CrockOSuds 1 point ago +1 / -0


That's what I need help with.

There's got to be some way of identifying the same IP and stopping them from donating again. However, what if Dad and Mom and Peggy Sue and Peggy's husband Leroy Brown all want to vote for Biden? It would not be fair to stop them but if all 300 adults in the home also want to vote for Biden then it might be questionable.

The other option is to exclude Biden altogether and just say "Who is voting for Trump"?

CrockOSuds 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm of the mind that maybe it would be best if the official Trump campaign has no involvement with it for their own good. Nor the Biden campaign. This should be impartial where neither opposing side has any influence.

  1. I agree there needs to be some way of making sure there is no foul play either in numbers or in what happens to the money afterwards.

  2. Grass roots. Social media. Once it takes off, start contacting corporate media.

  3. They know Trump will be the victor. And all of the money earned will go to the legit Trump campaign.

CrockOSuds 3 points ago +3 / -0

I grew up in a house that had the TV on 24-7 so pop-culture television was a huge part of my life but I turned my TV off in 1997 and never really turned it on again.

All seasons of Northern Exposure are on Amazon Prime right now so the wife and I are having some guilty pleasures by re-living that show but, just like every other show from the past that I try to watch again, there is so much that I just feel vicariously embarrassed about.

I really don't give a damn about TV, movies, video games, or sports and people I know say "then what do you do with your time?" and I say "draw a circle. Then, put a dot anywhere you want in that circle. The dot is pop-culture - TV, movies, video games, sports, entertainment magazines, celebrity social media posts, hit-music, fashionable clothes, the latest cell phone, and billboards on the freeway...

The rest of the circle is everything else.

Independent music, books, social gatherings, home cooking, gardening, raising chickens, sewing, preventative car maintenance, exercise, playing a musical instrument, writing your memoirs, calling somebody you haven't spoken to in a while, studying human health, studying history, studying religion, spending time with your pets, cleaning out the junk drawer, listening to somebody else talk about something they think is important, watching YouTube videos about things that have always been in our lives but we never really think about like the history of bricks, what do the different grades of leather mean?, what is a star bolt on old buildings for?, how were aqueducts built?...

We live in a big beautiful world but the vast majority of people are fixated on the tiny black dot.

Oh, and > "He sang like a woman and she sang like man." I'm stealing that and calling it my own.

CrockOSuds 3 points ago +3 / -0

Amen to that, brother.

We pay them to entertain us and take us to a fantasy world for a couple of hours to forget our troubles. Once they started mocking our troubles and saying that we are horrible people because we are voting for a man who understands our troubles then they need to be cut of from our money.

CrockOSuds 3 points ago +3 / -0

A bunch of court jesters are saying fuck the people who work real jobs for a living.

Men who wear make-up and give each other golden idols because they pretended to be real sad that one time are saying fuck the farmers who grow their food, fuck the truck drivers who deliver everything they use, fuck the workers who built their homes, fuck the people who get paid peanuts to bring them electricity, water, gas, and internet into their house, fuck the guys who pick up their garbage, fuck they guys who keep their neighborhoods safe, fuck the guys throwing chains on an oil rig so they can gas up their vehicles they pretend they don't own, fuck their airline pilots, etc.

CrockOSuds 3 points ago +3 / -0

There are over 160,000 poultry farms in the US. There are over 7,000 with half a million birds or more.


CrockOSuds 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh yes. You don't blow up three buildings on a farm by lobbing a bomb at it. It takes preparation.The people setting up the explosives don't just show up with a van full materials to make a random number of bombs one day and then decide what they're going to set up here and there. They need to go in beforehand and draw up some plans and make the devices off site.

You notice these places are always a total write-off without any investigations?

When does that happen anywhere else?

I can agree that if it happens five or six time it could just be one of them things but nearly 200 times in a few years? The fox has to have been given permission to guard the hen house.

CrockOSuds 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't think these things are happening without the foreknowledge of the owner.

If they paid guards to be there they would have to find some way of keeping them quite. The less witnesses the better.

CrockOSuds 1 point ago +1 / -0

This post is 13 hours old.

CrockOSuds 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks for sharing that. This is all good to know,

Based on my own personal experiences I have read that we shouldn't take Quercetin for more than 8 months in a row. I took it daily for 12 months and then spent the next 4 months on the toilet. I couldn't eat or drink anything without needing a bathroom nearby. I thought I had a serious issue but as soon as I figured out it was the Quercetin it stopped in a few days. It's been about a year and I am reluctant to take it again.

When I was taking it I never got sick. I think I sneezed twice that year.

CrockOSuds 5 points ago +5 / -0

It went from 12 reported outages in a 24 hour period to 41,000 in the last hour. You were in with the in crowd. Or, the Out Crowd.

CrockOSuds 2 points ago +2 / -0

I totally agree. Every now and then ramen sounds good. I haven't eaten mac and cheese in 20 years and I don't think I'll ever eat it again.

CrockOSuds 4 points ago +4 / -0

They don't have ramen (or "noodles" as they are called) on this list? I would think ramen would be the top of the list.

CrockOSuds 35 points ago +35 / -0

Incredible. Just when I think I have a pretty good idea of what's going on I read something like this that shows me the whole thing is way bigger than most human minds can imagine.

CrockOSuds 3 points ago +3 / -0

Interesting. I have not heard that but I'll definitely be looking into it.

CrockOSuds 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would say your body is cleaner internally than most peoples. Good gut bacteria.

CrockOSuds 7 points ago +7 / -0

We all have parasites in our bodies so when you take an anti parasitic it kills so many bacteria so fast the body can't eliminate the toxins that they release fast enough so there is an adverse response to toxins released by bacteria killed by antibiotics. The activated charcoal eliminates a lot of these bacteria from the gut so it lessens the effect.

Here's a good write up about it.

I don't think the light sensitivity is part of the Herx reaction. I know it well but it only happens that first day (for me anyway).

CrockOSuds 11 points ago +11 / -0

Just a reminder that when somebody starts with Ivermectin or Fenbendazole they could have a Herx reaction.

Before you begin it's advisable to take activated charcoal a day or two before to diminish or altogether prevent the Herxheimer reaction.

If chemotherapy had already been given then you don't need to worry about it because they would have already had the reaction.

CrockOSuds 1 point ago +1 / -0

I love The Adventures of Ford Fairlane. I really like the diceman from this era. Saw him live once and it was very funny. I tried repeating his jokes to other people and it just wasn't funny. It's not what he says, it's who he is and how he said it.

I understand that if we know their name now then they must have done something to get their fame. I get it. But, damnit, we're allowed some enjoyment from the memories we have from when we were younger and we didn't know any of this stuff.

The ark of the covenant was made from pagan gold.

You didn't really think they'd kill the fluckin' koala bear, now did ya?

CrockOSuds 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting. I know there are different ways of playing it.

Here's how we play it:

On Halloween or "Dia de los Muertos" we start compiling a list of 100 notable people (100 people - it's harder than you think). We submit our personal lists just before New Years (why is "New Years" capitialized?) and each player pays $20. Then, throughout the year, when somebody on our list kicks the bucket we deduct their age from100 and that's the number of points awarded. The person at the end of the year with the most points wins however much money there is from everybody paying $20 to play. It's never a lot of money. A few hundred. But it's fun throughout the year.

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