MemeToDeath2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

...unable to speak or act...

Appears to be cover for something. Whole story about his health is fishy, imo. “Health issues” is #1 false narrative used by both sides to cover for “something else is really going on” (includes cancer which is 100% curable).

MemeToDeath2021 4 points ago +4 / -0

Battle over ‘17’ goes back to at least 1489 from what I can see (8+9=17), and 1489 appears to be marker for full takeover of power by New World Order from Old World Order. Note 1989 GHWB NWO speeches (‘89 being used as marker, most likely for 100 year cabal operationsl plans; see events of 1889, 1789, 1689, 1589). Contrast with positive events (whitehats or equiv?) of 1517, 1617, 1717, 1817, 1917, 2017.

‘34’ is used as “double divine” (2x17) to Trump the illuminati/freemason ‘33’ (3x11); Traceable back 1700s? Note Trump’s 34 “felonies”.

Battle over ‘11’ appears to go back to Roman days, but I suspect it is traceable back to Egyptians and Babylonia (9-11, 911 emergency).

3-6-9 numerology comes from hidden knowledge related to frequency and vibrational composition of our reality (see Tesla). Probably in music scales as well.

MemeToDeath2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

God created ALL, therefore natural LAW, eventually LAWF, applies. Natural living man + woman have sovereign ownership over Land, Air, Water, and Fire (LAWF), but our sovereignty has been usurped from us by dead, fictitious, and unnatural (demonic?) entities called Corporations (root word ‘corpus’). There is a direct line between God and natural LAW, as recognized by our Founders. No God = No LAW.

MemeToDeath2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

He may have been flipped to play a role in the Great Awakening/Q Movie. His resemblance to the “Durham” we have seen publicly is uncanny. REAL Durham is suspected to be deceased (CT, ~2015), and Sidney Powell (SP) may be the “legal brain” behind much of “Durham’s recent legal work”. Note SP code name may be “DURHAM” as she is from Durham, NC.

MemeToDeath2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

Those appear to be the historical meanings attached to those numbers. Mathematics describes what God created and is obvious evidence of a Creator of this reality of some kind. Satanists use their numerology and symbolism to mock God and all those that recognize His presence.

Moviemakers integrate the numbers into release dates, etc. as signal to throw it back in their (satanists) face or show their allegiance. This is also seen in music album and single release dates going back into 1960s. Luciferians believe it and follow it even if we do not. “Symbolism will be their downfall”. They cannot help themselves.

MemeToDeath2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

Where energy is extracted from the air, or ether (per Tesla) it gets confused because the electromagnetic energy is invisible and thought incorrectly to be the same as air rather than energy overlaid on all four other elements, including air.

Note that electrostat balloons tethered ~100’ above land surface with energy capture “antennae” can pull the electric potential out and send it to the ground via copper wires (Tesla tower variation). It appears to be ~120V per meter of altitude at sea level. So 30 ft tower gives you about 1200V, 100’ balloon gives you around 4000V.

MemeToDeath2021 6 points ago +6 / -0

Lots of little details hidden (easter eggs) if you watch carefully. Note release date 5-7-97 and 127 minutes in length. 5+7+9+7=28 (4 x 7, 7 is divine number) and 1+2+7=10 (God himself).


10+7 = 17 (God+divine#). Cabal uses “11” to imply that Lucifer is “above God”

Movie was released into 1994-2000 mini-awakening time period that also included “soft disclosure” movie ‘The Matrix’ (1999) and numerous others. Here are some movie soft disclosure decodes including the 1994-99 time period: https://greatawakening.win/p/15IEOTmSjA/repost-call-for-research-during-/

MemeToDeath2021 8 points ago +8 / -0

Over-the-top performance creates the character contrast needed to emphasize Bruce Willis’ “cool under pressure” character attributes. It is an intentional plot device and quite brilliantly acted, imo. Lots of very good (by crazy) acting in this movie, including Zorg.

MemeToDeath2021 5 points ago +5 / -0

Correct. Air & Aether are sometimes grouped as one. Holy Spirit, Jesus, Christianity, Divine Presence are all versions of the Fifth Element. Absence of the Fifth Element allows evil to flourish unchecked, resulting in destruction by “Fire & Brimstone” (allegory of the movie).

Land, Air, Water = LAW = Natural LAW = Land Patents, Trusts, Maritime (Commerce/trade) = State Sovereignty (usurped), Vatican “spirit/aether” Control, London Banker Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).

Note Fire (energy) currently does NOT have its own full legal system, but crypto/Bitcoin/blockchain rules + human labor/energy as self-custody property appear to be getting built out (to end slavery and human trafficking once and for all). LAW will become LAWF at some point.

Fire, 4th Element, is weapon of evil and destruction without 5th Element. With 5th, it represents warmth, energy, and nurturing essential for life. Soil (earth), atmosphere (air), moisture (water), and heat (fire) all essential in order to get plant AND animal seeds and embryos to germinate into physical reality (4) and implanted with the Divine Spirit of God (1); [4+1=5 elements of LIFE].

MemeToDeath2021 16 points ago +16 / -0

Soon...busy trying to neutralize (non lethal) several attacks on me by corrupt and criminal retards without getting myself killed.

MemeToDeath2021 35 points ago +35 / -0

It is a double sabotage play. CCP infiltrated and started sabotaging from within around 2010. Obvious CCP saboteurs brought in as executives and managers and pushed 737-MAX “revision” over cleansheet design favored by engineering that would have been 30 years ahead of most advanced Chinese design.

They infiltrated to both 1. Steal technology from both commercial and military sides of biz, and 2. To sabotage existing products to drive down stock price, make money on short position, AND buy up shares through several CCP financial entities in attempt to control a majority of shares. If they can’t fully sabotage the company, then they just take control of it. Check Sequoia Capital holdings. That is one of several CCP entities.

MemeToDeath2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

They will cry regardless like a petulant child not getting his way: https://greatawakening.win/p/17t1MewlJk/welcome-to-2024-and-the-great-aw/c/

Just need immunity rollback now to “qualified” from “absolute”, and then all precedents set to publicly remove all Deep State players.

MemeToDeath2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

'What's a mook?' Mean Streets (1973): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xl0f5TZBeY

Time for a "re-mook" of this movie? Or did we just see it?

MemeToDeath2021 5 points ago +5 / -0

Updated 10:53 PM EDT, Thu May 30, 2024; "Trump found guilty in hush money trial": https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/30/politics/donald-trump-hush-money-trial-verdict/index.html

Not only is Trump the first former president to be found guilty of a felony, he’s also the first major-party presidential nominee to be convicted of a crime in the midst of a campaign for the White House. And if he defeats President Joe Biden in November, he will be the first sitting president in history to be a convicted felon.

MemeToDeath2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Updated 10:53 PM EDT, Thu May 30, 2024; "Trump found guilty in hush money trial": https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/30/politics/donald-trump-hush-money-trial-verdict/index.html

Not only is Trump the first former president to be found guilty of a felony, he’s also the first major-party presidential nominee to be convicted of a crime in the midst of a campaign for the White House. And if he defeats President Joe Biden in November, he will be the first sitting president in history to be a convicted felon.

MemeToDeath2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

May 29, 2024 | 12:53pm; "Trump says De Niro ‘got MAGAed’ outside Manhattan courthouse during ‘hush money’ trial": https://nypost.com/video/trump-says-de-niro-got-magaed-outside-the-courthouse-during-hush-money-trial/

mook n. ˈmük slang : a foolish, insignificant, or contemptible person


28MAY2024; " ‘F*ck You’: Crowd Shouts Down Robert De Niro Outside New York Courthouse": https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/05/28/fck-you-crowd-shouts-down-robert-de-niro-outside-new-york-courthouse/

De Niro’s speech was part of a Biden campaign stunt to capitalize on the lawfare waged against the former president.

De Niro took the podium to audible anger from the surrounding crowd. Instead of reading his remarks, De Niro appeared to respond to the crowd’s frustration over his partisan remarks.

MemeToDeath2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

fyi...Consolidated Audit Trail is part of the SEC tightening the noose on the manipulators. It goes active tomorrow 5-31-24: https://www.finra.org/rules-guidance/key-topics/consolidated-audit-trail-cat

Comment from u/noquo89 from https://greatawakening.win/p/17tKiuwqqQ/exactly-one-day-from-now-marks-1/

The "Consolidated Audit Trail" goes live tomorrow as well. Many in the GME world over at Superstonk see this as a big moment, and I find it very coincidental it is happening on the same day as this unix epoch clock moment you've pointed out, OP. All of it still requires the SEC and DOJ to take action, which we all know won't happen, but it is still very important in the grand scheme of things.

For those that don't know, the CAT going live signifies that any trade will have its CAT CAIS event (trade) and FDID (broker id), customer id, timestamp, security id information time stamp accurate and synchronized down to within 50 milliseconds. This essentially means all trades, including naked shorts, must be reported to the FIS reporting system, or it will be sent to the SEC for reporting to the DOJ.

"This comprehensive database collects and accurately identifies every order, cancellation, modification, and trade execution across all U.S. markets, allowing for more efficient and accurate tracking of trading activity. This significantly enhances market oversight by providing regulators with a comprehensive and real-time view of trading activity across U.S. markets." - Microsoft Co-Pilot.

Essentially, bad actors in the stock market have been able to hide from enforcement groups due to a lack of synchronized data they can take their time to forge and manipulate over time, since before this system, it's been up to the SEC to take their word at face value. This system creates a database where all trades, and anything that happens with these trades, are recorded within milliseconds of any action (creation, editing, completion, cancellation, etc.). They no longer control the data, and that to me can turn into something interesting real quick. Let's see what happens!

MemeToDeath2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

Correction. It was Trump, not Q. Sauce:

Wednesday 01 December 2021 21:47 GMT; " ‘Something will happen, I presume’ — Trump appears to predict Chinese action against Taiwan after Olympics": https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-taiwan-china-olympics-farage-b1968008.html

It wasn't going to happen, what they're doing now ... wait till after the Olympics, I assume, and perhaps something will happen.

-DJT (2021)

Media assumed it was about 2022 Olympics, but it likely was referring to 2024 Olympics in Paris which conclude on August 11, 2024: https://olympics.com/en/paris-2024/schedule

Here are all the Q drops with August date to look for post 8-11 clues: https://qagg.news/?q=%7BD+08%2F%2F%7D&page=1

MemeToDeath2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

Holding shares at transfer agent in “book” constricts manipulators’ ability to manipulate as SEC slowly tightens “trading rules” being exploited. These two things plus a debt dollar liquidity crisis created by 1. High interest rates (controlled FedRes under Treasury as of 3-27-20), 2. Reduction in bank overnight lending and QE (as of 4-14-24), 3. Silver over $50 (July 2024?), 4. Bitcoin moving over $100k+ (Sep 2024?), and 5. A sudden drop in Big 6 by 50% (Oct 2024?) will create margin calls that force short covering.

All 3 levers moved simultaneously as we are seeing breaks “the plumbing” of the current stock market simulation until it goes haywire and stops functioning as elites intend.

MemeToDeath2021 4 points ago +7 / -3

What is Taiwan? Land stolen from Japan under coercion and then used as a base of globalist operations to control globalist faction of CCP running “cartel fiefdoms” of Hong Kong, Macau, and mainland China since its inception.

What will Taiwan be in the future? Either an independent sovereign state of Federal Japan or Federal China (similar to US sovereign states with their own Governor and General Assembly or equivalent). It could become protectorate of Japan temporarily during a transition to Federal China state.

China “invasion” of Taiwan on the schedule for later this summer after Paris Olympics per Q drop. Japan may “liberate” Taiwan temporarily from China (per new laws 2023-4 freeing Japanese military from US Deep State control) to take control of chips away from globalists prior to handoff back to Xi and his nationalist CCP faction.

MemeToDeath2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly. This is why they were preventing "price discovery" because a "mark to market" at $5k per share back in 2021 would have forced liquidation of nearly all hedge funds and banks with margin calls.

MemeToDeath2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

It depends on how many actual fake shares have been created and over what time period hedgefunds attempt to close their short positions with REAL acquired shares. There were likely ~1 billion fake shares in 2021 by my estimation. There are likely 4-5 billion fake shares now (based on daily selling volume price suppression). So theoretically, a month-long squeeze (MOASS) could send it temporarily over $100,000 per share which would be >$20T market cap, larger than the whole rest of the market combined. If all the hedgies are forced to cover (due to margin calls) all at once, then a $1,000,000 per share price could happen (>$200T market cap, larger than most of the world's stock markets combined).

I suspect we will see a squeeze in October (week of 10-13-24?) when many of the Big 6 likely will crash. It appears that a squeeze can be triggered by a major liquidity crisis that is likely to be generated if the Big 6 crash 50%. The Big 6 are being used as cash cows and the equity is being borrowed against (by hedge funds, banks, et. al) to continue the market manipulation (including silver and probably Bitcoin suppression).

There may be multiple squeezes (beyond October 2024) as banks and hedge funds attempt to survive by striking private deals with GameStop to get shares (this appears to have happened twice already with latest 45M share sale, $933M, rumored to be sold to UBS to help them close a short position inherited from Credit Suisse when they went bankrupt). GameStop can keep selling shares at higher and higher prices until they have enough cash to buyup the whole market (theoretically).

MemeToDeath2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good point. Looks like GME is after that as well as Nordstrom (JWN) to build out their retail ecosystem. GME may assist Nordstrom family taking the company private and/or buy a significant (majority?) stake in it. Note that JWN also has officially >20% of its float shorted and hedgefunds are making the price artificially low for the Nordstrom family to buy up all the shares. Unclear how this affects all the fake shares being used to short the stock.

MemeToDeath2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

Previously, I looked at Price/Sales ratio for GME investing all cashflow in new assets and came up with a non-MOASS "reasonable price" of $59/share. This is based on comparison to what Amazon was doing during its growth phase of re-investing all cashflow. Note that GME just added $933M in cash after sale of more shares and now has ~$2B in cash earning 5% interest per year ($100M in profit from doing nothing).

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