangerous". On a scale of one to ten, they are both antihuman.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow. I live for these sorts of comments.

It's a tall ask, but it is the true way. Look at DJT's example. He'll rag and rail on someone, but when the fight is over, he doesn't dig in and get the boot in. Heck, he even said Hillary is "lovely" in some ways...

DJT could only do what he is doing if he truly is emotionally detached from hatred, resentment, anger and is motivated purely by love of country and love of his fellow man.

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your comment made my day.

if we are digital warriors, or anons, or 'the news now', it's CRITICAL to recognize how our emotions have been and still potentially are manipulated, and to identify the real source of all the problems.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, insightful comment.

I think and important part of equipping ourselves in the information war involves modifying our expectations and hopes, to keep our emotions in check, while recognizing that there is a process involved here.

Curiously, the boys over at defected (including Patel Patriot) seem to be thinking that the DS will attempt to steal the election again, but that it will necessarily fail miserably, because no one will believe that Joe Biden got elected.

In 2020, the voter fraud and election rigging was obvious and clear, but people did not care enough. It didn't affect them. After 4 years of Joe Biden, it's different. People are directly affected by the inflation, the economics, the border stuff, etc.

DJT needs the public mandate in order to execute the justice and correction phase, and it's been building like a massive wave over the past several years.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Burning Bright goes in to this in detail, but identifies FIVE stages:







FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the more detailed info.

I noticed that the EO was one of Obama's. I've heard that Putin has been cleaning house of many of the oligarchs, but I really don't know much about it all.

Thanks again for the quality info.

FractalizingIron 5 points ago +5 / -0

I tend to agree.

I think the main concern I have is that emotional balance is really key to making progress in the Great Awakening. After one wakes up, one is exposed to more and more sources of information, many of them attempting to program one's thinking this way or that way. Reacting emotionally is certainly understandable, but its easy to convince oneself that one's emotional reaction is justified because of [.......].

I was thinking about the comments between me and u/catchlightning yesterday, and i realized this: the Cabal's fundamental strategy is divide and conquer. They sew division. They use any means, lies, half-truths, all sorts of manipulations, etc, in order to divide the people.

So when we get upset and angry towards people because they are ignorant or 'stupid' or asleep, and they don't wake up, does this bring us closer together - them and us - or does it divide us?

To unite with someone, you need to be able to empathize and understand their situation. Compassion unites, enmity divides.

During lockdowns, I was fuming against the aholes that were orchestrating the rape of my community and society, but I never blamed the irgorant and the asleep. I recognized them as victims. Sure, complicit enablers were partly responsible, including government, media, and those who perpetuated the nonsense, but it tore my heart up to see what it was doing to my fellow man, (especially the children) however ignorant they were.

The Cabal want us to hate the sheep and the asleep. It perpetuates their control over us. We should also realize that anyone who breaks through the conditioning was at some point unable to do so. In other words, many many people asleep now are potential awakeners.

That said, I realize that I assumed that Catch's anger was directed at the "ignorant retards" instead of literally what Catch wrote: that the length of time their awakening was taking is what pissed him/her off. So maybe I misunderstood.

Being angry that this is taking so much time is really just an extension of being angry against the perpetrators, so maybe I misread Catch or misapplied by own bias.

I do think, however, that how we respond and react is a key part of navigating the awakening process. To my mind, there is no external great awakening without an internet great awakening as well.

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