HOSEQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

We ""Judge"" the flavor of Food, the looks of our clothing, and everything else....

The TERM you soo heavily say we are not allowed to do, ""JUDGE"", is how we live life, and to ""Not Judge"", leads to some very bad decisions....

It's only by our Judgement, that we have survived as a species....

But you were probably never told that Jesus did not say ""Don't Judge"", instead he said ""Do Not Condemn"", for that power is only Gods Power....

We may Judge, but we do not have the Power to Condemn....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

FASCISTS = SOCIALISM = Communism Lite....

Nikita Khrushchev said: "We cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism, until they suddenly awake to find they have communism."


HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

The whole thing isn't at all about WAR, it's a short story about a Girl that meets one of her Heros, and then puts her Hero into a position where she gets killed....

That's the entire plot, not about WAR at all, I was not impressed, and the Battle Scenes, NGL, they really didn't do justice to any battle, ever....

HOSEQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

The entire Story is about the Girl meeting one of her hero Journalists, and growing of Age, to the point she causes the exact conditions that kill her ""Hero""....

It isn't any deeper than that.....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Hamilton, Jackson, Grant, Franklin, McKinley, and Cleveland...

And there may be more....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

She specified Hunter....

But I wouldn't put it past Joe...

HOSEQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

and even in the Rewrite for Ilhan Omar, IF that's even her real name, the first sentence is like a ""Well the Veterans who are about to die"", thing....

the whole thing is a mess, and they've had YEARS to get it right, but still haven't, shows how Low IQ they actually are....

I bet I could trick her into giving me a Benjamin for a cookie....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

The C.Ov.I.D.





It might be a thing....

Even though, by their own Numbers, there are less than Three Billion people on the entire planet....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Soldiers follow orders, it's what we do, and unless an Order is directly UNLAWFUL, not ILLEGAL, big fucking difference, we we MUST follow it or get Killed for Refusing....

As a Sergeant, and not even in a Leadership position, IF I were to go into a battlefield, and order a soldier to attack a specific position in the enemies ranks, upon Refusal, I give the same order TWO More times, upon the third refusal, it is my RESPONSIBILITY, to kill that soldier on the spot, and find another to DO the attack, or do it myself....

THIS is why Sergeants, E-5, Buck Sergeants, always Lead from in front, and not just throw around orders, If I am willing to send my troops, then I will LEAD them, and they can help me do the Job....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Think Delta Force +....

He doesn't have any of the ϟϟ, IMO....

I think Trump is just too smart to allow the infiltration of his Personal Guard, not only as President, and Commander IN Chief, but also as the Main Target of the DS, and the Clintons, Obamas, Bush, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Soros, et. al....

So, he more than likely set up the top of the Top deltas to this task....

I would, it makes no sense to have Second best when you can have the absolute best....

Then the ""RUMOR"" that the Fed Res Banking Cartel once snuck their own people in as ϟϟ, and actually Captured the Presidency, took the U.S. President Hostage, for a short period of time, leading to some seriously shady Contractual Adjustments....

Pre JFK if Memory serves, but this is Rumor, so take it with a grain or spoonful of salt....

That is all I have....

HOSEQ 4 points ago +4 / -0

Even if the Hospice is in your name, and the finances are unlimited???

anyway, I'm thinking Cryo, and also an added experiment to see how long a body might be viable in Cryo....

HOSEQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

And still, Congress is yet to hear about Hunter RAPING TWO MEN, which is from a different Post....

but hoh Boyo, is there a lot of incriminating stuff coming out about the Bidens....

Who else will get caught up in this mess???

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0


Those people are serious Perverts....

It's like a religion to them....

Hunter RAPED TWO MEN, and we didn't know until just now....

How many others???

How much of a serial Rapist is this Druggy Pedo???

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, I agree, it's a big state, and I still try to convince people that we still have ""Indian Raids"", and due to that, we have to trade our Cars and Trucks at the Borders for Wagons and Guns as our Machines get shipped Around the State to the other side, all in serious Jest of course, but with a very serious Poker face....

In my imagination I see the caravans and the dust clouds, and Apache Raiders all flying across the open fields between Tucumcari and Santa Rosa, LOL....

Any way, WE New Mexicans have gotten heavily Screwed by DemonRats pretty much since New Mex was founded, they made some Horrible Laws, and about the only thing they Didn't screw up is the Right To Open Carry, but you have to go beg perms from the County Sheriff and everyone between him and the DOJ for Concealed Carry, when the most dangerous situation I ever faced was some Idiot Shingler holding a Shingle Knife to my throat just for Looking at his GTO, that looked exactly like my Cousins GTO, ALL BLACK....

They are STUPID, and when I research NM History, mainly the Laws and Politics, I think to myself, Just how stupid do you have to be to Vote for a Judge that would hang people just because he thought they were lying, and other strange thing like that???

HOSEQ 7 points ago +7 / -0

I've been ""Awake"", for a very long time, did a small breakdown of Before and After the Waco Massacre, which is when I trully understood that our America is under attack from within, but I had been told about Nam, and other atrocities before Waco, which failed to sink in correctly....

I've been a cohost on one Internet radio show, and a Guest Speaker on another, a student of William "Bill" Cooper, Eustace Mullins, G Edward Griffin, and many others, so by 2010, I already knew where all this shit was going, and tried hard between then and Trumps Candidacy to wake people up, and I think I did, but mostly on the History of the U.S. Govt., from the Inside, and how it's tied to the Worlds Powers, and all sorts of stuff....

It isn't that Gen X isn't awake, oh boy are we, it IS that some of us just wanted to be left alone, and we wanted that in such quantity that we built a Fortress around ourselves, and discarded anything that we thought wasn't pertinent, or didn't believe the ""Conspiracy Theorists""....

That's where this guy is at, and he just woke up to the Fact that even though he thought he was Safe, he in fact was Not at all Safe....

That makes for one Very dangerous fellow, and IF he makes it past the initial Anger stage, it varies in time for many of us, he will be alright, and will Prep like a madman, as we all should have done, or should be doing....

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