PreserveMF 7 points ago +7 / -0

His Street cred just maxed out

PreserveMF 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reach but shot heard around the world?

PreserveMF 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pretty sure there where photos of us missiles that had been shot inside Russian territory at the start of the war.

PreserveMF 1 point ago +1 / -0

Luckily it's always easy to take advantage when evil makes moves and always although something bad might happen it can allow for moves to be made by thee good intentioned. Evil may win one time, two time maybe 3 but God always wins in the end.

PreserveMF 2 points ago +3 / -1

Research any other war an this shit happen everyone has just forgotten what is involved in warfare. Now days every war is a genocide.

PreserveMF 1 point ago +5 / -4

No you don't, after thosuands of years fighting wars there, a solution was needed to the issue for the "holy land" as it was super important for several reasons including trade and religon. Religion usually being used as the cover reason in most of the cases. Us the christian West, specifically the the british empire adopted an idea/ goal to deal with the issue, which a hundred years prior the French (napolean) wanted to do. Which was to make a buffer state and move all the jews of Europe too the holy land. After napolean failing this goal. In 1917 british and Australian forces took control of Jerusalem and surround areas including gaza. Deating the ottomans and ending 800 years of Muslim rule of the area. Many reasons why the creation of this state was our best option including the fact some of these jewish bankers who wanted this Zionist state had a finacial hold over the European monarchies. No doubt this blackmail occurred but it was still greatly to our advantage. Never forget unless this occurred we'd still be in an ongoing conflict there. They used us an we used them. It's the best thing we've come up with and for the longest time it's been working. Of coarse they the Zionists are doing sneaky things, but the the tangle of alliences and diplomatic tensions, some which we have carfully created has created the perfect mix of stability for us to profit and remain in relative peace while still having a grip on the region.

PreserveMF 4 points ago +5 / -1

Correction hamas was funded by Israel to keep in check the Plc. Same way we funded the mujahedeen early on to fight russia. This has been a strategy since ancient times.

PreserveMF 9 points ago +9 / -0

Every normie who sees this will go the videos edited... really wish this came out 15 years ago

PreserveMF 2 points ago +3 / -1

He is exposing them why do you think there is a big "G" in freemasonry. He is showing that gravity is not it, that are planet is extremely special and that the force comes from within it due to a magnetic frequency. This frequency is obviously the word of God mentioned in the bible. It all began with gods word.

PreserveMF 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thought was interesting they picked June, June is Luna or lunious the horned goddess of the moon. Read further she represented to the Romans a peace though only once there was Roman rule. That ideology of bringing darkness first and then bringing the light. Reminds me of a fair few masonic sayings, not to mention ideas in satanic bible. Which also reminds me of how the deepstate operates, any means neccasery. Compared to the good intentioned, who will follow Gods word and laws aswell as the states no matter even if they loose.

PreserveMF 1 point ago +1 / -0

So interesting cause what it seems they want has all the hallmarks of communism yet they believe it's nothing like it?

PreserveMF 1 point ago +1 / -0

The saying goes in Australia "talk shit get hit". Because of the high rate of being a smart ass it happens alot. it's very obvious though if you distrespect the Anzacs here in Australia there is consequences.

PreserveMF 0 points ago +1 / -1

because he understands the importance of Israel as a buffer state. That territory harbours extremely hostile groups. with out Israel we (christian nations) would have had to have keep sending young men in there to the endless war that has always existed in that region for what could be 5 thousands years plus due to trade, pilgrimage, geolocation and resources. Can you imagine if we re established the Christian kingdom of Jerusalem instead.... would have been at war for thr past 100 years.

PreserveMF 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are most likely Greek, from the aegen sea Crete?

PreserveMF 3 points ago +3 / -0

Semitic is anyone speaking Semitic language which is hebrew, Arabic and Aramaic.

PreserveMF 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's not known where the philistines came from but it is known that they weren't from that area, some possibilities Malta or other Mediterranean islands. The mix there must be crazy even in biblical times by the time the arabs an then all the turkish dynasties who controlled it. It's crazy anyone thinks there "native" to that region It's litterly the most faught over land period.

PreserveMF 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmm atheism - knowing that there's no God. Christians,Muslims, Jews etc - know that there is a God. What's the similarity... both athiest and religious people believe they KNOW. Seems quite arrogant.

Much smarter and logical to be agnostic, thiugh even then the term describes there being no evidence for God... possibly a new term needs to be created.

PreserveMF 1 point ago +2 / -1

Only problem is the Muslims are and have been so busy fighting themselves that a unified Muslim army hasn't been seen since the time of salahdin or maybe at peak ottoman times (reign of sulieman the magnificent) and even then they had significant factions against them. I think it's more likely groups will use Islamic extremist attacks for there own secret advancement such as the deepstate. A petty attack on the usa would be a complete bloodbath for the Muslim world.

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