posted ago by RandomNumber ago by RandomNumber +13 / -0

Gen Z's Gender Stalemate | Young men and women are increasingly divided


...Strikingly, however, the divide between young men and women is greater in the richest Western economies with more egalitarian histories. ...

... Still, the trends described by The Economist, which have been replicated in other surveys, reveal a deep and ominous mistrust between the sexes. Figuring out dating and marriage norms that acknowledge contemporary women’s interests and achievements while also respecting men’s has proved immensely thorny; we’re probably not going to discover answers for such a problem soon.

The article goes on to mention mistrust and exasperation on the part of both men and women with respect to each other.

There is a distinct lack of respect and trust--without which a marriage bond simply cannot be formed. You can't marry someone you don't trust and don't respect.

How did THAT arise?

The leftist/progressives who want to cull the population benefit from declining marriage and birth rates and, lo and behold, they happen to be the ones controlling pop culture, pop psychology, social clubs like (Boy) Scouts and (Girl) Guides, and the school curriculum.

The left create and nurture that distrust and disrespect when they highlight to one sex all the bad points of the other; "see, you don't want to get involved with THAT do you?"

Would love to see some statistics on the political differences between young men and women who were home schooled or who went to private schools vs. those who went through the public system. My hypothesis is that "divide" would be minimal or zero in those environments as they do not foster the same level of distrust and disrespect of the other sex.