HyperboreaShill -1 points ago +3 / -4

Cultism at its peak. Icke is censored in half of Europe and Australia. he also got banned on all social media. Russel Brand was never banned and was allowed to reach 7 M followers. Mark Passio was arrested and is shadowbanned. Max Igan's networks was nuked and his forum receives DDOS attacks.

see how works? you guys are cultists. I guess that I can't really blame you, too much aluminium in your brains alas.

HyperboreaShill 1 point ago +2 / -1

doesn't even watch

calls it stupid.

All he does is talk about the top of the iceberg, people waste hundreds of hours watching it and thinking that he really throws gas on the fire, while genuine people like Max Igan/ David Icke / Mark Passio get less exposure. Mark Passio went 100x deeper than Russel and has 1000x less followers. It's about you people watching shit instead of taking action in the end. that's the problem. Russel will never call for real action. never, just protests and barking. never a revolution. that's the real purpose of controlled OP btw.

HyperboreaShill 0 points ago +3 / -3

people didn't even watch it. Just as I said. 1 hour is too much for the mushy brain here. Should have been 20 seconds tiktok video, then maybe. what a sad world filled with ignorants. anybody who downvotes without even watch , you're part of the reason this world is the way it is.

HyperboreaShill -5 points ago +3 / -8

The great awakening of controlled opposition. I bet that people are going to complain, downvote, without even watching that video first, they will debunk it. based on the thumbnail alone. The great awakening of Q, just keep waiting, the government busted everybody's ass so much with deadly shots, but Trump and his zionist friends who control the banks will save the world. the salvation is just around the corner, just make sure you're not lifting a finger at all and they will come and save you, pinky promise they will mmkay?

edit: YUP. I was right. 100% another cultist community with cemented dogma. I have to be FBI cuz I dare to challenge the core belief of the hivemind. what a sad world.

HyperboreaShill 1 point ago +2 / -1

David Icke, Mark Passio, Max Igan. Ynow people who are actually banned and not allowed on YT.. but sure Russel Brand reached 7+ M but he is on your side. youtube just doesn't see him, they banned everybody but nor Russel. God you people are gullible children.

HyperboreaShill -5 points ago +2 / -7

this guy is controlled opposition. I have the truth. Please stop simping for him. He was married with Kety Perry, he, as Elon Musk , do not give a fuck about you.