Bigtortoise 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hell yeah that shit was ratchet AF frfr no cap

Bigtortoise 2 points ago +2 / -0

I member a furry hacking and shutting down the cloud fare services for the site around 2020-21

Bigtortoise 2 points ago +2 / -0

I did a fair amount of searching for you guys and honestly it’s pretty much only found in camping utensils so maybe there is a market there lol Check this out though https://youtu.be/JqAyGt7mzrA?si=bsGXT9IddoUqG-Tt

Bigtortoise 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have moved thousands upon thousands of pounds of raw nickel at work in order to make superalloy powders, not exactly an element I’m worried about at 8-10% though, but regardless Titanium is the obvious choice. I’m most allergic to Copper

Bigtortoise 3 points ago +3 / -0

But if you really want a safe metal get a utensil set made from Grade 5 Titanium, used as high quality medical implants that your tissue won’t reject, should make a nice spork lol

Bigtortoise 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyone saying death to America is completely unhinged and mentally ill, but if they can have the freedom to say it, we can have the freedom of knowing exactly who they are and what they stand for. But yes it is convenient how all these got organized, and just like with any movement there are hidden hands pulling the strings.

Bigtortoise 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nice find! Something I found funny about that was.. “"America should also take advantage of the brain power that traditional U.S. allies and partners can offer in the development of these technologies so they can be developed together."”

How about No.

Isn’t that how technology gets stolen and sold so easily? We trust people whom we think are friends, ultimately to get taken advantage of.

Bigtortoise 4 points ago +4 / -0

1000%! some people’s views on this issue are disgusting and, wait for it..


The “Freedom for me, but not for thee” crowd can walk right into flames of the fire they are stoking. But my advice to them, don’t walk.. Run!

We have inalienable rights and anything that tries to limit those rights is an act of Violence.

Bigtortoise 1 point ago +1 / -0

“This webinar introduces directed energy weapons (DEWs) and their effects – specifically, high-power, radio frequency/microwave (HPM) DEWs. The presentation covers what HPM weapons are, the types of weapons – narrowband and wideband, how the weapons are similar to, but different from traditional electronic warfare (EW) and electromagnetic pulse (EMP), and how the HPM energy couples into a target’s electronics and their effects. We also cover some of the basic modeling and simulation tools for computing and estimating the probability of target failure as a function of weapon power density and range. Finally, we show an example of how to determine hardening requirements for a notional helicopter against an HPM weapon.”

Bigtortoise 11 points ago +11 / -0

Hmm that is very reminiscent of Ukraine’s Maidan sniper attack that sparked the Coup in 2014, we should keep our guard up and our heads on a swivel, and let’s not for a second entertain the notion that “they wouldn’t do that” ... because Kent State.

Bigtortoise 13 points ago +18 / -5

Who downvoted this? Someone who is Pro-Zionist and Anti-Free speech

Bigtortoise 2 points ago +2 / -0

It seemed like the man had a struggle with drugs you’d think they would be more compassionate

Bigtortoise 1 point ago +1 / -0

That all checks out to me, I wouldn’t forget about the Cultural Marxists who orchestrated all this, the way I view this protest is in the sense that their control is slipping. Obviously a low iq move to be shouting that on campus, “The” Ohio State only cares about getting wasted and college level football nonetheless i think it might be Indicative of some level of awakening

Bigtortoise 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’d be willing to bet that was a can of Nitromethane .. talk about an accelerant! Those flames were pretty intense, it appeared much more volatile than gasoline which was my first assumption when I had heard about this

Bigtortoise 5 points ago +6 / -1

So are you against freedom of speech or are you just Pro-Zionist?

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