Eyes2SeeAndEars2Hear 5 points ago +5 / -0

They get paid BIG money to pretend to love these people. A lot of social media influencers have been whistleblowing about the offers they’ve gotten.

Eyes2SeeAndEars2Hear 4 points ago +4 / -0

Said a prayer for you. Keep praising God and protecting that kiddo through this storm and you will be blessed when it’s over.

Eyes2SeeAndEars2Hear 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’d like to know how your dog is doing.

Eyes2SeeAndEars2Hear 2 points ago +2 / -0

I pray the baby is safe. Do you mind updating when the baby is born?

Eyes2SeeAndEars2Hear 10 points ago +10 / -0

I’m literally sitting in the vet’s office right now waiting on them to bring me my dog’s heart worm preventative after refusing all the vaccines. I did a little research and it looks like half of the dog owners now distrust canine vaccines all thanks to Fauci and company. They got rich from that plandemic, but now nobody trusts them, so they’ve killed their golden goose.

Eyes2SeeAndEars2Hear 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah I wasn’t either. Neither were most of my gay friends. I know a lot more straight people who were. With that said, I can tell you I would have been the one among all my (straight) brothers who would have been a prime target for a predator. Because I was a quiet little boy who could have kept that sort of secret—none of my brothers could keep secrets. Thank God our parents protected us.

It’s pretty obvious to us “alphabet people” (even those of us who were never abused) that we make much better targets for child predators.

Eyes2SeeAndEars2Hear 1 point ago +5 / -4

Wow there are a lot of doomers and shills commenting on this video, which tells me she’s 100% spot on.

Eyes2SeeAndEars2Hear 5 points ago +5 / -0

Kinda like how the entire nation was debating whether or not Will Smith was justified in slapping Chris Rock rather than debating whether or not it was staged. Yeah, Hollywood trickery.

I still think it was a DEW. Also, the moon landing footage was fake AF.

Eyes2SeeAndEars2Hear 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would ask him why those Satan worshippers chose to human sacrifice an island of people who worship earth gods and why their gods didn’t protect them.

Eyes2SeeAndEars2Hear 0 points ago +1 / -1

If you wanted to make the drink itself look like fire, what color would you use? Yellow and orange? You might wanna look at that label again. It’s literally orange and yellow.

Eyes2SeeAndEars2Hear 2 points ago +3 / -1

George Washington was not our nation’s first president. He may have been the first Freemason POTUS, but he did not become President of the United States of America until 1789.

Who served as POTUS in our newly independent country for the six years following the end of the revolution? Several men held the position: John Hanson (Nov 5 1781 – Nov 3 1782), Elias Boudinot (Nov 4 1782 – Nov 2 1783), Thomas Mifflin (Nov 3 1783 – Nov 29 1784), Richard Henry Lee (Nov 30 1784 – Nov 22 1785), John Hancock (Nov 23 1785 – Jun 5 1786), Nathaniel Gorham (Jun 6 1786 – Feb 1 1787), Arthur St. Clair (Feb 2 1787 – Jan 21 1788), Cyrus Griffin (Jan 22 1788 – Apr 30 1789), and Samuel Huntington (Sept 28 1779 – July 10 1781).

Why do these men seem to be left out of history books, forgotten by the world? Hmm. Perhaps they weren’t Freemasons. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Eyes2SeeAndEars2Hear 4 points ago +4 / -0

And to think these ladies just beat the all time record for the most wins in a row. The game that did it for them had some miraculous moments too. Amazing plays.

Boomer Sooners! 😊 Sorry, had to.

Eyes2SeeAndEars2Hear 1 point ago +1 / -0

This was a mass casualty event. There’s no good reason that only Carver and his small team of 4 guys were the only ones allowed into the building to tend the victims. The whole thing is absurd.

Eyes2SeeAndEars2Hear 1 point ago +1 / -0

Paramedics. Do. Not. Leave. Shooting. Victims. On. The. Floor. All. Day.

Quit acting like that’s normal. The tarps are for triage. They’re not to be left there either. In a real tragedy like this (not a staged event like Sandy Hook) they would have allowed all those paramedics to do their jobs rather than locked everyone outside and told the parents “here’s a picture of your dead kid.” Anybody with a child knows that would never fly in real life. There’s more than one good reason we allow parents to identify their dead children in person. A lot of parents refuse to believe it until they see it. These parents all mysteriously were just fine with seeing photos instead of seeing their child.

These are just a few of the obvious lies. There are dozens more.

Eyes2SeeAndEars2Hear 1 point ago +1 / -0

The vast majority of paramedics at the scene were locked out so a small handful of people could declare 28 people too dead to bother rushing to the hospital or even take out to the black triage mats (the black ones are for the dead). You’re clearly a shill. Everyone knows our paramedics don’t leave shooting victims to grow cold on the ground for hours on end—CHILDREN, with their parents locked outside. Gimme a break.

Eyes2SeeAndEars2Hear 1 point ago +1 / -0

What were they supposed to do with the dead victims? Lol. RUSH THEM TO THE HOSPITALS OR OUT TO THR TRIAGE MATS. You think it’s normal for a small team of men to declare 28 people dead and leave them laying on the floor? Gimme a break.

You are obviously a shill. You created this account to shill for that Sandy Hook Hoax months ago and that’s all you’ve used it for. How pathetic.

Eyes2SeeAndEars2Hear 1 point ago +1 / -0

I meant nobody sued for their children being left on the ground all day and being refused to see their child. That’s the part that’s most ridiculous. Any parent knows that NOBODY would be okay with that.

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