AmericanVictory 3 points ago +3 / -0

US: "NO, Your Dishonor! YOU should know better than to preside with your head firmly implanted up your Biden in OUR courtroom."

"Now make like a DeNiro and go fornicate with yourself."

AmericanVictory 3 points ago +3 / -0

What a putz. Does this moron actually believe his own BS, or is Soros wearing him like a sock puppet?

YES, the current "government" will cease to exist. THAT IS THE WHOLE IDEA, numbnuts! geez . . .

AmericanVictory 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sounds good to me! Just got back to WA from Indy. G is on her way to SD.

There areots of places like that up here!

AmericanVictory 2 points ago +2 / -0

. . . "Committed suicide . . ."

Oh -- uh huh. GOzt it.

AmericanVictory 3 points ago +3 / -0

Typo forgiven -- the proper spelling is CNN " wankers."

Yer welcome, fren! Kek

AmericanVictory 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, Jerry Jewis. We are just anti-traitorous and gluttonous pig Nazi globalist asshole.

For you Jerry "Gravyman" Ladler, hold the "Nazi" I guess. Now eat another ham and choke on it. Can't wait until your arteries peacefully protest against your slobbering appetite.

AmericanVictory 8 points ago +8 / -0

No doubt the Storm is well upon us. We are indelibly changed already. My how bright and shiny we'll be on the way out!

God help us. Bring about the Last Trump!

AmericanVictory 4 points ago +4 / -0

Just makes ya want to slap the libtard out of these idiots, doesn't it?

" I don't LIKE that so you can't SAY it, SHOW it or DO it!"

Raised by media and "education" indoctrination -- nice job, "parents."

AmericanVictory 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm all for a mass refusal to pay the machine that treats our money like flash paper to foreign governments and launders it back into their own pockets.

AmericanVictory 2 points ago +2 / -0

OOOH . . . "Anonymous". What a crime it is to sorak tge truth without revealing yourself to the morons who would happy send their goons to assust in your "apparent suicide."

AmericanVictory 2 points ago +2 / -0

. . . not to mention destruction of hoardes of food processing plants, the reported euthanization of "diseased" cows and chicken - which I believe ended up in DUMB freezers . . .

This operation is in full swing.

AmericanVictory 1 point ago +1 / -0

. . . So then it's not a "movement" at ALL, IS it Ocifer Numbnuts?

Sounds like a conspiracy to brainwash the masses through anti-Semitic propaganda and commit rampant vandalism, to me.

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