FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for your reply, Starts. I'm glad that you feel drawn to trust in God's word, but I would also caution, our own understanding of God's word is not what is key, but God's understanding, and to tune in to that, we need to connect directly to God through prayer and the holy spirit; through a relationship. That then becomes the prism through which to understand scripture from his perspective.

I guess I would encourage anyone to build a connection with God so that one trust more in God than simply God's word. The word is the doorway, but the room we must enter is that connection with God. When we rely on him, tangibly, in the course of our day to day lives, then the greater the sense of trust and security and peace we experience.

I trust that as things move forward, God will reveal to us more and more who he trusts, and what he wants done. With that expectation, we can move forward in optimism even if we recognize that we don't know all or everything.

FractalizingIron 9 points ago +11 / -2

Correct. But none of that is true.

Trump is not in charge. The government has partly been devolved, restricting the power of the administration to limit the damage. This is not "just to blame the other guy", but was necessary because the American people did not understand and any other action Trump took would have failed. He needs the public mandate. No escaping that.

His hands were tied, given the position and power still carried by the Cabal. So he did what he could do: devolve the government, batten the hatches, and slowly lead the Cabal into the place where they execute their own self-destruction.

The 2 admin, 3 admin? thing is not saying he's in power. He's giving a wink and a nod to devolution.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a terrible title for the OP to use in his post, too. Just cementing the misrepresentation....

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

A few points. Firstly, well done in attempting to look at the issue from different angles.

Secondly, let's realize that the concept of "cult" has been weaponized in the same way that "conspiracy theory' was weaponized by the CIA. The concept of "a cult" in it's modern usage was created and mainstream during the same period in the 1960's. It has been used to demonize any fringe religious group or thinking that the establishment, including the Church establishment, wanted to denigrate or sideline, by associating them with something like the Jim Jones group.

Thanks to careful manipulation, the modern word 'cult' unlike its origins, immediately elicits feelings of fear, danger, wrongfulness, strangeness, etc.

It's this sort of weaponization of non-establishment groups that precipitated and justified the slaughter at Waco of a fringe religious group.

The fact is, that the history of religion and indeed Christianity is peppered with all sorts of offshoots, groups and expressions (mystic and otherwise) that today people would label with the term 'cult', and in its modern use, it's not difficult to see how it is used to marginalize and attack any group that does not conform to the establishment.

When I realized that the Cabal was attacking Q and anons by projecting the label of "cult" on us, I did a deep dive into the terminology and its origins.


Note that I wrote this and posted on Reddit in 2018, when 'qanon' was still something anons used to build the Q movement, and Q had not yet found it necessary to draw the distinction between Q and anons and "qanon".

The point is, it's important not to fall into the trap of simply putting something down by labeling it 'a cult'.

Another point, regarding theosophy, is that evil very often uses a mixture of truth and lies to deceive. The best deceits are those which have a very large portion of truth with a deceptive lie embedded within. The fact that Theosophy and Blavatsky, for example, talk about certain things does not mean that everything they talk about is a lie or satanic. Discernment is needed, but it has always been the provenance of the 'establishment' - in the case of Christianity, starting with the Vatican - to suppress anything that threatens their control and dominance by labeling it heresy or, in it's modern form 'cult'.

Regarding Flynn, as far as I know, I recall listening to his explanation of the prayer that it was something that his mum would recite when he was young. I know for some, even the association with that fringe group church founded by Prophet itself triggers a negative reaction, but the last thing the Awakening needs is religious extremism, and I think all anons should tread with care when stepping out to label someone as a satanist, or occult.

Christ himself came with a message that was completely unorthodox and wildly 'heretical' from the viewpoint of the contemporary religious establishment, a fact that should make any Christian believer wary of imposing the same sort of condemnation on others whose ideas they don't like or which appear to contradict what they think are "acceptable beliefs".

On another note, aside from this particular prayer that Flynn offered in a uniquely religious situation, do his other actions or message uphold the view that he is a satanist or occult worshiper? Personally, I don't think so.

The satanists are pretty easy to spot these days, because they are all out on the open: transhumanism (WEF), actual satanist 'churches', LGBTQPI, etc.

FractalizingIron 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's a beautiful thing...

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

virology.... I doubt I'll EVER get around to that one. Climate Science... sheesh, what a snow job that was.

Glad to have your agreement BB. Hayek was one the my redpill trains I boarded after Bastiat's the Law took me along the red pill line for several stops.

So many lines of awakening to be developed. I guess you only really build a matrix with hundreds and thousands of lines of deceit.... grrrr.....

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, you never know what wakes people up.

in early 2016, a video talk by a man I had never heard really opened my eyes to what was happening in the US. "The untruth about Donald Trump".

I think the great awakening unfolds one person at a time. To me, it's not relevant if the man is saying stuff that all of us here already know. It's whether this advances the front line of the awakening in any way at all. And if yes, then that's all part of the move forward.

unless the military steps in

A curious view. Do you think that the 'military' has not already 'stepped in' and been active for the last 8 years? Do you think that nothing has been happening?

The system was ALWAYS this corrupt. It's just that the reality is now being exposed more and more, to the wider population AND to us.

Because an external force cannot fix this. It has to be us. It has to be the people. There has to be a fundamental transformation in the mindset and attitude of each man, woman and child. A new culture. Representative government only works when it represents the people, and the people execute their own sovereignty. The infiltration of that corruption cannot be undone by an external force, imo. It requires the resurrection of the original principles on which the system is founded, and on that basis, a reformation and reboot.

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

The real question is how fervently is humanity willing to reach out to God, who is the conductor. Humanity alone cannot resolve this, cannot resolve evil. But neither can God, the creator. Unless we reach out to him, and unite profoundly with him - and I don't mean this in a religious sense, but in a realistic sense, by bringing God into our individual, family, social and national lives (again not religiously, but tangibly in terms of heart connection), then God cannot complete the work.

The world needs to be cleansed, as you say. And, I don't think it's true that we've had the ability to stop this since the start of the nation. because the root problem is the evil lurking at the bottom of each person's heart.

Cleansing out the evil will involve a complete reversal of our life priorities, where the benefit and blessing of others becomes our priority instead of self-gain. When men and women live for each other, everyone is raised.

Socialism destroys this, but society is advanced by free men and women who live for each other and for their fellow man, and who share their prosperity by giving something back. Donald Trump is the poster boy of this sort of revolution of heart that needs to take place. Everything he has been doing since 2015 is for the sake of his nation and his own people. When that spirit is adopted by each man and woman, around the world, evil will not have a leg to stand on.

Thus, ultimately, the external 'revolution' that cleanses out the evil cancerous systems and societies that have sucked the blood of the world for millennia must be precipitated by an internal revolution, where people live in accordance with the universal principle of living not for self as the top priority, but living for others - individuals for their families, families for their community, communities for their society, societies for the nation, and nations for the world.

The heart of God is to give in love, invest in love, and sacrifice for love. That is the spirit that can cleanse the world and reverse thousands of years of corrupt unlawful rulers who live by deceit and manipulation.

When humanity truly embraces God and unites with God, religion will not be necessary. Religion is the stepping stone, but personally, I think that the era of religion is passing, and the era of relationship is beginning.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you 2nd.

I'm not very familiar with the US presidents of the first half of the century, but I do have a bad impression of Truman, because of the way he handled the Korean War and MacArthur.

A thought regarding "military is the only way". I wonder if this was planting the seeds of what they thought would be the most likely scenario aka as it has played out.

Trump would do all sorts of stuff in the first administration, and white hats could easly predict that the Cabal would do anything to get rid of him, and very likely try to actually steal the 2020 election. I mean, Trump knew that there was a very high % chance that they would; he even explained it and Q spoke openly about the pandemic strategy.

But as is the way with good, the deep state players were given many opportunities to not go ahead with it. The cutoff point probably came on Jan 6, when they actually went ahead to do the electoral college that put Biden in play. From there, no turning back.

The idea here is that if they actually went ahead and did it, even thought they knew that Trump knew, that devolution would be necessary in order to preserve the Republic during the unlawful 'Biden' phase. Devolution involves military level protocols, and in the end, it would be the military that would be the backbone of any continuity of government strategy.

For a long time, many of us thought 'military tribunals' i.e. the perps being rounded up and dragged of to Guantanamo, for example, but in 2024, I think we need to consider that this direction of thought was a deliberate diversionary tactic.

I think it's been planned out in a number of scenarios, so at any juncture, the team with the upper hand (white hats) know already what they would do in a given situation. At this point, I feel (and this is totally subjective) that the course has been set, any moves by the enemy simply advance the outcome more swiftly, and that the enemy does NOT know the playbook, whereas the white hats know all the enemy's playbook.

Until Justice begins to kick in in earnest, I think the psywar will continue.

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is another element in all this: the economic theory of Keynes, which has been adopted in so many nations, vs. the theory of Hayek.

Seems to me, economic theory is one of the pillars that upholds the bankers matrix. No problem with govt using debt or printing money to inject it into the economy. Boom and bust cycle that the bankers then exploit and each time increase their own wealth.

Hayek essentially said no borrowing. Let the national wealth increase by promoting saving, where the govt doesn't spend or interfere with the economic activity of the people, allowing people to exert their natural tendency to accumulate wealth.

Keynes theory helps blow government up into a behemoth when government should always be a work horse at best. I'm no expert at ll, but it seems to me that part of throwing off the shackles of the bankers involves education of the people and the leadership of a nation on why Hayek's (Vienna school) theory of economics is sane, when Keynes is lunacy (from the viewpoint of the People).

And on that note, one of my favorite yutub vids:

Keynes vs Hayek


FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for the feedback, Longtime.

I don't know about 'great' minds (kek), but at a minimum, awakened minds! Great comment.

Interestingly, we can see an archetypal narrative arch at work here, too.

Star Wars 1: A New Hope

Star Wars 2: The Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars 3: Return of the Jedi

(ignoring that "episode IV" nonsense that Lucas employed)

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope so. I'd love to see meme war erupt on this. I feel like its a key concept that DJT could really use anon support on. Not to mention prayer and spiritual support.

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, I think so. Kennedy was a clear warning to any subsequent presidents to play ball or at least, to be very very careful in taking on the DS.

They had a heck of a time pulling off the Kennedy Oswald psyop, and so another one might be a lot riskier.

Of course, by destroying Nixon's reputation, the gained the added bonus of discouraging and demoralizing the People and increasing the Left-Right divide, all of which plays in to their game plan.

FractalizingIron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. There are a few possible routes Trump could use to restore the Power of Impoundment to the presidency.

One is getting congress to repeal the Control Act of 1974. This might be a hard task, as it would mean getting Congress to relinquish power that they currently have. It would require a truly Maga-controlled Congress.

Another route would be to get SCOTUS to declare the Control Act to be unconstitutional. This could be done by Trump actually impounding funding, then being charged by Congress with an illegal act, and then Trump appealing the issue to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court ruling the Act unconstitutional and therefore void.

That would seem like a risky route, UNLESS Trump was 100% confident of Scotus making an "unconstitutional" rule.

Given that he seems confident of restoring the power to the presidency, I guess (at this point) that Trump knows things we don't know, which may include knowing with more certainty obtaining a truly Maga Congress in 2024, or that scotus is in the bag.

The second seems less likely, as it might raise issues of conflict of the separation of powers, so perhaps DJT has inside info on what the Congress of 2024 will actually be.

Either way, yes, the Act would have to be repealed or struck down.

FractalizingIron 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thanks Eagle.

re: the Fed, I'm not certain if or how impoundment would deal with or get rid of the fed.Because the Fed isn't actually federal government. Impoundment would mean that the President (Trump) could starve deep state bureaucracies of funds, thus reducing their size, staff and operational power.

On a related note, I don't know much about the details, but I have heard discussion about Trump actually absorbing the Fed into the US Treasury during his previous administration, thus actually neutralizing it already, and then using the Treasury to absorb / control all the super big banks that it has been "bailing out".

As I said, I haven't dug into the details, but I agree that resolving the FED problem is key to restoring the Republic.

FractalizingIron 3 points ago +3 / -0

No one is "intelligent" when they are enslaved by a corrupted deep state cabal and or brainwashed over decades to accept bad ideas.

Are Americans intelligent? I mean, having their top executive being a political satanist for a few decades? Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama.... And Disney.. that's pretty darn American, no?

TLDR: Obviously, the measure of "intelligence" of a people isn't what they succumb to.

FractalizingIron 7 points ago +7 / -0

I mean, lol, yeah.

"Hey, trump got elected in 2016!!! How come the swamp wasn't drained by 2018? or 2019? or 2020?"

3 stages:

Stage #1 : "The Sting": Trump Administration No. 1, laying the foundation, laying the traps, preparation phase

Stage #2 : "Disclosure and Exposure": Devolution Phase aka "sort of" Administration #2: Building the public mandate via awakening, exposing the reality of the Deep State and Swamp, red-pilling America

Stage #3 : "Justice And Execution": Trump Administration No. 2, implementation of justice, cleaning the swamp, reestablishment of rule of Law, restoring the republic

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Disclaimer: I haven't watched the video

Did Ivan say anything of consequence that we didn't already know?

Do you think that the restoration of America hinges on anons? Or is the broader population of the People of America? Are such retweets important because they teach us something? or because it reaches people who don't know this stuff?

6.5 million views. Have you or I or anyone here been able to share what WE know with 6.5 million other humans? If not, then why is the "we already know all this" argument relevant?

asking for a fren....

FractalizingIron 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bastiat was one of my early red-pills, specifically related to understanding government, corruption and the evils of socialism.

I highly recommend every anon to read or listen to his amazing work: The Law

pdf: https://cdn.mises.org/thelaw.pdf

audiobook (via video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Gob_pa3BAU

Summary overview of "The Law" (5 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h71r4d-FgpQ

FractalizingIron 0 points ago +1 / -1

Don't you think that Johnson is quite a bit more than just a poser? Have you done any digging into his background and presence? After even a 1-2 hour dig, I became pretty convinced that Johnson is nothing other than a shameless self-promoting paytriot.

From his claims about topping the charts with country songs, to claiming to be a 'friend and ally' of Donald Trump, his close association with Pascal Najadi, who himself is a big self-promoter using fake news websites, etc. That's just a few examples of the really dodgy red-flags that even a cursory dig into Johnson brings up.

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can you explain that to me? I don't think this is true, but maybe I'm missing something...

According to the military:

The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) itself is a federal law, enacted by congress.


Exploring the affiliation between military law and federal law requires an understanding that military law is indeed a specialized area within the federal legal system. The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), which governs military personnel, is a federal lawโ€”passed by Congressโ€”which means itโ€™s subject to federal oversight and amendments.

Much like the civilian legal counterpart, military law interfaces with overarching federal statutes. For one, military courts derive their authority from federal law, specifically Article I of the U.S. Constitution. However, they function separately from the civilian federal court system, with unique procedures and courts, such as courts-martial and military commissions.

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +1 / -0

having surpassing authority over federal law

I think it is quite the opposite. The Founding Fathers were very clear about the need for military power to be subject to civilian authority, including federal law.

In some certain situations, war, for example, unique situations occur where the military authority are empowered BY the civilian authority to execute their mission, which may involved application of military law. But to say that military law has authority over federal law is actually an inversion of the truth, as far as I know.

What makes MUCH more sense is that Trump, in the extraordinary circumstances of the attack (act of war) on the US, activated devolution wherein the authority of the executives is devolved to distributed centers of power, so that the powers of the incoming potus and cic are significantly curtailed, so that nation-threatening damage is avoided (the purpose of devolution aka Continuity of Government plans being to protect and maintain the CRITICAL functions of the government during a time or war or incapacity such as would take place if/when the position of potus and cic and the government were stolen and unlawfully usurped.)

Trump is not CIC, nor is he potus. Some of the authority of CIC has been devolved and distributed via CoG to certain preserved and soiled sectors of the military, and some of the authority of the POTUS has been likewise devolved and distributed to certain government sectors FOR the period necessary for the public to wake up and there to be a public mandate for execution of justice against the criminals. So that during the Biden administration, the damage that the unelected unlawful government that has usurped power can do it limited.

This could only have been implemented BEFORE that unlawful entity took power. We can see from what happened in Nov 2020 - Jan 2021 that the American people simply were not ready to be able to deal with the reality of the steal. Too many people simply didn't care. Too many people were simply too apathetic, and the legitimate Potus, whose authority ONLY rests on the will of the people, had no room to move, except to shut certain things down, preventing evil doers access to all sorts of critical functions, while then embarking on a 4-year operation to expose and highlight the real corruption in the system to a people who would finally get it after years of insanity and negative impacts that affected THEM. aka 5G warfare operation.

If Trump is CIC or Potus, then he's responsible for all the bad things that are happening. Regardless of the justification, that's the activity of tyranny. And Trump is not a tyrant. At some point, he will resume the position of Potus and CIC, and the government will "undevolve" so that when the legitimate president is in place, he has full and complete access and authority to do what is necessary, but now with the full support of the American people as a whole (because they've seen with their own eyes and had an actual taste of what the deep state Cabal actually does).

Never interfere with an enemy when there are in the process of destroying themselves.

Addendum: In his heart, and in our hearts, Trump IS the potus, and is the Cic. But externally, in terms of government roles and official positions, he is not. He had to relinquish that in order to open the way to save the nation.

FractalizingIron 1 point ago +2 / -1


I mean, sure, the swamp creatures are being forced by the gameboard to expose themselves. They are being cornered and outmaneuvered, but it's being done by game theory and 5G war, not because the military is telling them what they must do.

Also, Johnson stole and bastardized Jon Harold's research and regurgitated it as his own.

The view here (OP) is not a well founded view. It can all be much more sensibly explained and understood. And I recommend listening to Jon Harold's Devolution Power Hour podcasts to see how that might be.

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