This is the obviously (to us) PART of the macrocosm, but soft-skulled sometimes need kiddie chews with warm milk.

I have intentionally been downplaying the ‘heavier’ truths about the system in my red-pill efforts. I have discovered a teflon-coated red-pill … “The biggest reason Hollywood and rich Democrat types, and ESPECIALLY RINOs are terrified of Trump getting elected is that he will take away their corrupt protection from TAX CHEATING AND INSIDER TRADING”. 100% of them stop and think about it. Even brain dead normies know those fuckheads cheat on their taxes and steal money from us through government grift. Then you hit them with the explanation of the ‘projection’ attacks … FOR SOME FUCKED UP REASON, that is what resonates with them.



FRENS!!! Give us your TOP 3 fantasy draft picks for Moderator of the next (if any) Presidential Debate.


First off .. YES, shameless datefagging ensues … but please hear me out …

The Continuing resolution runs out on 17 November.

Then comes:


10 Days.


Stay with me Anons … Q posted “DARNKESS” in post 97. K and N are switched. K is 11th Letter. Switched with N. November is the 11th month (duh).

Q was asked in a QnA: “ 10 days. darkness … WHEN?”

Q answered “SHUTDOWN

On 17 November, the govt will SHUTDOWN. Cant approve a new budget or CR without a SOTH. Need the shutdown to “turn off” the deepstate mechanisms. I bet you the kabuki theater in Congress right now is to make for sure the resolution runs out. On the SEVENTEENTH (theres that number again!) the govt shuts down.

On the 27th of November we emerge from DARK to LIGHT

Prayer request … 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by farpointpatriot ago by farpointpatriot

I never do this, but if you find a few seconds in your day this week, please throw out a quick prayer for our Lineman crews headed to Florida. My youngest boy runs a crew headed down right now. These guys go all over the country helping turn folks lights back on, and we dont really worry too much. HOWEVER, I HATE when he has to go to Florida. Every single time there is a Florida storm, some poor out of state Line crew member gets ambushed by one of those big ass pythons. I made sure he has a big ass machete and a glock40 in his bucket truck before he left last night.


I apologize for another SOF post but I have to share this. The wife and I have sort of made a hobby this week of watching the advanced ticket sales for SOF versus the other movies at our local BIG 12 screen theater. FOR SATURDAY SOF has out sold EVERY MOVIE COMBINED!!!! … INCLUDING THE NEW MISSION IMPOSSIBLE.




This morning I had an awesome text exchange with my band of “awake-brothers”. It was too interesting not to share. Here is the Cliffs notes version: Over the last several months our guy Tucker C has been firing massive red-pills about all the shit no one else in “main-stream media” will. Ukraine, Vaccine fukery, China, Biden crime shit, … you name it. Its almost as if he has been TRYING to get fired. He interviews MUSK, then TRUMP! Same week. WHO DOES THAT??? The absolute King of the Truth Tellers. Sure enough, FIRED (or maybe more appropriately phyzered). Now, the single most popular “News” personality is a ‘Free Agent’ (sort of). OK, so he likely has a non-compete clause if some kind. As some have pointed out here, “social media” does not likely fall into that non-grata (I wish I could recall which genius anon here pointed that out … fuk. Credit to you fren, not me). NOW, TC is rearming his red-pill artillery cannon on Twitter. Remember people clowning Elon about over paying for Twitter? When Tucker, OKeefe, and all the REAL journos are reporting fromTwitter, with HUNDREDS of millions across the globe ‘tuning in’, what kind of value would Twitter then have? What would it be valued at FINANCIALLY, with that kind of Ad reach? Elon could take Twitter 2.0 public (make it a publicly traded company again) and in less than 48 hours get back 3 times what he paid for it.

Enjoy your daily thought grenade. 🤣


Q post 1328. “SKY EVENT” post

5 year Delta tomorrow. ALSO tomorrow, James Comer claims they are going to unleash a flood of evidence against the crime family Biden.

Comers district is Southern Kentucky counties. Southern Kentucky. SKY. “SKY Event” tomorrow.

Coincidence maybe? Maybe not. Then again, I recall something about “no coincidences”. Yeah, who knows.


Trump posts the DATE of his ‘arrest’ and for supporters to ‘protest’.

#1. He knows we know better. He knows, we know. He ALSO knows the FEDTARDS are gonna swing at that pitch. They are gonna fill the NY city streets with Fedbois and Antifafags. Just like they did on J6. If you don't know already … STAY THE FUCK AWAY. ‘White hats are gonna be out in force photographing every last one of those piece of shit Communist fukwads.

#2. You can legally say pretty much any despicable thing about a public official … UNTIL they become an ACTUAL defendant in a ACTUAL criminal case. The MINUTE the retards in the MSM (90% of them) call Trump a ‘criminal’, or ‘guilty’, or any other stupid shit while he is under indictment … when he is exonerated … they are liable for slander, obstruction, all other manner or libtard legal dumbfukery (think Kyle Rittenhouse). The DAMAGES will be in the many many many Billions. Its not a stretch to say he could literally bankrupt several of them.

5D Chess moves that will be talked about and studied 2000 years from now.


OK FRENS … this post is for those of us that still enjoy ‘Sportsball’. YES … I know they are woketards. NFL, PGA, NBA, MLB, NHL … ALL OF IT. Still, for some of us its a chance to have fun times with our young adult kids. Tonight something happened that shook even my libtard kids (lawyers and doctors) without me having to say a fucking word!!!

In the AFC Playoff game, at the end, the ‘NFL officiating was so horribly one sided that ALL of them were questioning the validity.

By the end, even the “woketards” were questioning how the fuk it was so obviously rigged. Right now, as I type this, they are furiously questioning what happened.

They are blowing up my messenger, asking Pops (me, the conspiracy theory, gun nut, anti-vax, nut job) what happened. Im radio silent.

Im watching them REDPILL THEMSELVES IN REAL TIME 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🥳🥳🥳🏆🏆🏆🏆


OK FRENS … this post is for those of us that still enjoy ‘Sportsball’. YES … I know they are woketards. NFL, PGA, NBA, MLB, NHL … ALL OF IT. Still, for some of us its a chance to have fun times with our young adult kids. Tonight something happened that shook even my libtard kids (lawyers and doctors) without me having to say a fucking word!!!

In the AFC Playoff game, at the end, the ‘NFL officiating was so horribly one sided that ALL of them were questioning the validity.

By the end, even the “woketards” were questioning how the fuk it was so obviously rigged. Right now, as I type this, they are furiously questioning what happened.

They are blowing up my messenger, asking Pops (me, the conspiracy theory, gun nut, anti-vax, nut job) what happened. Im radio silent.

Im watching them REDPILL THEMSELVES IN REAL TIME 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🥳🥳🥳🏆🏆🏆🏆


I have been monitoring all the ‘conservative’ media outlets since 7am and noting all the narratives. They ALL nest under the emerging ‘PRIMARY NARRATIVE” that is currently emerging as of 1:30pm EST. New Narrative: “The reason for the “failed Red Wave” is because of ‘muh-Trump’”.

They are building the case for patriots to DROP TRUMP, in favor of DeSantis, or whoever they opt to coronate.

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