BigDon2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

See I don’t think He 100% knew what was going to pass. What He did know was that the end result of creating free will human beings was good, and us going through this life is a way to have us with Him forever. God didn’t sacrifice Himself to Himself, but sacrificed Himself FOR us. The sacrifice is to cover the sins we have committed, so we can be with Him for eternity (otherwise our imperfect selves would not be fit to be with Him, there’s a lot more theology behind that). I know it seems odd but it does make sense, at least to me. Thank you for the kind words and I’m looking forward to Easter, I hope you have some time with your family too if you can! God bless :)

BigDon2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

God doesn’t need to save face, He’s the creator of the universe. And I get people thinking he’s carrying water, but honestly I think his points are valid here and make sense to me. But I guess we’ll see in the end for sure. My faith in the Bible comes from the insane amount of evidence for the resurrection, Heiser is trying to explain the unknowable which is difficult but I think his explanation is best, but the resurrection can be known and it’s what my faith is based on

BigDon2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m somewhat an open theist, but God will make sure to make all predictions about the future come to pass, no matter our choices. He made sure Jesus would come, and He will make sure Revelation happens as foretold. God has predetermined certain events, but chooses to let us make decisions, then reacts.

BigDon2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m on an island among Christians, but I think you make a good point. That’s why I believe God is omniscient, but in that He knows all POSSIBLE future outcomes. God tried to steer humanity towards Him with certain methods, the flood, the exodus, but people continue to turn. I believe God saw these things as ways to help people turn towards Him, and it was possible. God foresaw a path where humans would come to repentance for those things, but it didn’t happen. In the end God had to come down Himself to solve the problem, which was always His ace in the hole, but He would have preferred not to do it that way. Does that make sense? God is never surprised by anything, and will always make it work, but He would have rather had humanity turn earlier, but since we have free will we continually choose ourselves over others. Think about it like a web of possibilities, God knows the infinite possibilities, nothing surprises Him, and He reacts to humans perfectly. But us humans with free will keep on screwing up so in the end He said ‘I’ve given you enough shots at it, I’ll do it myself’, and brings Jesus.

BigDon2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

The media is saying this is all a scam for money, I disagree, but just letting you know what the normies will say. Full video on website here: https://godblesstheusabible.com/

BigDon2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

He isn’t drugged, he’s an actor playing a role. You’re watching a movie.

BigDon2020 10 points ago +10 / -0

Because Christianity is true and Islam is false. So the devil is going to demonize us.

BigDon2020 2 points ago +3 / -1

It means Q is legit.. so hopefully more people start reading posts and waking up

BigDon2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude deep breaths. Just look into the evidence for the Bible, see if it’s reliable and go from there. You’ll see the evidence is overwhelming if you truly are searching for truth. Praying for you.

BigDon2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Someone post the link of that ‘scan me’.

BigDon2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sooo… what’s the big deal? I know Q said track resignations. Maybe there weren’t many before Q in 2017?

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