BasedCitizen 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have ZERO faith in men. Men will fail you.

Thank you for being a shining example, with this deep dig into the 2000+ pages that were dropped.

BasedCitizen 9 points ago +9 / -0

General Flynn has weighed in and believes it is legit.


From the above tweet, in reply to one of Leaf's dump posts:

Sheriff Dar Leaf is a constitutional sheriff up in Michigan. This letter (and attachments) to @Jim_Jordan is a very serious set of allegations about election fraud perpetrated from overseas as well as pressure from State of Michigan officials.

This needs far wider distribution in the world of citizen journalism. If we want to win this, we are going to have to get the word out about these cases of election fraud that disenfranchise every single legal American citizen.

Pray the members of Congress do as the Sheriff is asking and stop all engines and investigate this alleged but very serious crime against our nation.

@SpeakerJohnson @GOP @elonmusk

@TuckerCarlson you should interview this sheriff.

BasedCitizen 8 points ago +8 / -0

Appreciate it.

This whole thing seems to focus around Serbia. The accusations that Sheriff Leaf makes is that votes were remotely altered from actors within Serbia. reading through some of the dumps, there are a ton of log files and what looks like service tickets and they are full of what look to my American eyes, Serbian names.

BasedCitizen 19 points ago +19 / -0

According to one of the leaked emails, Goran Obradovic, VP Engineering and GM of Europe, was very concerned about this Serbian news article:


Interestingly, he sent the email to a Political PR firm called Hamilton Place Strategies. Assuming to help wash the truth away. It is a located in DC (of course) and was started by Tony Fratto, who was the Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Press Secretary to President George W. Bush from September 2006 to January 2009.

Obradovic was concerned about the accusations against Dominion. I don't see anything wild and assuming the issue was they were too close to the truth.

Unrelated to the above, the article also contained this interesting clip:

Everything that America faces, the Serbs were the first to pass the nineties, twice. We know Soros ' methods very well, and we have been a victim of this global criminal network for over 30 years. The American people would have to look at our experience, because they are in great danger. The plan is clear. They will try to steal the election, if they fail, they will go to the demolition on the street. If that doesn't work, and they can't install the government they want, the United States will be torn apart, and some federal states will declare independence from the United States. Americans will need a lot of courage, wisdom and confidence in Trump and in themselves, otherwise the fate of the Serbs of the 1990s awaits them."

BasedCitizen 14 points ago +14 / -0

Letter to Jim Jordon, March 17, 2024 in what I believe is explaining the content of the drops:

Dear Congressman Jordan,

My office is investigating criminal acts related to elections in Barry County, the State of Michigan, and the United States. I am in possession of evidence involving voting machines. Additionally, I have recently received a subpoena from Prosecutor D.J. Hilson of Muskegon County for my file. D.J. Hilson worked with the Michigan Attorney General to bury the Muskegon fraud investigation that was initially reported by the Muskegon local clerk. Not one person was charged related to the Muskegon fraud despite confessions, and physical evidence. Considering this, I am going to provide portions of my file to Congress for immediate review and investigation.

My office has come into possession of evidence that foreign nationals have accessed electronic voting machines in Michigan and other states. This evidence demonstrates that electronic voting machines and electronic election systems used for elections in Michigan and throughout the United States are not secure and an immediate investigation is needed by Congress.


I have evidence in my file of Serbian foreign nationals entering our election system while the votes were being counted, and prior to certification. The election vendor, Dominion, hired these Serbian employees and disclosed in emails that they are not able to provide backgrounds on these individuals due to law in Serbia. It has only been a mere 25 years since conflict involving Serbia. Therefore, the United States has allowed a scenario where potentially Serbian military criminals are running our elections and remotely entering our election equipment.

I am investigating the role that some individuals inside the United States have played in conspiring with these foreign nationals, and who have even directed and instructed them to access and interfere with electronic voting machines and electronic voting systems during past elections, including the November 2020 election. Multiple false assurances from state and federal agencies, and private companies that our elections were secure and not compromised through remote network access or otherwise. Moreover, I have evidence that U.S. Dominion and its affiliates (Dominion) instructed its employees to alter or otherwise falsify the integrity of the software and hardware in its voting machines and systems to attain certification by the Election Assistance Commission (EAC), even when they knew that the systems could not be properly verified and certified. Additionally, I have evidence that the voting machines and systems are vulnerable to alteration and manipulation, i.e., interference, by the use of thumb drives and external devices that


can be surreptitiously connected to voting machines before, during, and after elections.

As a result of this information, my office is also investigating conspiracy crimes, wire services fraud, honest services fraud, and perjury charges, among other criminal acts. The perjury charges stems from assurances by Dominion’s CEO during sworn testimony before the Michigan Legislature that its voting machines and voting systems could not be accessed or connected to by outside networks and sources, and that it was a “US based company.”

As I now have evidence that our election equipment is not secure and because election voting machines prevent transparency, and vendors have more oversight and authority to have them examined than the officials that are charged with the constitutional duty to insure our elections are secure, transparent, and fulfill our promise to each and every American that their votes will count, and will be properly tabulated, and not diluted, deleted or otherwise altered, I am presenting you with this letter and an initial tranche of this evidence so that you will review it, and be compelled to investigate this matter and call those responsible for this breach of our Constitution to give testimony concerning these criminal acts and breach of our national security. These matters impact not only us here in the State of Michigan, but every citizen voter in the country who relies on the Constitution’s promise that each legal registered citizen voter should have one vote, and that vote should correctly reflect his or her will and choice.


As a constitutional officer, my duties are defined by my oath of office, the Constitution, the statutes governing my office, and those powers at common law that were recognized as being attached to my position. In light of this evidence, I am suggesting that every election official consider an emergency back-up plan for upcoming elections to prepare to verify all ballots and voters, and to hand count actual paper ballots at the end of elections to confirm the accuracy of the vote, the voters, and that our election machines are working properly. There is no harm in confirming results to ensure that the will of the people is reflected.

Thank you, in advance, for your prompt attention to this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or would like additional information concerning my investigation. As it stands, I have no faith in the federal institutions that allowed this garbage in the first place therefore, I am attaching unredacted documents for your review. More importantly, for review by the American people. This should allow for Congress to issue subpoenas in an expedited fashion. I look forward to Congress working for the American people, and quickly addressing these election security problems while I pursue the criminal investigation with sheriffs across the country.

Sincerely, /s/ Dar Leaf Barry County Sheriff Dar Leaf

BasedCitizen 6 points ago +7 / -1

GMONEY is the real deal. If you want a primer or additional reading, here are some of his profound deep digs on Q, Pepe, and BTC. Its all connected.

You have probably heard of a 'Rare Pepe'. Its not just a cool Pepe meme. It refers to Pepe NFT's that were embedded into BTC. You can view them here.

This irrefutably ties particular Pepe images to specific dates and times. Why is this important? Because anonymous people were dropping some serious hints of things to come. Most notably, IMO, is this Rare Pepe. It is a Trump Pepe card that pays homage to Q. ...oh, and it was created on 08/31/17, a full 58 days before the first Q drop. Think about that for a minute.

This just scratches the surface, now go down the rabbit hole:


BasedCitizen 12 points ago +12 / -0

Chansley does a great job of providing a red pill interpretation of the deep state. Worth a listen.

BasedCitizen 5 points ago +5 / -0

I just asked Grok these questions and it does not confirm. Note that the X user does not show their original question.

Me: “Based on a available information, is the United States operating under a continuity of government plan?”

Grok: “According to the information available, there is no direct evidence to confirm that the United States is currently operating under a continuity of government plan. However, it is worth noting that the Federal Continuity Directives (FCDs) are in place to ensure the continuity of government operations in the event of a crisis or emergency. These directives provide guidance for federal agencies to maintain essential functions and services during such situations.”

Also, you can get Grok to say anything.

BasedCitizen 8 points ago +9 / -1

Yes, lots of different evil factions in WWII. Far from a black and white situation.

BasedCitizen 80 points ago +80 / -0

I once heard Pepe say, "Never seek to prove a point. That is how narratives are made. Instead, seek to find the truth. For in the finding of truth, the point will reveal itself."


BasedCitizen 1 point ago +1 / -0

I embrace it.

MAGA is going no where. We are locked in. All these feeble attempts are just clearing the field for us.

BasedCitizen 6 points ago +6 / -0

Its live. He is just not on yet, due to shit for brains running slow.

EDIT [10:39]: He is on.

BasedCitizen 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m not in a place to watch, but is this really BLM as a whole or a local or individual thing?

Several months ago, the BLM leader of Rhode Island came out in support for J6’rs. But it wasn’t BLM as a whole.

Just curious the case here if anyone could articulate.

Edit: Just watched it. Mark Fisher is the guy. He’s been on board for a while. Which is good. Always take the win. Just note that he is only the head of a single chapter.

BasedCitizen 10 points ago +10 / -0

Some 'light' reading by TechnoFog on the decision, while you wait.


I mean 9 to 0. So easy, even a gender confused DEI justice can do it.

BasedCitizen [M] 11 points ago +11 / -0

A deep dig on how to do a deep dig. We appreciate your work. 👌🐸

BasedCitizen 0 points ago +4 / -4

DEW is a generic category. Nothing more. Your lot is implying space lasers by saying they are firing lasers (DEW's) from space to set entire towns on fire. You are right though, it sounds dumb.

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