There’s just no sense. And it’s where the WEF ect…is. Definitely blue man Group

In Venice Beach, CA they have towed away every single vehicle people were living in. Now this may not seem like a big deal BUT LET ME TELL YOU…it is the BIGGEST I’ve ever seen or witnessed. They were essentially a part of all the neighborhoods like it or hate it. This accounts for the MAJORITY of homeless in West L.A. Hundreds of people…close to the thousands. And those people, WERE LEFT ON THE STREETS ON THE SPOT. They’re all over the place. The tension is at the highest ever. And who’s responsible? Someone with enough power to control the LAPD, parking enforcement, and city. An elected official. This is the dirtiest political move I’ve ever witnessed first hand. The LAPD chief is Michal Moore. The Venice sitting city councilman is Tracy Parks. The DA is George Gascon. The fax Governor is Gavin Newsom. I don’t know who’s responsible, yet. But you’re going to see who’s responsible for exactly what…and they’re going to expose their entire party, agenda, crooked structure and absolutely the dirtiest voting fraud out of this corruption they use as weapons. Not to mention the child and human trafficking. LOADS.. (It’s the centerpiece for that ). And endorsed by the one(s) that stole the seat they sit in from Donald Trump. Just to actually do everything wrong. That’s impossible. Just impossible. But it’s happening…isn’t it?

And to think…the same pinnacle of it ALL, was the only one who mentioned Newsom ever before about being a candidate for the presidency of OUR country.

It’s an open prison. There are politics that come along with this, too. It’s a breathing machine to harbor this munch energy into Something that has never “progressed” but only does the opposite the money goes for.

There enough holes to look through in that body of text to fix it all. Venice 👀👀👀👀