Slechta5614 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed. Been a busy couple weeks for me and not quite sure how best we can move the project forward currently

Slechta5614 5 points ago +5 / -0

Pride months begins today. Rainbows will be everywhere. We should turn Pride months into Prayer month.


Let's all spend this month praying for those lost deep in Pride and help spread the Power of Prayer.

Help us spread the word

Slechta5614 4 points ago +4 / -0

She is not a fed. I have talked with her on the phone and voice chat and had her on my podcast.

Slechta5614 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hey fren I'm a little confused what all this is saying. Can you dumb it down for a fren

God bless

Slechta5614 3 points ago +3 / -0

Awesome dude. I'm praying in time I can get him on Prayer Garden podcast and dive deeper into his Christian testimony. Could use some prayer that God opens doors

Slechta5614 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am aware of the major communities here and how they function and who uses them. I agree that that mindset is not good. However many of them are just dealing with misguided anger. It doesn't excuse the behavior but it does help humanize them so we can feel for them during there pain and hopefully God will allow us to help change hearts. We can't just give up on all of them. They are not the enemy.

I'm a little confused still though. Based of what you just said I don't understand how what you are doing isn't censorship. The standard here is illegal stuff they block and then they allow each community to do what they want. It's about creating a place where free speech and truth can come out together. Without someone's hands on the scale...truth will win out. We win in love though. WWG1WGA

Slechta5614 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah I'm glad he did as well.

Man I would absolutely love to interview Trump and here his Christian testimony.

Slechta5614 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh thays weird it works on my end. Thanks for the working link bro!!!

Slechta5614 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think God is also building you up. Kinda like boot camp. He allows us to go through things because It grows us. Maybe it's as simpl as him wanting you to change your mindset on the struggle. I know the struggle is very hard so I don't wanna belittle your pain. The pain slowly turns into growth which deep down is a blessing.

Yes mk ultra is no joke. It's not easy chains to break but it most definitely is possible

Slechta5614 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah it's rough without having support group irl. Is there a church near by that you might be able to form some fellowship from.

Often times things of our past can be linked to these type of attacks. I would encourage you to pray(or keep praying) over any item that might be inviting evil things in.

I don't have some fix all answer fren but I am here for you. Feel free to reach out whenever if you need a fren to talk to.

Slechta5614 1 point ago +1 / -0

It does take some time to learn and can be frustrating. However I promise it's a worthwhile skill. Especially in these deep topics that people are emotionally attached to. Language is a funny thing. Plus our heart often shines through our words and people pick up on that. It's not about masking truth rather it's about speaking to people from a deep place that reaches them.

Have a blessed day. Much love

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