Ironside43 1 point ago +1 / -0

That sounds an awful lot like a tantrum to me

Maybe your mum could give you a bit more juice, and you won't be so cranky

Ironside43 1 point ago +1 / -0

No-one is trolling you.

You just dished out some abuse, made a fool of yourself and now you are having a tantrum

You're a sad little Putin fanboy. A weak little man who latches onto "strong" leaders to make them feel big.

Time to man up and get a backbone little man. What is going to happen next is no place for softies. Learn to stand on your own 2 feet and stop the whinging before it is too late

Ironside43 1 point ago +1 / -0

You may not like British or American art, music, literature, or art. But at least Britain and the US produce art, and movies, and music.

Russia has nothing. No great sportsmen, artists, musicians. All from a country that was once a global cultural leader for hundreds of years.

Russia is a country in decline. Just look at make life expectancy. It's as bad as sub saharan Africa.

And I am afraid that there are some silly little Putin fanboys on this board. Weak people need a strong leader, and get themselves over excited about sad Vlad.

You make yourself look foolish getting upset about it.

Ironside43 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's as bad as Mumbai but with worse weather. Squalid.

And I note that none of the Putin fanboys can answer the other question?

What happened to Russian culture, art, music and sport? For centuries it was a world leader in music, literature.

And now nothing. If you want a symbol of Russia's failure as a nation just try and find a composer, or a star footballer. A great writer.


Just some globalist oligarchs stealing all the money and using it to buy expensive houses in London

Ironside43 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are you serious?

You would hand Alaska and Eastern Europe to Russia?

The greatest country in the world with a male life expectancy the same as sub saharan Africa?

You must be having a laugh. It's a shit hole

Ironside43 0 points ago +3 / -3

Most people on here have never visited Russia, or any of the other former Communist countries. It's easy to be taken in by Russian propaganda

Russia is a poor country. Moscow is a shit hole. What is more galling is that Russia is falling behind the countries it used to look down on

I was in Belgrade a few weeks ago. Belgrade is visibly much more prosperous than Moscow. It has a huge population of affluent young Russians who have fled Putin and the draft.

Even back in the days of communism Russia produced great writers, composers, musicians, athletes. They produced real stars. Over the last few decades all of that has gone. For the first time in centuries Russia is out of the big league in sports, culture, everything. A huge blow to national pride.

Ironside43 2 points ago +2 / -0

Then why is Lousiana so dirt poor? Why does it totally dependent on Federal handouts?

Ironside43 2 points ago +2 / -0

Judge Cannon hoping for a seat on the Supreme Court if Trump gets elected again

Ironside43 0 points ago +2 / -2

Mainstream media aren't covering it because it is total nonsense.

Louisiana doesn't make it's own foreign policy. It if wants to do that it has to become and independent country, which would mean giving up the huge subsidies it gets from the Federal Government. Which would make it very very poor. 3rd world poor

Ironside43 3 points ago +6 / -3

That's wishful thinking.

Putin want's Russia's Empire back. Russian history repeats itself. The Tsars wanted an Empire but weren't strong enough to rule it, and their Empire collapsed. The communists had an even bigger Empire, but despite their authoritarian control that collapsed too. After every collapse Russia is humiliated, which feeds the desire to build a new Empire. Putin is the latest, and least successful; even with the help of Republican politicians Putin can't take Ukraine. His puppet regime in Georgia is collapsing. All he has left is Belorus and Transnistria.

I've been to Russia and it is in a sorry state. Poor, dirty, shit on the streets of Moscow. Poorer and dirtier than Mexico City.

It's a shit hole.

Ironside43 1 point ago +1 / -0

The greater the legal risk and legal penalty for Drs the less likely they are to work in a given state. Red states already have lower life expectancy than red states, higher infant mortality, more morbidity, more chronic illness.

We have seen this before with abortion - the stricter the penalties the less likely Drs are to work in a state, with an increase in deaths in child birth, still born, neonatal mortality.

Ironside43 0 points ago +1 / -1

Good luck getting a paediatrician to treat your kids in Idaho. The result of laws like this will be to encourage doctors to move to other states to practice medicine where they don't face jail time.

Ironside43 1 point ago +1 / -0

Really interesting place. Lots of Russians there, some obvs close to the Serbian Government, but a massive number of wealthy young Russians dodging being called up to fight in Ukraine - 200,000+ at least. One cafe I visited had all Russian staff, and all Russian customers drinking $7 lattes. Almost all remnants of Muslim rule have been destroyed, but they all still eat Mezze and drink extra strong Turkish coffee

by G-Anon
Ironside43 1 point ago +1 / -0

Patel and Sunk are both Hindus.

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