GeorgeMcPottyMouth 2 points ago +2 / -0

with all the up close camera angles capturing facial and body responses to each and every PRES and WIFE says something,maybe we'll all find out one day.

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 4 points ago +4 / -0

I always like the part when they open the door and she see's Jr sittin there,thats when she is a taken back a bit ,like startled and he man handles the demon into the van

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 2 points ago +2 / -0

only if a D is beside your name, if its an R ,your going to be indicted or silenced on something

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 2 points ago +2 / -0

A man walks into a bar and see's a beautiful Blonde sitting in the back corner in the dark ,he walks up and offers to buy her a drink and she accepts,they really hit it off all night and she says would you like to come to my place for a night cap and he reply's i would love to,she says meet me in the parking lot i have a black Peugeot,and he reply's I didn't think you were a Blonde.

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 1 point ago +1 / -0

Free Will, will get you places,including but not limited to Epstein Island,until it's brought to light ,then and only then it was against my Free Will,see how it works.

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 3 points ago +3 / -0

yeah it is,this might have just changed my mind on who's in control,with all the fuckery about ,i'm back and forth.

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 2 points ago +2 / -0

if i was Trump i would definitely put Bobb/Patel/Bannon/Navarro/Grennell/Gulianne/in the DOJ and others im forgetting

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 2 points ago +2 / -0

speaks a thousand words,RETRIBUTION is my name and were coming for you

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 5 points ago +5 / -0

another Brandon hit job,yeah i'm seeing the systematic destruction of our patriot conservative party is what ive been seeing ,and after their indicted threatened they just go away,thinking ,i just dont need this shit in my life ,and thats what the evil demon party does,the list is endless,

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 2 points ago +2 / -0

PSA -jAMES COMEY YOUR GASLIGHTING THE FACT that you did exactly what your claiming Trump will do ,it doesn't work that way,the facts are you and your co hearts and criminal tactics will be litigated and adjudicated as to the misuse of the law outright lying withholding exculpatory evidence to the FISA court and the act of a Conspiratorial take down of your political opponents including OAN news and all the conservatives on Social Media and in and around Donald Trump's Circle including breach of attorney client privilege's .This time there will be no Recusells from weak blackmailed AG's.you have 6months to lawyer up.

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 16 points ago +16 / -0

Uhhhmmm can i say i would be this motherfucker within an inch of his pathetic life,or is that not allowed. UHMMM YEAH I'LL SAY IT ,my dad fought in WW2. my oldest brother flew choppers in Nam.\my next to oldest brother flew choppers in Korea and was killed with 5 others on board ,YEAH I'LL SAY IT. DIE YOU POS,GET OFFA MY BEACH ,AND STOP BREATHING MY AIR. MAGA/MAFA.

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 3 points ago +3 / -0

good read thanks irishman

GeorgeMcPottyMouth 3 points ago +3 / -0

and this is why we've all felt sick for the last 3 1/2 years

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