sueanon2017 1 point ago +1 / -0

yes & shows they haven't read the Q drops...I miss how we used to really analyze the drops, now people seem to ignore them.

sueanon2017 1 point ago +1 / -0

thanks for explaining this/saved me some time:)

I thought this was Q 101... especially after the meme with the troll in an ocean of blood?

sueanon2017 1 point ago +1 / -0

yep we All have to add knowledge, it's a group project, and the teacher is actually paying attention:)

there are many times I question whether I should share things, but then I remind myself that Q put the crumbs there for a reason, and we each have a niche to work from.

sueanon2017 2 points ago +2 / -0

ruh roh;)

No wonder you're a bit confused...a laptop or some way to read multiple images would help. but some people prefer not to use them. keep asking though, sure the technology frens will have answers.

sueanon2017 2 points ago +2 / -0

another good way, and I think helps get the big picture, is to search by Q catchphrases...God Wins, read the Bible, Trust the Plan, etc. it will fill in the themes & then the individual drops make more sense.

sueanon2017 1 point ago +1 / -0

agree, and have thought many times how to make a proper Q study guide, aimed at 5th grade level. I find that's a good meeting spot for important information. make it too complicated and they shut down. And if smart people want to move on, they have an understanding they can easily share.

sueanon2017 1 point ago +1 / -0

yes, you will not advance if you hold onto close minded ways, so it's a good thing that you're willing to study:)

Q is also about efficiency. hence the use of memes. Q Always uses time & info for the biggest bang, so work smarter not harder; we try not to bog down the board with the basics, might be why they said something. people weren't so friendly about it on Voat...

not very efficient for us to keep reiterating the obvious, everyone has to leave ego aside & Study Moar...

would be like a teacher having to continuously repeat math facts because the students don't 'believe' in them. shows that the students haven't been paying attention...

sueanon2017 2 points ago +2 / -0

yes he's going a great job of showing the disparity, instead of DJT doing it all. almost like it was planned...


sueanon2017 2 points ago +2 / -0

yesterday I would have replied with a simple agreement...

Today I say run for the hills! they're not even real/worth thinking about😱

just got back from the ER, needed a simple blood test & it was insane the bubble they're all in.

told the doctor I didn't believe in Covid...that was a big mistake!! surprised they didn't kick me out, but I finally got the test and my thyroid medicine; the One thing I don't like to go without.

sueanon2017 1 point ago +1 / -0

great post!! thanks for sharing all of this as I've been thinking a lot about 'thinking', and what are Thoughts are doing to our experience here...

they're using our own power/Loosh, & the game only continues as long as people are tricked. hence why we have the Comfy Pepe meme; That is how we win...calmness starves the demons😎

sueanon2017 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hopefully you don't mean my situation...

because that would mean you didn't read my post and know little to nothing about student loan forgiveness programs for teachers.

they've been around for a long time, and good teachers can meet criteria to qualify, but they have to be smart enough to understand qualifications. similar to Trump using tax laws to his advantage.

...I had a job that 99% of teachers didn't want, so 20 years ago when I signed my SPED loans, they said I would possibly qualify for loan forgiveness if I PAID on time for 10 years, and worked in a job for 10 years that NO ONE else wanted. sucks for the people that aren't strong enough to take such jobs, but not my issue.

sueanon2017 1 point ago +2 / -1

is there any paperwork you have to fill out?

I actually got All of my loans forgiven before such a thing was thought of, but I Always knew there would be relief as college is Stupid expensive.

I was a teacher in a job No one wanted, so I received forgiveness from Nelnet, they were in Lincoln NE, and I sent the required proof & a few months later, poof, they were gone:)

I have a lot of college credits, so I was definitely fortunate, but I also had a difficult career, so I consider the loans like an addition to salary since my job was undesirable😄

sueanon2017 2 points ago +2 / -0

think Elon is saying they're Not fully human...and that's what the dilemma is.

Gnostics called such beings Hylics...no potential for light, they have no spark.

sueanon2017 1 point ago +1 / -0

agree, and I know I sound like a broken record, but George Washington IS the Father of our country and he envisioned us all having our own land where we could prosper.

sueanon2017 0 points ago +1 / -1

YES this is it^ too many vessels, not enough sparks to inhabit them.

think about the GG as if it was written by someone who knew we were being infiltrated in such a way, will make more sense.

then watch Dark Clouds over Elberton & learn about Herbert Kersten (from fort Dodge Iowa) and his views on population.

Then realize that both JFK & Trump have visited FD (not much there)

Trump had a rally at Kersten's High School; how many coincidences...

sueanon2017 2 points ago +2 / -0

good one:) & keep digging, LOTS of Facts related to Mt. R.

Q is So Big they carved clues in the side of a mountain!

hope you guys really look into this one/then meet me there for the 4th of July🇺🇸🎉

example; the distance to Crazy Horse...


sueanon2017 4 points ago +4 / -0

good reminder, and the font brings back the 70s, when rainbows were still rainbows. had these colors on Everything! 🐸

sueanon2017 1 point ago +1 / -0

agree, she's No beauty queen. but do you remember her from the 90s, I always thought she was a pretty lady back then, wonder what happened😄👾

sueanon2017 2 points ago +3 / -1

good one! AND I was just talking about the 2 theme with Q in another comment yesterday 🇺🇸

there's a lot once you start looking; twins, 11, etc.

quick example; JFK Jr. attended a "two-day" conference on how to start a Magazine...🐸

sueanon2017 2 points ago +2 / -0

Q said they have it All, so I believe they're in total control and that's why this is So amazing, they're 'showing' us; walking is through the crimes, so this doesn't happen again.

Q is like the older sibling, explaining how to not get bullied by the devil...

the WH are the actors Q has assigned for the task.

remember Q said we just 'forgot how to play'...

sueanon2017 1 point ago +1 / -0

JB is a deep undercover spy for the WH. read about espionage & you'll see there are various types, levels of spies. JFK Jr. even dedicated an issue to Spying, Elizabeth Hurley is on the cover. And George Washington was a master spy.

JB was BFF with Teddy Kennedy for Decades, birds of a feather...And there are many people who can say JB rode the train everyday for many years, so When was the mastermind carrying out his evil plans?

I think he road the train to communicate with WHs about his 'evil' role, and share info.

I'm kind of dismayed that more people don't know about his background, but then again, I'm an old teacher, I might notice things others don't.

but it is All right there if people just look. read his history, watch his old interviews and read his tone and body language.

sueanon2017 2 points ago +2 / -0

yep I think they're bots. have started seeing them as Roombas😄 even imagine they have a picture of their faces taped to a vacuum. makes it much easier to ignore them....

sueanon2017 2 points ago +2 / -0

must be in the ether, because the 'stupidest normie I know' just told FB he has covid again🙄

he also makes poop jokes & follows Taylor Swift, sooooo....

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