Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

Welcome, I just looked up whether “hush payments” have ever been determined in court to be “campaign expenditures”. After the Democratic VP candidate Jonathan Edwards case, (United States v. John Edwards (2012), it still has not been established that they are expenditures that need to be reported. So I will add that case to my post. Better yet, I will review the J. Edwards situation around July, or whenever the Trump appeal gets made. FEC Federal Election Commission issues to research, and issues as to the persons who made the payments issue: the candidate, the candidate’s attorney, or donors, or donors who happened to be part of the campaign. Does a payment made by an attorney who is not part of the campaign team constitute an election donation?

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

Q post from time stamp 00:46 = BO and Uranium 1, and where is BO today? https://qalerts.app/?n=46 ____ 00:46 = 12:46 p.m. EDT, Q1246 reminds us of Saudi Arabia, removing nuclear threat from rogue nuclear states. WWG1WGA https://qalerts.app/?q=1246 ____ Mirror = 4612 DJT poster: “In reality they’re not after me they’re after you” https://qalerts.app/?q=4612

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thomas Jefferson attended church held in …. the Capitol! —inside the House of Representatives side. The difference between Thomas Jefferson and James Madison: T.J. rode his own horse to get to church, while the next president James Madison rode in a coach pulled by four horses. https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/religion/rel06-2.html____ Jefferson did not believe on miracles, he was a French Enlightenment enthusiast like Thomas Paine, so Jefferson was not exactly doing anything more than what was expected at the time, to show public respect to God.

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, I remember that too! It seems that is how marxist socialists operate, on lies.

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

thanks fren, and I agree it is important to watch for manipulation! especially when there’s border invasion, lawfare, election fraud past and present to deal with

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m not into promoting religion in public schools, and I think secular woke philosophy should be removed from public schools, and possibly there should not be public schools. Why can a state or county force you to pay for someone else’s education? Does anyone have the right to force you to pay taxes you disagree with?___ But to the point of constitutional law, the Lemon Test of 1973 is secularist “the law is what judges say the law is” Positivism in contrast to the Common Law and moral principles based on Christian religion. Lemon Test is secularist socialist elitist post-Scottish Rite judicial activism and Oliver Wendell Holmes group-think. It is not constitutional law as enacted by We the People. Behind the Lodge Door: Church, State and Freemasonry in America, Paul Fisher https://archive.org/details/Behind_The_Lodge_Door_Paul_A._Fisher. Just as Roe v. Wade was reversed, Louisiana is aiming for the heart of the beast, the philosophical center of the elitists and their imposition of secularist and Freemasonic New Age Luciferian philosophy upon America.

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

1st Amendment original meaning of Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Some States had official churches established and supported by taxes, some did and then dis-established them. The 1st Amendment has absolutely nothing at all to do with prohibiting states from promoting theism, having an established church, displaying the 10 Dabarym (Hebrew word is “Statements” or “Words”). Virginia was Episcopal but James Madison, not Congress, convinced the representatives of Virginia to dis-establish before the new Constitution and Bill of Rights. Massachusetts was Congregational until 1833. They, not secular and Scottish Rite judges, knew what the 1st Amendment meant, and still means today.. The Supreme Court did not tell Massachusetts what to do, their sentiment changed over the decades. Louisiana is aiming for the Supreme Court to stop telling them how to teach their children. This could be the end o fScottish Rite secularism and. New Age teaching and jurisprudence. Behind the Lodge Door:: Church, State and Freemasonry in America, Paul Fisher https://archive.org/details/Behind_The_Lodge_Door_Paul_A._Fisher

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Louisiana’s goal in this, and they could win, is a reversal of the ban on the display of the Ten Commandments, in similar fashion as Roe v. Wade was reversed: the 1973 Supreme Court erred and their mistake needed correction majority opinion in the Dobbs case reversing **Roe.*. As Mississippi won in Dobbs, Louisiana is not planning on ultimately losing. ____ Christianity is part of the common law — Justice of the Supreme Court Joseph Story https://www.classicapologetics.com/s/Story.AmJurist.1833.ComLaw.pdf

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

I tried to make a thread and upload a 700 year silver chart, but I could not upload. So supporting your post, here is another’s chart to check out: https://www.marketcalls.in/commodities/650-years-of-historical-silver-chart.html (click on chart to see extra details)____ Silver goes up and down depending upon supply and demand. Federal Reserve Notes are a distortion (they are not Dollars because a dollar defined in the 1792 Coinage Act set the dollar at 371 and 4/16 grains of pure silver https://www.usmint.gov/learn/history/historical-documents/coinage-act-of-april-2-1792). The gold to silver ratio shows how silver goes up and down in value, and versus products like a business suit, silver goes up and down. $3 for a business suit in 1929, or 3 silver dollars. Inflated cost of today’s money spent back then, it would have taken $41 in 1929, or 41 silver dollars. So about a 12x difference of how much 3 silver dollars could purchase back then compared to today. https://vintagedancer.com/1920s/advice-for-mens-1920s-clothing-plan/. Silver is going somewhere!

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

JP Morgan is custodian of approx. 675,000,000 ounces of silver = approx.$20 billion in value (here’s an article 2023 when JPM silver ETF held approx. 459 mill. oz. https://findbullionprices.com/blog/jpm-now-sole-custodian-of-slv-etf-holdings/#google_vignette ). Total global silver demand estimate 1.2 billion ounces in 2024 ( https://investinghaven.com/silver/silver-shortage-market-dynamics-2024/ ) Thoughts: as election 2020 fraud and chaos increases in markets and military scenarios around the world in the coming months, some of that silver gets taken by white hats and goes to Americans, revalued at a higher price, for the new American treasury and banking system.

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Peptides are a therapy that is used in Europe yet not widely known in the USA. L-Carnosine helps the heart, and Life Extension a good brand has a nice article on how the L- form helps the heart. I have used it for a few years ago, and my cardiologist said, “Brilliant”! https://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2011/1/carnosine-exceeding-scientific-expectations ____Some say this peptide is inefficient, but I find it has helped me a lot. I’m not vaxx injured, I have other environmental sensitivities, but a good cardiologist, regular, or functional cardiologist should be able to let you know whoch supplements can help. Life Extension also offers “Benfotiamine” = fat soluble B1 which helps the body clear viruses, and a doctor told a nutritionist I talk with that Benfotiamine is a necessity for clearing out viruses for people who drink coffee or other caffeine drinks and food.

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Senator Henry Clay anecdote: “Government is a trust, and the officers of government are trustees. And both the trust and the trustees are created for the benefit of the people”. May 16, 1829 speech he gave in Lexington, Kentucky.____ quote on page 400, and full speech begins page 399, Nile’s Weekly Register, Volume 36 https://books.google.co.ke/books?id=2MPsVx_KGwMC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q=Government%20is%20a%20trust&f=false

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

good post, here is repost of the one earlier, Judging Freedom show with guest who made the comment: Re: Zelensky, when his term runs out this coming Tuesday May 21: “After that, he’s just de facto, nonconstitutional leader”. —quote from Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, Columbia University Director for Sustainable Development on the Judging Freedom show with Judge Napolitano, May 15, 2024. at c. (18 minutes into the interview) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B37qz-r-eYs

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Theory by author David Lifton: JFK’s brain was switched out with the brain of a different person. Not established, but suggested by author / researcher David Lifton 1) https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/602499.Best_Evidence, 2) https://jfkfacts.substack.com/p/rip-david-lifton-investigator-of (I havenot subscribed yet to read this substack), 3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCiw2L0h3_0

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Steve Vaus is the voice singing at 9 min. 20 sec. marker, in case anybody is interested. Steve was snubbed at public events around late ‘90s as Clinton woke-ism took foothold and he was no longer invited to sing at sports events and was no longer played on radio, if I remember correctly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrNC3rUCcTQ and https://www.zdigital.com.au/artist/steve-vaus/release/voice-of-america?f=20%2C19%2C12%2C16%2C17%2C9%2C2

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

History question, was South Africa already integrating in hospital settings and some university settings before the 1986 U.S. sanctions? Dr. Stan Monteith, of Radio Liberty (1929-2014, radio archives lost, but here is his memorial: https://scmemorial.com/tribute/details/1292/Stanley-Monteith/obituary.html) — he taught orthopedic surgery in South A. and on radio he once said that South A. was already changing without sanctions. Can you confirm this, Purkiss80? (P.S. I had a South African kind and helpful friend in the early ‘90s, not sure if more British or Afrikaaner, her voice did not seem Afrikaaner sounding to me.).

Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +3 / -0

I like this topic, and there’s a lot of good thoughts and advice here. One thought is that 2k ounces could get you to 1 to 2 million in present day Federal Reserve Notes “USD” dollars. However, what will white hats do for restored real Dollars, replacing Federal Reserve Notes? When Nixon stopped inthe early 1970s the ability of other nations to get gold in exchange for our Federal Reserve Notes “USD” as payments for international trades, the “USD” dollar was no longer based on gold reserves and an ability to exchange and do trade for gold. We were given the “Petro Dollar”. And we had a lot of oil, and still do. So when we have in the near future our moment of Gold shall destroy FED (https://qalerts.app post 2619), then silver will tag along with the revalued gold. Then what do you do with the silver? Keep some, and put the rest to good use. The next White Hat president will utilize energy to do MAGA, so oil drilling, rigs, equipment, and whatever new tech comes our way could be the follow-up investments to roll some of your silver into. If property is way down, and stocks in transportation are way down, then buying them after a stock market crash and revaluation could be another idea. I would like to hear other ideas.

Malachi3vs16 5 points ago +5 / -0

upvoted, great delta post. — edit review suggestion, 6 year delta. (P.S. I like that the D5 is in this Q post!)

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some observations: 1) DEW weapons use, were they stopped? a. No. b. Who used them in California 2018, and Lahaina, Hawaii 2023: China, Russia, and / or the Deep State Shadow Government? I think the Shadow Government. c. Why did the military not stop this? Not all levels of the military acknowledge Trump as de jure President and CIC during this operation restore America. d. Derek J. and MonkeyWerx point out evidence that military at some levels understand Trump is the legitimate winner, but events tell us that not all military are active in protecting us. e. Congress recognized “the other guy” in January 2020, letting him be sworn in. f. Trump did not acknowledge “the other guy” but Trump’s 21 gun salute was made before 12:00 Noon during his 1st Term. 2. Exec. Orders 13912 and 13961 exist. Check, yes. 3. E.O. 13848 election interference, Director of National Intelligence report was late, and wrong. https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/ICA-declass-16MAR21.pdf. a. The military has it all? Yes, from the start. It’s a lot of work to unravel how the flow of voting fraud went back here into the Dominion machines from overseas. Likely that’s still being worked on, witnesses, confessions, and work still being done in the States as well as overseas. b. How did military intelligence about 2020 election interference info Not show an opinion that election interference led to a fraudulent result? (M.I. input is supposed to be part of the Natl. Intell. Council) 4. Strategic Forces (other than DEW malign operators) are the level where MonkeyWerx, Derek J., and Patel Patriot have it right, that in an emergency, if “the other guy”ordered a nuclear weapon use, they might reply: “No, sir”. (lower-case “s” in “sir” intentional)

Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +3 / -0

Actually, when I talked with him, it was very brief. At some alternative out of the mainstream conference, he stood up as a guest speaker and told the crowd that we needed to get our military asses out of Somalia. Some of the crowd stood up and left the conference room. I stayed and listened. (I knew right away that he was the right guy to join in with because 6 months earlier I had read a small report from ambassador at-large Robert Oakley who said that the mere threat of sending U.S. troops there brought all of the Somali warlords together, against us. No need to actually send troops in to stop their infighting.) Anyways, Bill was too impressive to me, I could not say much as I am kind of a shy, timid guy. But I was ready to learn. ___ CAJI, the last great project was a promotion by some Canadian CAJI members, whose friends produced “O Canada, the Movie”. It is a comedy expose how the banking system in Canada is a fraud, exactly as the Federal Reserve is a fraud. https://rumble.com/v2gor82-april-6-2023.html. I don’t think the producers were members, but could have been. Hour of the Time website is still there, but I have not written. I believe that CAJI members act locally and are involved in their own way, like here. Someday maybe there could be an official or unofficial reunion, but I think that is a few years away once America gets stabilized and headed in the right direction. I remember some of the guys men and women, and I am sure they are doing good things in their locations. Michelle who headed up the Oklahoma investigation sadly passed a couple of years after Bill. https://beholdamessenger.com is a good site for remembering him. At conferences, he was serious, imposing, and got my respect at all times. His volunteer assistants gave a lot. Sometime I would like to share the trust research, in a couple of years. It is not on topic at this point, but will be good for us to carry forward in the future.

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good thinking, this decision can encourage legislators everywhere to help protect property rights in all states. It takes citizens action, and property rights advocates to keep pressing forward and protecting rights.

Malachi3vs16 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thanks, yes, I regret that I did not find and talk with him before Waco mass murder, April 19, 1993. I heard of him around Feb. or March but did not find and talk with him until autumn, ‘93. Joined in. After his passing, I found others to volunteer with, but none were the same as Bill. I was not a buddy, nowhere near that, but what was important was being part of the team, like good people here being part of the team for Great Awakening. I am thankful for Mods and great researchers here.

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good question, some think the earth is literally about 6,000 years old and I was taught this in school. At university I was introduced to the idea of Genesis and 6 days being symbolic, what is time to God? Elohim is plural in Hebrew, is it one God who represents God’s-self indifferent ways, a Spirit, and when interacting on earth, as a Son? Or Is Elohim a family, 7 spirits of Elohim, I think mentioned in Proverbs, and 7 lampstands representing 7 spirits ofGod in Revelation? Anyways, perfectly legitimate to ask questions.

Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good thinking! One of my friends has a similar or same conclusion. He pointed out to me what happened with story of Solomon’s Temple: Phoenician builders were utilized, and King Hiram was involved. Solomon , 666 talents or some measurement of gold, introduction of foreign wives and foreign gods, and everything “went evil and downhill” from there.

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