JohnTitor17 1 point ago +1 / -0


"Q was pretty clear in denegration of Nazism, and that Hitler was a puppet of the controlling families of the "NWO" so Idk where this post is going?"

That the controlling families under the guidance of spiritual darkness, created the puppet Hitler as a sort of Trump false flag.

This is because they (Zionists) knew the prophecies of a "Savior" were destined to come about.

Because they knew this, they came up with an ingenious plan to create a character that would have 95% of the same complaints they knew Trump would. It's was a brilliant 100+ year false flag/Psyop.

Hitler/WWII/the Holocaust were many things… One of was an elaborate scheme to make it impossible for humanity to ever unite against "the Jews"

Just imagine it… If any leader, in any country, got on television and declared war on "international Jewery, 95% of the world (including MAGA) would not except it.

JohnTitor17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mmmm... you're not wrong. Not at all. The only thing missing is context.

If our founding fathers were freemasons/Illuminati, and I think they were, then WHY did they do everything in their power so that Light would survive the darkness into the future?

JohnTitor17 1 point ago +1 / -0

u/sueanon2017 Excellent!

"Thomas Jefferson's perspective; he wasn't a fan of 'Christianity' because he thought it distorted the actual words of Jesus."

If you keep digging, you'll find this topic to be an iceberg.

For bonus points:

Does anyone know what the original meaning of Lucifer was before the 1611 King James Bible?

What value would it be to the deep state to change the meaning of words over the centuries?

JohnTitor17 2 points ago +3 / -1

"Our highest insights must – and should – sound like follies and sometimes like crimes when they are heard without permission by those who are not predisposed and predestined for them." ~Fredrick Nietzsche


My opinion on the matter is that I can completely see why some things must be kept secret. "It will be your choice whether to know."

As stated earlier, the implication here is that there are things that will not be directly said or disclosed. However, they will not be so obscure or difficult to figure out to they who ask the right questions.

In all the years I've been studying Q's posts and the big picture overall, I found that you will come across things that are so out there, so unbelievable, so detestable, so contrary to your own thinking, so diametrically opposed to how we all think the world works, that you understand there is no value in sharing it with fellow anon's. This is because they must to come to these realizations only on their own in order to be able to fully accept it; to be able to swallow the bigger picture.


If Q had publicly disclosed the points I'm alluding to in the OP, The Great Awakening movement never would've gone anywhere. Almost none of us (anons) would've excepted it.

JohnTitor17 5 points ago +5 / -0


It's particularly interesting regarding this "democracy" and the two party tag team rope a dope we've been getting played with for way too long. To hear it spelled out nearly 100 years ago, while pointing out that their struggle has endured for 120+ years already, points to the magnanimous undertaking involved in "The Plan".

The two party tag team rope a dope

JohnTitor17 13 points ago +13 / -0

Does anyone else find it strange that Hitler's speeches in English are never in main stream WW2 documentaries?

Q taught us to always ask why. Why Why Why

"The truth is NOT for all men, but ONLY for those who seek it."

JohnTitor17 1 point ago +1 / -0

ICYMI, Translation of the 'Covfefe' tweet is:


Edit: I was under the impression this ⬆️ is well known on GAW... Anons know.

JohnTitor17 1 point ago +4 / -3

except what they don't know is the "freedom fighters" is controlled by Israeli government...so you can't win either way.

JohnTitor17 2 points ago +2 / -0

They need blood in order to live on our plane of existence. Otherwise they are formless, unseen.

A major major setback for them. How major? Idk…

Let's see what happens this week.

Patriots Day.


JohnTitor17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks u/MemeToDeath2021 !!!

"Even as you seek wisdom, so shall wisdom seek you."


JohnTitor17 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. Pronounced poly-see-thē-mia. That's the name and that's what it goes by. It's super rare though.

JohnTitor17 1 point ago +2 / -1

Respect u/MAG768720

Now I'm speaking with a man who knows how to dig. It's not that hard but just from the above information, you're obviously not a desktop dummy sitting behind a screen.

Cigarettes and carbohydrates folks. And not necessarily in that order. If you ate only a cheeseburger (no bun) for every meal for a year you wouldn't even need to do the Linus Pauling therapy. Meat heals.

I believe the title was "Virtually all" disease is parasitic in nature. There's certainly diet related ones like our main topic. X-ray induced DNA damage related diseases, etc. etc.

Yeah after the first miracle that made him well again, he added another pack a day onto the cigarette habit. He works for Pepsi so a 12 pack a day is easy and free.

I was shocked it worked that quickly myself!

JohnTitor17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah yes... A NOTE TO THE CARNIVORS: Why no scurvy?

Humans have a similar gene to bears and wolves that allows us to produce our own vitamin C. It is active for the first several weeks of life.

The carnivore diet epigenetically reactivates this gene in adult humans.

This ⬆️ is the real answer to the question I've never seen explained by a carnivore 'influencer': "WHY DON'T CARNIVORES GET SCURVY?"

Regardless of whatever any 'carnivore doctor' says on YouTube. They are wrong. My research is right. (let those who think this sounds cocky use whatever brain power they can muster and LOOOOOK.)

So as a carnivore myself I guess the answer is sure why not?

I don't do the treatment because I get tons of lysine in the beef, and I know my body is producing copious amounts of its own natural vitamin C.

Good Luck u/MAG768720 !!!


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