LightOneSingleCandle 2 points ago +2 / -0

If that's what really happened.

LightOneSingleCandle 1 point ago +1 / -0

He died at the hospital, though, not at the scene. It was the DNC/HRC/Podesta retaliation hit for leaking emails to WikiLeaks. They did use 2 MS-13 patsys who were later 187d themselves.

LightOneSingleCandle 2 points ago +3 / -1

The point is not what the crowd size means to you, but what it means to the DS. They are realizing that the public smears, election fraud, and lawfare are failing.

LightOneSingleCandle 5 points ago +5 / -0

Jack Daniels water cooler...genius.

LightOneSingleCandle 15 points ago +17 / -2

They hate the beauty of feminine energy and seek to erase it by making them invisible in society. Evil always uses the tactic of dehumanization via collectivism. The traditional dress is vibrant, individualistic, and beautiful to behold, so evil makes them cover their beauty and individualism and makes them all look alike.

LightOneSingleCandle 8 points ago +8 / -0

Your emotional reaction is the control that the MSM narrative is designed for. Don't get taken in by their tactics. Look beyond what they tell you so you can recognize it for what it is and think clearly about what is behind the story, not the actual content. Almost everything they publish or release is either comms or distraction.

Anyone who has been following the Q drops or this board knows that pedophilia is rampant among politicians, celebrities, and anyone else in "the big club" usually as a means for control. (Not even getting into the cannibalism and satanic ritual abuse here) The demons at the top are the most heinous offenders, and they are never arrested or even exposed because they use those in the lower ranks as cannon fodder to divert attention away from their own crimes. Think Jimmy Saville, the Windsors, and probably the entire European monarchies. There have been a lot of retirements, deaths, illnesses, and absences from public life that have been explained by stories designed to evoke emotional, usually sympathetic, responses from the public, so clearly something is happening behind the scenes.

No doubt this monster has been doing this and getting away with it for years because he had the protection of those higher up than him. He has now lost his protection, and they are sacrificing him to try to distract from something else going on that is worse for them. This "report" that doesn't even name the suspect, is being used as a communication to someone, maybe a warning, or a red herring to get people to "look over here, not there."

The real question here is what are they specifically communicating or distracting from with this story.

LightOneSingleCandle 3 points ago +3 / -0

They are trying to preserve assets by splitting them up.

LightOneSingleCandle 3 points ago +3 / -0

We should not fear anything, come what may.

LightOneSingleCandle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sometimes it seems that they can't make it more obvious.

LightOneSingleCandle 8 points ago +8 / -0

This sounds like a desperate distraction from something truly damaging. They'll throw the lowest in the hierarchy under bus knowing that when the speedbump sings, the information leaked will be minimal.

LightOneSingleCandle 29 points ago +29 / -0

Oh yes they fell for it. They should have known it was too easy, but the target of the Kansas City Shuffle is always oblivious to the sting until the very end.

LightOneSingleCandle 2 points ago +2 / -0

The caption should read "EVIL" not DC, and yes, that is the same person, roughly 10-15 years apart.

LightOneSingleCandle 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've become convinced that all of these players, Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen, Michael Avenatti, even E Jean Carroll are part of the Kansas City Shuffle playing out before us. Possibly unwittingly or even unwillingly, but participants just the same.

LightOneSingleCandle 2 points ago +2 / -0

I found the Q drops right after the Las Vegas shooting too. I was reading a comment on a post at The Conservative Treehouse that said anyone discussing Q got banned, so naturally I had to find out what Q was.

LightOneSingleCandle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep, I thought the part about them finding out a few hours ago was the unsealed documents in the Florida case, but I guess it could also have been the Stormy Daniels trainwreck testimony about how she has been working as a medium.

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