deleted -1 points ago +3 / -4
cleancutcutlet 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tonga, January 2022, the biggest fart so far. They can't even count it in.

cleancutcutlet 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you remember when 10,000 Catalans converted to Islam a few years ago just to piss the Spanish catholics off? I'm not saying that what they did was sane, but I'm not sure about the Spanish either, if they could push the Catalans to this extreme. Now, the Russians...

by penisse
cleancutcutlet 3 points ago +3 / -0

The most ugly thing about it is that it doesn't discriminate.


**Hatred **

Wislawa Szymborska

See how efficient it still is,

how it keeps itself in shape—

our century's hatred.

How easily it vaults the tallest obstacles.

How rapidly it pounces, tracks us down.

It's not like other feelings.

At once both older and younger.

It gives birth itself to the reasons that give it life.

When it sleeps, it's never eternal rest.

And sleeplessness won't sap its strength; it feeds it.

One religion or another - whatever gets it ready, in position.

One fatherland or another - whatever helps it get a running start.

Justice also works well at the outset until hate gets its own momentum going.

Hatred. Hatred.

Its face twisted in a grimace of erotic ecstasy…

Hatred is a master of contrast -

between explosions and dead quiet,

red blood and white snow.

Above all, it never tires

of its leitmotif - the impeccable executioner

towering over its soiled victim.

It's always ready for new challenges.

If it has to wait awhile, it will.

They say it's blind. Blind?

It has a sniper's keen sight

and gazes unflinchingly at the future

as only it can.

by IAmOne
cleancutcutlet 1 point ago +2 / -1

To say nothing about the huge eyeglasses...

cleancutcutlet 8 points ago +8 / -0

I bet it will be something more in the line of inclusive-exclusive, the exclusive part reeking of genocidal.

cleancutcutlet 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting piece of information, thank you.

cleancutcutlet 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've just listened to Lukas Hermsmeier's review „Uprising. Amerikas neue Linke“ on DLF's "Andruck – Das Magazin für Politische Literatur" - BLM is good, AOC is a hero, she manages to change public policy, the attack on the Capitol, what is going on over there? DLF is so far on the left side of the political spectrum that the notion of political spectrum has no meaning anymore... It was so cringy it made me sick.

cleancutcutlet 2 points ago +3 / -1

Anything that will whitewash Putin and the Russians gets upvoted here in a frenzy I've never thought possible, given Q's emphasis on research.

On the other hand, the 5 kopek army posting here like crazy is a symptom of Russia's fear of the US. After all, this is quite flattering.

cleancutcutlet 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good knowledge indeed, but I would also like to see the equivalent map of Russia. You don't come up with the US map and simply say "Provoking Russia is suicidal".

A lot of people around here don't seem to have the antibodies for the Russian propaganda and they continue to upvote a lot of memes created in the Russian labs, not in Pepe's.

As always, we need to ask ourselves "cui prodest?", who benefits. If it's Russia, Russia, Russia... eh, next.

cleancutcutlet 5 points ago +5 / -0

How do they explain Q's account? Blank stare?

A lot of 5 kopek army trolls on patriots.win... Russia this, Russians that. Had one idiot deported, he posted a map with nuclear strike targets in the US: https://patriots.win/p/141rxVQCQq/potential-nuclear-targets-based-/

cleancutcutlet 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't know how many hands I need, but on the other-other hand...


Governor General Mary Simon

Mary Simon is the first Indigenous governor general in Canada since Confederation. She was installed as the 30th governor general of Canada on July 26, 2021.

cleancutcutlet 1 point ago +1 / -0

Only if the horse's name is Tank.

cleancutcutlet 7 points ago +7 / -0

that officer didn't want to do what he was doing

Then why was he on the horse?

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