Last night my 10 yr. grandson turned on an animal program. He asked, "Guess who is narrating?". The voice was familiar but I couldn't place it. He said, "Kenya" and I'm like ok it's an animal show in Kenya. He then said, "No, Kenya, not born in the US." It was Obama! I asked where he heard this. A replied, "My friends and I talk about this kind of stuff at school all the time." There's hope for the US!


My cousin, Mike, has Cronin lymphocytic leukemia and this is a part of his story:

"I've been taking ivermectin for over 2 years whenever my white blood count gets above 12. 2.5 months ago it got to 14.7 which is the highest since I was diagnosed with 'CLL', Cronin lymphocytic leukemia. I took 3 doses of ivermectin and had a 2nd blood work done 2 weeks later. It had dropped to 12.2. I had a fall about 2 weeks later and had some more blood work done and it had dropped to 10.1. 10.5 is high normal. I'm not treatable yet, it's never gotten active in 6 years. After taking the ivermectin 3 or 4 times a year, and see my blood work Improve each time, there's no doubt it's helping something. This time was also the 1st time in 6 years that it's normal or close to normal. The US has never done studies and no Dr. that I've spoken to ever heard of it as a treatment. It's all out there, it can treat multiple forms of cancer and sometimes is used in conjunction with another drug but no chemo. Read for yourself, you can find studies and actual results."


Louisiana members in particular but everyone should check their own states as well. The GOP establishment in Louisiana has set up a caucus that they're keeping under the radar so that the RINOs can get other RINOs elected as delegates for this summer’s Republican National Convention (RNC). Please put this on blast! Locations are listed in the article: https://thehayride.com/2024/03/koenig-why-wont-the-lagop-publicize-the-la-republican-caucus/


I was watching Dateline and there was a commercial with old clips of network talking heads speaking about getting vaxxed. This had me wondering how many of them had been vaxxed and that if they and gov't officials were ever brought to trial over vaxx lying could their medical records be subpoenaed so I looked it up. YES, records can be subpoenaed. There are ins and outs BUT if a case is brought by say someone in Louisiana where there are not as many hoops to go through, it can be used in court. Not all states allow this. Imagine citizen's reactions if they find out that the very people encouraging them to get the vaxxed never got ot themselves. https://www.legis.la.gov/legis/Law.aspx?d=77559#:~:text=(1)%20A%20health%20care%20provider,the%20health%20care%20provider%20has


for "donating billions of dollars to construct factories that will manufacture the seven most promising vaccines. This will keep us from losing any time as potential vaccines move through the clinical trial process. " https://twitter.com/NikkiHaley/status/1247185910896173062

Prayers please 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by ditzee58 ago by ditzee58

We have court this week. Our grandchildren's step mother, who they call Mom, has been given orders for a move to South Korea. My husband and I will have to say that we think it's best for them to move there with Dad and Mom. Our daughter, M., while she loves her children, is just not fit. It kills me to say this and my heart is being smashed. Last year, Dad was given custody with M having supervised visitation. She only saw them twice in about 9 months until she found out about the move to S. Korea. My husband and I had to take out a restraining order against M last year because she called the police and told them that I was a danger to myself. Imagine my shock when the police came and had to bring me to the ER so a doc could check me out. He said I was fine but that it sounded like my daughter was not. The next day, the police were back. M called and reported my husband, her father, for animal abuse. Now you all don't know him but my husband is, if not the kindest, then one of the top 10 kindest men in the whole world. She violated the order the other night when she called me in the middle of the night. In the past, she tried to strangle me and she swung a cast iron bed rail at her dad. I wish I could make you all understand how painful this court appearance will be for my husband and for me. We love our daughter. We have to put our grandchildren first though. All they've known since they were born is chaos. They need to be on the other side of the world so that they can get some stability in their lives. Anyway, sorry for the novel. We need strength and courage. Please pray for us. Thank you


the Left is dumb. I have been seeing on Twit that "OOOO Trump went to Epstein Island." The schmucks have him going there in 1993 and 1994. Thing is Epstein did not buy the Island until 1998. You'd think they would check dates before trying to manipulate information.


Hilarious but sad too because Joe has as much brain capacity as an amoeba.



T. was named the Ambassador at large for our Louisiana Election Fraud Prevention group. This afternoon he and his group are meeting with our Sheriff. Last week they met with the Sheriff of a neighboring parish. It went very well. Don't know about where y'all live but in our area, the Sheriff is top dog. The group could not have chosen a more perfect man. T. is level headed and unlike me, not impetuous. He's laid back and he listens to what people say. On the goals list is " Remind people that the government works for We the People. They're not better. We're their employers." I love this! Please pray that our group achieves its purpose.


Old back injury is acting up pretty badly. Problem, besides the pain, is that we're taking our grandchildren on a trip next week. Their parents are being stationed in S. Korea for the next 4 yrs. and they're leaving the 1st week of Dec. so cannot reschedule. This means we will probably only see them 4 times during the next 4 yrs. Freaking out because I am going on this trip regardless but it would be better if I'm not in pain. So PLEASE pray that God heals my pain. If He decides I have to suffer the pain, maybe He could have it start after our trip?


Who else is enjoying Mike Johnson's win? We needed a big one and got it.


Did y'all hear anything cause I sure as heck didn't.



"JUN 22, 2023, 02:03 PM | 118TH CONGRESS, 1ST SESSION Vote Question: On Agreeing to the Resolution

Relating to the resolution (H. Res. 503) impeaching Joseph R. Biden, Jr., President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors

Vote Type: Recorded Vote

Status: Passed

VOTES Aye: 219

No: 208

Present: 0

Not Voting: 7"


A friend, M., committed suicide in the late hours of last night. M. had suffered the deaths of many of her family members over the last year. She had a gun and her husband was trying to talk her out of shooting herself. He failed and she shot through her head in front of him. He ran to the neighbor's house and called police who talked with him until 4 am. M's son has been on trouble over the yrs and is mentally fragile. They need prayers. Thank you.


Not saying this salt water intrusion will affect everyone in south Louisiana BUT Dumb bel Edwards has applied for Federal emergency declaration. https://gov.louisiana.gov/index.cfm/newsroom/detail/4269 https://lailluminator.com/2023/09/22/saltwater-intrusion/

Want anyone who might be affected to know ahead so that you can order or build water filtration system. I don't trust Dumb bel and I sure as hell don't trust the Feds. My husband and I ordered both a water filtration system and 3 extra months of food because that is how long this problem is forecast to last at the longest. Grocery stores on the West Bank and other areas are already getting crazy. We live in a different area in south Louisiana but I predict it will get just as nuts.

PRAYER FOR REMOVAL OF THE WICKED 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by ditzee58 ago by ditzee58


Father, we ask in the name of Jesus that all WILLFUL WORKERS OF WICKEDNESS be removed from positions of power, prominence and prestige. Open the eyes of those being deceived and place people who stand for your righteous cause in the high places of government and influence. AMEN.

Singer Oliver Anthony was reportedly among the thousands stranded at Burning Man. If true, is Bohemian Grove in his future?


Just a little heads up - while I know most of us would never take another vaxx, please tell those you love not to get the RSV vaxx. My sister-in-law and I were discussing the vaxx situation this afternoon. She's been a respiratory therapist for over 30 yrs and she told me that not once has she ever seen an adult with RSV. In fact, she was pissed that a vaccine is being offered for something that has, until the last few months, almost never been seen in adults. I add the "almost" because I cannot be definite that zero adults have not had it but it would be rare. She said it seems like they must be calling asthma or bronchitis, RSV.


Those numb nuts have taken that famous bar clip of people cheering a soccer win and they have posted it on youtube as though these are people cheering for POTUS being arrested. Of course, the blue idiots have bought it hook, line, and sinker with no research. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlKCUGR764k


Before the History Channel became the everything but history channel, each August they'd show The Men Who Killed Kennedy. Want to share the link for anyone who hasn't seen it. Of course, it was made by a British company because none in America would tell the truth. Stone's JFK was not released until a few years later. It's vital to American citizens to know what happened. The attitude of some today is, "That happened 60 yrs ago, so what? It's everything. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0XNiu-yutk


This afternoon I got a call from my doc's office about medicare telling them I needed an annual checkup. I proceeded to lose my shit on the poor woman. I have to go to the doc 2x a year for med refills and if I'm ill - which is seldom. Now, my Doc is cool. He refused to give the vaxx and he also refused to take it which lost him his hospital privileges.

Medicare acts like they're doing us a favor. BULLSHIT We paid taxes all our lives for this. They are not entitlements and I will not kiss bureaucratic ass.

Seems like BIG Pharma is acting like Big Brother. They get the medical establishment to lower numbers on what is considered acceptable for BP, cholesterol, etc.

Tomorrow, I am contacting my Congress critters and asking them to look into the gov't getting involved in my health. You all are likely mostly young and not facing this yet. Believe me, time flies and you'll be in my position in a flash. You might want to consider contacting your critters so that you don't have to deal with this in the future.

Got this email and think y'all will want to participate:

" How do you rate the 2024 GOP primary candidates?



The Real Anthony Fauci movie https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/the-real-anthony-fauci-full-film-2023/

I read the book and am getting ready to watch the film.


that FBI/DOJ planning another Jan 6th for POTUS supporters who show up to support him. "In the statement, Higgins said that the recent persecution of President Trump by the DOJ is more than just the weaponization of our DOJ and FBI against a conservative American leader; it is “an example of the now SOP entrapment-staging that the FBI conducts.”

“My fellow conservatives, the DOJ/FBI doesn’t expect to imprison Trump, they expect to imprison you,” Higgins wrote. “They want J6 again.”



Louisiana prevents CBDC!!!


HB415 - prevents Central Bank Currency - PASSED on House floor just now 97-8!

Louisiana has a super GOP majority so even if Dumb bel Edwards, our Commie governor, vetoes this, he can be overridden!

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