Jak4 1 point ago +1 / -0

May was quite a awful Month! May 6th at 5am in er wirh step-dad, not once but twice! Several hours later on May 6th, My Most beloved Uncle Passed. He'd been on or in hospice care since 7-23.

At the end of that said week, my ex husband called ( out of the blue, after yrs of us not speaking) to let me know he was dying! Whoa ok! Then my son calls me that day. They both did send sympathy or whatever for my uncle.

Since then, ex hubby is in ICU as of last Sunday! Step dad has had another CT scan for the thing in his lung, they found a year ago.. My only other living uncle called me yesterday to tell me, he had a spell... he didn't know who he was etc...

Little stressed out. Ok lots stressed out. Any prayers I'd appreciate! Thank ya'll!

Jak4 2 points ago +2 / -0

Amyloidosis and septic shock.

Jak4 3 points ago +3 / -0

None of us are jabbed! My sons dad is 60 and started getting sick. It took a kidney biopsy and a bone marrow biopsy to find out what was wrong. Idk.. honestly. We aren't married anymore. And this is what my Skn told me.

Jak4 30 points ago +30 / -0

My son's dad is having to do chemo for a rare blood disease!?! He got the bill my son told me $95k ! He said the Dr told his dad not to do any homeopathic meds so they could get a base line on his blood.

My son is against this... I am also.. but we aren't married anymore. I have no say so. It's crazy! I just pray.

Jak4 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not cool! My Mom is dead. And My Dad is dead who is a USMC Vet!

Jak4 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know which flair to put on this! It's keklarious

Jak4 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have 3 customers who come wearing the face diaper. All want lottery, I can't understand a word or number they say. They get so pissed off with me, and I laugh and tell them, I can't hear you thru your mask! One lady hollered at me the other day. I cut my eyes so sharp so she could see them. I'm sorry ma'am I wasn't hollering at you! I proceeded to do my job, as she said... did you hear me. I said nope I'm ringing you up. That'll be....

Jak4 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agree! I work with a 28 yr old who can't get Enough of McD fires. I call them Crack fries. It awful. I haven't eaten Mc d in over 4 yrs. Since I started coming here.

Jak4 5 points ago +5 / -0

Kek, we have a bald customer who comes in.. and will say he's having a bad hair day! Or that his conditioner isn't working correctly!

Jak4 7 points ago +7 / -0

I can't lie, Applebee's in the mid '90's from where I grew up, was the Bomb to us teenage girls! Those mozzarella sticks! Whaaaat! I celebrated my 16th bday at Applebee's many many moons ago!

The food today, sucks, I almost can't believe it was my fave restaurant back in the day. Kek. I no longer eat there.

Jak4 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ps.. he is Not on here. He's just cool.

Jak4 1 point ago +1 / -0

My phone has been hacked! I was txt my son and then.... stupid responses started coming across.

Things my son wouldn't say! Idk what to do? I told them they had the wrong number. I did. And then they asked me the stupidest question. My kid would Never asked that.. I called them put as soy boi. Now I can't reach my kid.

Jak4 2 points ago +2 / -0

6-3-2024= 17! Very interesting

Jak4 6 points ago +7 / -1

He keeps saying tap and tapper. Could that be Morse code?

Jak4 4 points ago +4 / -0

Idk know exactly what to make of this... I got 3 different txt simultaneously this evening, telling me that I can Vote in a primary on May 21st. But, not my district, zipcode and at least 30 miles give or take, from where my actual residence is. Just find it odd. And Yes, I live in GA! Which makes me sus of this. Anyone?

Jak4 2 points ago +2 / -0


Jak4 5 points ago +5 / -0

I need legal advice! I was at work today, and apparently got served! My step-dad took the papers from the Cop!

And he told me about it when I got home! I told him... in SC they have to serve the person named! Idk about ga! He is in NO Way a Legal relationship to Me! He Can't sign for Me!

But, he took these papers today. I'm not sure of the law here! In GA. Can anyone of yall help and give me info? Please. Tyvm

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