SaltyJollyRoger 4 points ago +4 / -0

Mega dittos. People need to get comfortable with the idea of filling malpractice claims on doctors that lie. They're no longer obligated to obtain informed consent before injecting patients because we failed to hold them accountable for decades.

SaltyJollyRoger 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm no medicologist, but something seems off.

In separate research in 2023, researchers from Canada, North America, Germany, and Italy described a virtually identical disorder with the same PF4 antibody that was fatal in some cases after natural adenovirus (common cold) infection.

There's no link to this supposed research from 2023, no published paper referenced. I see statements like the one above made without evidence, and my brain immediately translated it into the statement below:

We'll say anything to shift the blame away from established products and praxis. It was caused by the spike protein; it was caused by this adenovirus; it was caused by H12N9000. We know this only happens after our interventions, but these things were also present so they must be responsible.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm jaded past the point of reason. Maybe the research is real. Or maybe we need to demand transparency and proofs at every stage of the scientific process to know the truth is being exposed instead of a scapegoat.

SaltyJollyRoger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for your service. What you say is a little worrying though. I thought one of the outcomes of the Nuremberg Trials was that following orders does not absolve guilt, and I always took this to mean soldiers should be prepared to disobey certain types of orders.

I guess it was always more along the lines of we may throw you under the bus later if it allows us to save face.

SaltyJollyRoger 14 points ago +15 / -1

Yes. He should lead by example. The Vatican will surely be strengthened by diversity.

SaltyJollyRoger 3 points ago +3 / -0

Looks like a PR play to regain trust. He maintains the gene therapies "saved many lives" despite having no effect on infection or transmission.

They know that they've nuked their accountability in the minds of a large portion of America, so they'll bring out an expert that hadn't stuck his foot in his mouth on camera recently to admit a few mistakes while propping up the rest of the lie.

SaltyJollyRoger 3 points ago +3 / -0

If she eats a lot of bread (or anything made with regular American wheat) her thyroid problems could easily have been exacerbated by the bromine that's used to treat flour. Bromine is similar to iodine in that it's a halide, and the thyroid readily absorbs it in the absence of iodine. The problem is that bromine cannot be used to make some of the hormones produced by the thyroid, and it has a much higher toxicity than iodine which tends to cascade into liver problems.

SaltyJollyRoger 1 point ago +1 / -0

We wonder if the child has been also vaccinated using Pfizer's covid-19 vaccine?

Yeah, because we have no reason to suspect that playing around with your genetic code like a kitten playing with a ball of yarn could in and of itself have seriously detrimental effects to the point of being inimical to a normal life.

SaltyJollyRoger 5 points ago +5 / -0

There's good evidence Tesla was taken out to stop precisely that from happening. Wardenclyffe scared crony capitalists like Morgan more than any number of potential death rays or resonant frequency weapons.

I'm not trying to be pessimistic, but it's a persistent problem. Does that level of altruism that was missing back then exist within that sphere now?

SaltyJollyRoger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Part of me thinks I should try to be less reactionary; another part of me simply cannot let go of the lack of accountability and transparency in medical science and industry. But good memes require brevity, so I really probably should be less reactionary.

Cheers, fren! ☕🐸

SaltyJollyRoger 2 points ago +2 / -0

I also remember scientists saying indirect evidence of viral pathology was only a temporary measure until the technology improved. We're up to genetic editing and nano-particulate filters, but still no direct evidence to show as proof of concept. We know more about how beneficial and adverse prions transmit their states to other proteins than we do about the supposed mechanism that renders cytopathogenic effects into the myriad of illnesses blamed on the viruses.

SaltyJollyRoger 3 points ago +3 / -0

Amen! If I trusted any one of those agencies to do what they say, this would be a different matter. As it stands though, these institutions are corrupted beyond belief. Everyone involved needs to have their entire families barred from ever holding any kind of public office. With any luck this would remove most government bureaucrats and a sizable chunk of congress.

SaltyJollyRoger 2 points ago +2 / -0

All of this bears out the phenomenon that it's easier to lie to people than to convince them they've been lied to, and especially so in large groups. So many people continue to trust what these frauds say even after all their BS gets exposed. And the amount of trust is truly insane: they don't need to see a physically isolated virus - they trust and believe the computer generated model that was ostensibly constructed by extrapolating genetic sequences from something a Chinese guy spat out.

SaltyJollyRoger 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll probably never understand how medical doctors manage to sleep at night, or how they managed to convince entire generations that the human body pushes butter directly into the veins. That's how they purport it at least. But always without any suggested mechanism for how the body processes dietary fat into calcium (the main constituent of cholesterol).

Cholesterol in the blood vessels is used to repair damage in the absence of the body's preferred repair tool: vitamin c, so I'm not at all surprised to learn it has an important role in brain function.

SaltyJollyRoger 1 point ago +1 / -0

For humans visible light is a tiny part of the electromagnetic spectrum. What a creature sees when light is diffracted is the gradient of that creature's visible spectrum. I'm not sure where the bird's visible colors begin and end, but I do know that the mantis shrimp sees much more of the EM spectrum than humans do.

SaltyJollyRoger 2 points ago +2 / -0

They sure are. They're not usually listed in the spectrum colors like indigo (dark blue) is, but every shade of every color we can see absolutely is present within the rainbow.

SaltyJollyRoger 4 points ago +4 / -0

It'll take at least a couple more years for insurance data to catch up. Right now they're still going off what the pharma industry tells them.

Something similar happened when statins (and blood pressure medicine in general) began to be heavily prescribed: for a while insurance rates stayed the same, but now anyone over 50 that gets prescribed blood pressure medicine has their insurance premium climb because that prescription in that age bracket is associated with early death.

SaltyJollyRoger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Death, paralysis, seizures, autism, allergies, etc. And all that was before the mRNA.

SaltyJollyRoger 9 points ago +9 / -0

I think there's no way this article is genuine. It reads like someone trying to shift public opinion by appealing to empathy. "Stop being mean; I was just following orders."

There's not one example of the "abuse" she claims to experience, only vague allegations of online toxicity. I'll bet dollars to donuts most her "abuse" is either people pointing out how she ignored warnings and a lack of safety data, or it's people pointing out heart attacks and turbo cancers. And more than that, I'll bet she instigates the situations by saying something retarded. She anguishes over reading "endless" detox protocols but doesn't speak of trying even one.

These aren't the words of someone who regrets their actions, or wants justice for the inhumanity they experienced. No, she wants people to forget - for society to be primed for her and those like her to do it all over again.

SaltyJollyRoger 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's more ubiquitous than most people realize, and often when they do realize, the cognitive dissonance is so overbearing that they put themselves back to sleep. If this problem were only occurring at the street level (isolated, random) and not in the upper echelons it would be much easier to deal with. But the problem has long since breached leadership circles. Just look at Vatican II.

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