2FBIAgents1Cup 3 points ago +4 / -1

I live in Grand Rapids, MI. My Red Flag was a story that broke PV style (might have been them) exposing the news media running a story at Cherry St. Health complex, where all the "volunteers" to get the jab were all employees in their cars.....

2FBIAgents1Cup 3 points ago +3 / -0

Funny thing is on March 2, Tedros held a press conference saying that cases around the globe were 9x higher than those in China....

How does that happen if it originated there?

Look into the 2019 Military Olympic Games. I think the soldiers were purposefully infected with a flu virus of excessive virulency and made the Patient Zeros.....

2FBIAgents1Cup 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just a hypothetical.... What if its both? Killing people with the shot controls the rate of loss and eases disposal so that the catastrophies are not overwhelming?

Also.... What if Trump was read into this scenario and thats why he still brags about Warpspeed?

And we knew that the airlines had been cowed into doing the bidding of the government. With the bailout, they become a government entity. Without much doubt, these acts of transportation sabotage are meant to destroy the populace's confidence. Once earnings tank, they will get another payday.....

2FBIAgents1Cup 6 points ago +6 / -0

His Rumble is "Iamjohncullen"

There was a podcast series called "Web of Deception", where he details the backstory that set the Seth Rich murder in motion.

Also he has investigated the Vegas shooting to great extent....

2FBIAgents1Cup 2 points ago +2 / -0

I remember that show on Quest on the weekends. Made me sick.....

2FBIAgents1Cup 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can't handle Robin Bullock..... He is way to boisterous

2FBIAgents1Cup 16 points ago +16 / -0

Stupid twats are still chasing around a barbie doll icon.....

Women....grow up........

2FBIAgents1Cup 3 points ago +3 / -0

You forgot to include that Musk's father is the owner of diamond mines, he bought and sold Paypal, and does not own Tesla. TeslaCorp has 85-95 inside majority owners....

2FBIAgents1Cup 2 points ago +2 / -0

Doin' tha CCP Slide!!!

2FBIAgents1Cup 3 points ago +3 / -0

I didnt know about that either. Thanks for that. Super interesting that they used Virginia soil...

2FBIAgents1Cup 2 points ago +2 / -0

You forgot:

  1. Explosions in the tunnels in dc
  2. Malaysia 370
  3. Paul Pelosi's female passenger in car crash
  4. Biolabs in Ukraine
  5. Anne Heche crash
  6. Evergreen freighter run aground
  7. Real Chauvin/Floyd connection
  8. Seth Rich
  9. Clinton/Lynch tarmac meeting
  10. Explosion at James Yoo's home/ employee at Global Crossing Etc.
2FBIAgents1Cup 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just did the easy part, fren......

This guy runs three sites, his name is Noah.




2FBIAgents1Cup 1 point ago +1 / -0

You say "our" like we would be so desperate for attention that "we" would have a facebook account (contract)

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