shoelessjoetara 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thought, the indictments and conviction were supposed to keep him out of the White House? Why are they still scared of him?

shoelessjoetara 2 points ago +2 / -0

Something tells me, Trump was expecting something like this and told everyone to give anything requested. We now see the corruption even more from the other side and precedent has been set. Trump is setting traps to allow the same to be done when he returns!! NCSWIC!!!

shoelessjoetara 4 points ago +4 / -0

Why is it so hard to understand that voter ID, paper ballots and hand counts is the only way to stop cheating, I mean get the right count of votes? Let the counting take two days if necessary, but have all parties represented for the counts. There are ways of doing this where our elections are actually SECURE!! Pedo Joe did not receive 81 million votes.

shoelessjoetara 5 points ago +5 / -0

For anyone to say that nothing is happening, take a moment to realize what is actually going on in today’s everyday news cycle. Trump, a former president and Republican nominee, is under investigation by his political opponents DOJ. Say that once more to let that sink in. It’s unheard of especially in our country. Nothing like this has ever happened. There is a reason that this has been allowed to take place. It’s because the other side is corrupt and has been allowed to get away with their corruption for so long. Now we have seen with our own eyes the hypocrisy like never before. They claimed Russia stole the election in 2020, they rioted and protested, burned buildings and ruined businesses. They tried to overtake the White House in 2020 before the election. None of those that accused Russia are in jail, none of those rioters are in prison and none of those insurrectionists are in prison. But, the left has hypocrocised our government and made it seem normalized. We can’t let it stand. Covid was used to help steal our election and the corrupt government didn’t care the cost! Our border has been left open on purpose to help steal another election, while we pay for free healthcare, free housing free schooling and free food to come here illegally, while we help pay for another countries border in Ukraine. Time for everyone to see what is happening and realize this is all part of a plan laid out by Q. We needed to wake the masses and show them how bad it will be under corrupt government. The ending will be the grandest of all.

shoelessjoetara 1 point ago +1 / -0

By lashing out like this, President Trump is causing them to make constant mistakes that they do not realize. Election interference only wakes up the masses every time he says it. It’s a mistake to make him defend himself. Their mistakes is his truth! We are all seeing the hypocrisy of the left and the two tiered Justice system!!

shoelessjoetara 3 points ago +3 / -0

Never thought the day would come, that I would be sort of ok with another country seizing our assets, just to stick it to our corrupt government. We shouldn’t be involved in this Ukrainian debacle but our elected officials have stabbed us in the back and there is no other way to handle this, than to fight fire with fire. Wish Republicans fought like this instead of bending over to the democrats.

shoelessjoetara 1 point ago +1 / -0

Put him in general population. The rest will be taken care of by the rest of the population with him!!

shoelessjoetara 2 points ago +2 / -0

All he is doing is trying to use is the sympathy card that nobody has for him. Look at the amount of people at that gathering of lies. Doing what he is trying to do won’t persuade any votes. He is only trying to keep the ones he may still have.

shoelessjoetara 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is there report or video of him saying this? If he did, the bastard should be hung!!

shoelessjoetara 6 points ago +6 / -0

Who knew that lying about your political rivals, to the American public, to remain in power would have backlash? Treasonous scum!!

shoelessjoetara 8 points ago +8 / -0

If they would only state facts instead of opinions that lead to defamation, people would listen to the MSM. The lies they have told and shit they have tried to make people believe, has consequences. People are sick and tired of the bullshit.

shoelessjoetara 3 points ago +3 / -0

God Bless her. President DJT is the one who got me to believe that our government was as corrupt as I think it is now. His relentless pursuit of taking down the swamp has personally given me the attitude to stand up for what I believe in.

shoelessjoetara 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not a dime of that money will be paid. This will backfire on those involved in this ridiculous scam. Trump will appeal and counter sue everyone involved for defamation.

shoelessjoetara 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t think it matters who they run. It’s the deepstate that will be outed. If it’s Michelle, lots of info will come out about Obama. She will not have the support they think she will have. They also have another little problem that could expose all of the deepstate, Kamala. She ain’t going anywhere without a fight. Outside of California, Newsome is hated. They need a candidate that can handle Trump and that ain’t any of those three..

shoelessjoetara 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wasn’t about saving any of those elections. People needed to wake up and see corruption for themselves. It will get worse before November. Trump is holding all the cards. We want Biden as the nominee. Trust the plan.

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