45ichooseu 1 point ago +1 / -0

....or a bunch of derka derka imported cells taking action Nationwide, which is compounded by widespread unrest from illegal imports, BLM, and antifa.

45ichooseu 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sure, you can pull that off for the common thug. They won't be able to pull that off for some massive and widespread coordinated action by these groups.

45ichooseu 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think the remake of (call of duty) Modern Warfare wasn't as much a game as it was predictive programming. I think there are cells waiting for the go codes to unleash multiple strikes.

45ichooseu 3 points ago +3 / -0

What if we need to get off of an "energy based" currency because "free/zero point energy" exists? Getting off such a currency eliminates the need to restrict future tech at the patent office in the name of national security. I think we're going to see major leaps in tech after we switch currency.

45ichooseu 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same here! I'm unusually tired all the time and also started having problems with low level birds running into windows routinely. This has never happened before.

45ichooseu 1 point ago +1 / -0

The OP posts variations of the same theme periodically in GA. Always about MJ12 and aliens and "how we're higher dimensional beings". The OP posts links to the "majestic 12 messages of disclosure". I got intrigued enough to delve into it, and there are so many plot holes and contradictions that it can't be anything more than a disinformation campaign to discredit Q.

All of the following are alleged to be real at the same time in the MJ12 documents 1) Jesus and Christianity/abrahamic regions isn't real (we're all beings of light energy made by aliens), 2) but also Jesus actually is real and learned to ascend to the 7th dimension (whatever that means), 3) even though Jesus isn't real but also is real as a 7th dimensional being, Trump worships Jesus and the aliens want to give him a gold UFO to thank him for his service in ridding the earth of the evil reptilian aliens. 4) Satan isn't real, it's just aliens that want to eat us, torture us, have sex with us, and harvest our energy and adrenochrome. 5) everything "evil" is described as satanic endlessly throughout the text, which makes no sense if abrahamic religion isn't real. Whomever wrote the MJ12 larp clearly intended to distract from the Q problems posts by associating the truth alongside absurdity.

Interestingly enough Q specifically flagged the MJ12 posts as information warfare. That's exactly what it is. It distracts from Q with nonsense. I genuinely can't tell if the OP genuinely believes this stuff and he's spreading his "gospel" or if he is a provocateur of disinfo as Q described.

45ichooseu 1 point ago +2 / -1

I love that this whole plot is so easy to figure out, as the op wrote it so simply and eloquently. Posts just like this are becoming so common online that I sense a certain country will be losing it's grasp on the world soon.

45ichooseu 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm honestly surprised this got down voted for such a simple play on words. 😂 that kinda thing is generally liked by the 🐸 people.

45ichooseu 1 point ago +1 / -0

Y'all need to watch the X Files episode called "tales of a cigarette smoking man". Chris Carter clearly was fed DS info for this episode detailing both the JFK and MLK assassinations.

45ichooseu 3 points ago +3 / -0

These things, plus video games, "minority" criminals, vaccines, and other environmental toxins together got us where we're at. For me, it was the dindus.

45ichooseu 4 points ago +4 / -0

If open war ever occurred, I agree with you. Female privilege would land emerald a mattress elsewhere, just like all the Ukrainian females.

45ichooseu 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm a bit tired of emeralds rants and lectures "talking down" to us. We're aware of the situation. Getting lectured to like this from someone who'd never pick up a rifle in a million years it as absurd as it is annoying. You first emerald. We're waiting. If things ever do kick off, emerald will play armchair quarterback from the safety of some rich man's mansion.

45ichooseu 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whatever happened to that poor trucker that discovered he was hauling fake ballots and they stole his trailer? Did he ever recover the trailer? I hope so cuz it took a lot of guts to stand up like he did.

45ichooseu 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ballsack eyes is truly the greatest nickname for that guy.

45ichooseu 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, the dnc changed their bylaws. The nominee can be replaced after the convention by dropping out "for health reasons". Once out, the super delegates can select a replacement.

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