67SOS 8 points ago +8 / -0

I continuously get miffed by Hurari (sp?) calling people “useless eaters”. Seems to me that people whose job is to do nothing but prattle at WEF meeting and the ilk are the true “useless eaters”. They contribute nothing to a good society.

Kinda as bad as the term “boots on the ground”. I never heard a term that dehumanizes us military people more. It clearly shows that the MSM and the elites don’t count us as human beings.

67SOS 2 points ago +2 / -0

Actually, Communism is not totalitarian. True communism is an un-achievable utopia. I did my thesis on it back in the 70’s. I am not a communist.

True communism is where everyone works for the collective. No leaders. People work for the good of the community.

The problem with true communism is ambition and greed. These lead to leaders who are then corrupted with power, and the communism is gone, and totalitarianism takes over.

So, you can understand why communism tickles the ears of the ignorant who think things will get better, only to see it’s far worse as they are lined up against a wall.

Fascism is definitely bad, but not truly comparable to communism. China a totalitarian nation pretending to be communist.

67SOS -1 points ago +1 / -2

No one should want to see those pics. That’s for the courts to see and deal with. Makes me wonder why someone needs to even see them, except to prosecute the creeps.

67SOS 8 points ago +8 / -0

Screen shot, and make the clown into a sticker.

67SOS 1 point ago +1 / -0

Still, it would be a good idea on a Lucid, because it has a separate battery to supply power to things like the entertainment system. And a solar panel would work great for that.

67SOS 3 points ago +3 / -0

More proof that Utahn is a blue state pretending to be a red state. All the Californians that have moved into Salt Lake County have contaminated the state. Sad when we have a governor that has to tell us his pronouns, and our schools harbor groomers and perverts.

Can’t wait to move out of the state.

67SOS 2 points ago +2 / -0

Any book that is scanned has misspellings until all feedback from readers gets corrected. Scanning is notoriously inaccurate.

67SOS 4 points ago +4 / -0

Is the new “deadlier” pandemic a cover for the mass deaths from the injections? Then, maybe, the people on the fence about the injections the previous time, will get them for this one and millions/billions more will die in a few years after that or sooner. Fits the 2030 time line?

67SOS 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dox the doxers…

67SOS 5 points ago +5 / -0

With all the information being posted, it seems the facts are off a bit. Easter comes from Easter, the Goddess of fertility. Thus, bunnies and eggs.

The adoption was originally by the early church to draw in followers of Ester. Best to read up on the histories of the “old gods”. Ester comes from Ashtart, Isis, etc…. The Watchers of old.

Just like the Christmas Tree came from the Druid’s and their winter solstice celebrations. I think it was Jeremiah that cautioned us not to decorate a tree. I’d have to look it up to be sure. I’m really old, so I will let you younger types correct me or agree with me.

I was told, but have never found reference that Sunday was changed from Sabbath Saturday to bring in the sun worshipers.

Kinda like today’s churches hugging up to the LGBTLMNOP crowd. They are organizations pent on sucking money out of the populace.

Find a true fundamentalist church that sticks to the Bible, but, understand, there are historical documents from the time of the old and new testaments that offer insight to what the Bible teaches. They are NOT scripture, but they offer information for the understanding things that don’t seem to make sense.

67SOS 4 points ago +4 / -0

I am trying to figure out why certain terms are used here. Like the term “dasting”. I can find no definition for it anywhere. And then things like “plane fags” or “pedes”. Is there a reason for this? I am trying to figure out if this is some code or something.

67SOS 9 points ago +9 / -0

It appears One America News Network is down.

67SOS 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kellogg’s was founded by a Seventh Day Adventist. They advocate a vegetarian diet. It’s not DS. Just a Christian religion.

67SOS 1 point ago +1 / -0

That must be a new thing. I bet all the gang members don’t have to…😂

67SOS 4 points ago +4 / -0

I worked in Jewelry. We set all our watches to approximately 10:10.

67SOS 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have read the article. Interesting. Make no mistake what I mean by patting them on the head. I mean that in a way to make them feel important while dismissing them as mislead.

It seems that, with the anonymity of the internet, (which is not anonymous at all with all the three letter tracking), people can say whatever they want in a condescending manner.

I do it occasionally.

But, as an oath keeper, I protect the right to free speech. Doesn’t mean I have to agree with it, but I tend to not stress over people with other opinions.

If the opinion is uninformed, then the pat on the head.

67SOS 2 points ago +2 / -0

Quantum mechanics? A change only occurs when we look at it?

67SOS 4 points ago +4 / -0

Freedom of speech. Let them post, pat them on the head and walk on.

67SOS 1 point ago +1 / -0

Deficit spending is taxing our kids and grandkids. Why has no one sued on behalf of them for taxation without representation?

67SOS 1 point ago +1 / -0

TV Land posts a disclaimer before shows such as Gunsmoke that warns, “Outdated cultural displays, parental guidance suggested”. Them says the views don’t reflect the station’s.

67SOS 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, people who have been on the Guard are trained to keep their knees unlocked. But, after long standing, some people’s minds wander and they instinctively lock their knees. That’s when even seasoned Guardsmen mess up. I have actually seen a guy fall asleep standing up and not fall down. As the Commander, I had to subtly wake them up. Usually, for super long winded political speeches, I would snap around and do an “inspection” walk to each member and insure they were okay. If a member was stressed, I would have them do an individual fall out movement and go back stage. Then they would come back after a free minutes. We made it look as professional as possible.

67SOS 3 points ago +3 / -0

I absolutely hate Moloch, Baphomet, and all the other false gods. The fallen angels who have wreaked so much damage, division, human sacrifice (to include abortions), etc.. Do I hate the Satanists? Nope. Christ told me to pray for them. How can you pray for the salvation of someone you hate? So Love everyone and pray for everyone. But, as the Old Testament says, tear down the false idols and high places of the false gods.

67SOS 3 points ago +3 / -0

Original name for Palestine was Philistia, home of the Philistines and territory of the giants and Ba’al. He wants it back.

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