posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +36 / -2

We all remember how it started. The news media did a little piece on a mysterious ilness in Wuhan China…

But as usual, they over-played their hand too early, over-hyped the pandemic, with images of Chinese people flopping like a pro soccer player…

And then the story snowballed everyday until the vaccine police were at your doorstep.

Many of us are already aware that the so-called “cold war” was a hoax, with the usual suspects controlling both sides of the fake war.

This means that the average Russian person is NOT an enemy of America, or Americans,

And because Russia is a Christian nation, it is more likely that the averae Russian is a good friend of America and Americans.

Russians lived thru Bolshevik communism.

Christians were the victims of mass holocaust done BY the Jews

But we only hear about the fake holocaust supposedly done by Christians to Jews

They accuse you of what they themselves are guilty of.

However, just because the average Russian person isn’t an enemy, doesnt necessarily mean the Russian government isn’t an enemy.

We remember how it started… the news media did a little piece on how Russian troops were gathering at the Russia-Ukraine border, preparing for an invasion.

But as usual, they over-played their hand, and over-hyped the invasion, with images of death and destruction.

And how long has this supposed invasion gone on?

And why hasn’t Russia advanced into Kiev, the historic CAPITAL OF RUSSIA?

Yes thats right, Kiev was once the capital of Russia!

And many so-called Ukranians speak Russian language, and are in-fact of Russian descent.

Recently, Vladimir Putin did an interview with Tucker Carlson, where Putin explained the history of Ukraine, which was created by a Bolshevik revolutionary.

So basically, if Russia wanted to invade Ukraine, and annex the land back into Russia, they would be well within their rights.

So… WHY… hasn’t Russia just completely taken over Ukraine, and annexed it back into their own historic territory?

Because the invasion is fake, thats why.

There is no invasion.

How long did it take for US military to take over Iraq?

And that was half way around the world.

Ukraine is on Russias doorstep, so the logistics are much easier.

They have been supposedly locked in this stale-mate for years now, while the US Government sends $BILLIONS and $BILLIONS to fund this endless “war”?

And for what?

Does the average American care if Ukraine is annexed by Russia?

The average American, after seeing what the Bidens, et al were doing in Ukraine with Burisma et al, would probably just as soon see this corrupt Ukranian government removed from power, given a speedy trial, and put in prison.

Biden was so concerned about corruption that he flew to Ukraine to get a prosecutor fired…

Lets clean up Ukraine, by folding it back in with Russia.

And then theres the fake war going on in Israel-Palestine

Obviously started with a false flag, attributed to “hamas”, a known mossad proxy.

Israel, in typical fashion, cries out in pain, as he strikes you.

It now appears certain that the entire fake war was pretext to completely destroy the city of Gaza, and every other Palestinian stronghold, under the false pretext of “fighting hamas” who just happens to be operating out of hospitals, factories, schools, houses… Israel picks a civilian target claims “hamas” is operating there, and destroy it.

Women and children too. Hamas operatives probably.

What will the end result be?

The Palestinians will not be able to live in Gaza, or any other city, because the infrastructure is destroyed.

So the Palestinians will become “refugees”, and the farther they move away from Palestine, the less likely they or their kids will be able to move back.

They get a one-way ticket to USA,

And then YOU, the hard-working American, Christian taxpayer…

Will be expected to fund this refugee relocation.

Recently, someone said that Christians need to stand up, and pretty soon the police were at their door…

maybe we should find out the origin and purpose of this policy of government not tolerating this specific statement

hand-made original content,

made just for you, reader of great awakening









