TaogTaov 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think she is maybe 2 more plastic surgeries away from being the current gruesome looking madonna’s new twin. She’s clearly been operating on reduced adrenochrome sessions.

TaogTaov 15 points ago +15 / -0

By zuker-berg…..you mean…....darpa……and saying darpa……. you mean mossad…….and by mossad……you mean masonic khazarian mafia…..and by that you mean the roth-bergs 😀

TaogTaov 3 points ago +3 / -0

They meant to say “Swinger”states……not swing states …...cause she’s known to drop 10 sets of her keys in every fishbowl !!😀

TaogTaov 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is probably a tunnel from one of les wexners’ properties directly to the gov’s mansion.

TaogTaov 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ukranian drones …………. that have a little sticker that says “Assembled in the USA with parts from China”😀

TaogTaov 2 points ago +2 / -0

Roger that - just my way of reminding all that they changed his name to ‘Corny’ in the archived docs. so it doesn’t come up when you search ‘Comy’.

TaogTaov 6 points ago +6 / -0

That dude is just…………. well……how can I say it????…………”Corny”!……😀

TaogTaov 19 points ago +19 / -0

That thing did not age well….

TaogTaov 2 points ago +2 / -0

“” See goyis……..fair-est election evah….””

But seriously, let’s hope it is a step in the right direction

TaogTaov 2 points ago +2 / -0

The BIG soft landing is in play now - no way out so they have to let out the truth little by little while nothing happens to those who are culpable.

Chris ‘camaro dui wreckin’ Coumo was one of the nightly ringleaders of the farce for Pete’s sake.

TaogTaov 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah - pretty cool. There are some other things in his memes that look connected.

Really hope it’s not some kind of financial austin-stien-larp😀.

TaogTaov 1 point ago +1 / -0

Google image search: “ jean michel basquiat ellen degeneres “

Some think ellen and jmb ties into “wilson” volleyball too: which ties into f-drip.

Interesting that one of her jmb acquired paintings looks to have “rip q++” at the bottom - don’t recall if I had seen that before.

TaogTaov 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think Australia is the model for round 2.

A willing police force along with division techniques.

The non-jabbers have to be made to look like crazies while many middle and upper class people line up for their shots in order to continue their daily lives while looking down on the ‘crazies’.

Just one example of the division at play: coerced by gov’t / media complex.

My takeaway from what I saw from Aussie videos etc.

It won’t play well in a lot of places, however it will be effective in others - major-metro.

TaogTaov 3 points ago +3 / -0

This has a twofold benefit to the-dregs, in that it will provide a pretext for enforcement while allowing our officials, local........on up to FJB, to deflect accountability to an untouchable entity (WHO).

Very dangerous territory now. Unfortunately, I think the general public will comply once the daily cases and death tolls start being counted and 24-7 TV/Paper fear-porn ramps up.

With his recent statements RE:’bird-flu’ it looks like DJT may be setting himself up as the leader of the resistance. He will have to make it (resistance) about more than just the election though (I think).....

TaogTaov 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think the real crime / conspiracy is the TAX on each and every step of this process of “getting a pineapple to the store and selling it”. Layer upon layer of taxes......

TaogTaov 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, to me “high tech electronic warfare jammers, trackers” indicates expensive and, or military grade components, none of which the Sheriff indicated. But that’s just me reading into it.

These guys may well be sophisticated para-military. Just my hunch they aren’t, and they are just thugs taking advantage of cheap electronics that are readily available. Not sure though.

Not sure it matters - shit needs to be brought to a stop - like now. Good on the Sheriff for communication, when does Nat. Guard step in?

It is alarming - and will likely get worse before better. These tactics will likely spread quickly.

TaogTaov 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think the headline might be misleading. The items the Sheriff listed are all pretty cheap - gps tag, trail cams, drones etc. Jammers can be had on the cheap too.

Few hundo...... Hell, what if they got a 2 k debit card for coming over.

Maybe well organized and funded but maybe not.... I’m leaning towards not. I think it is a bunch of clever punks whose methods spread easily these days. They get a drone, look for entry points, and see if anyone is home before they hit a house. Then post it on social media for others to see as they flash their ill gotten goods.

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