enough_of_the_racism 1 point ago +1 / -0

But “there are no coincidences.” That must apply here too. It’s also my cat’s birthday so I’m sure that is on purpose too. /s

enough_of_the_racism 1 point ago +1 / -0

She would have been carrying the racist tranny version of the pride flag.

enough_of_the_racism 2 points ago +2 / -0

Paragraph 3 - anons are “weaponized hate” Paragraph 21 - racism and xenophobia are rarely at the heart of Q topics

Thanks for finding the time and space to acknowledge just one of the lies you told earlier I’m the story

enough_of_the_racism 4 points ago +4 / -0

Should I wonder how “all models over 18 years of age” got so high on your list? Not that I know what that is from…

enough_of_the_racism 1 point ago +1 / -0

I meant to say 22nd didn’t happen for the actual US, just in the corporation. Yes corporation is dead behind the scenes, so Trump is good from both angles.

Kek by winn
enough_of_the_racism 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unfortunately, this may be urban legend. I searched the Texas legislative bills and commendations for any legislation with his name on it and there wasn’t any. Unless it was very recent and they haven’t posted it yet or they went in and deleted it once they figure out what they have done.

enough_of_the_racism 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trump is president of the 1871 United States. Biden is president of United States Inc.

enough_of_the_racism 4 points ago +4 / -0

And even outside of that, the 22nd amendment didn’t happen in the corporation, so there are no term limits in that world.

enough_of_the_racism 6 points ago +6 / -0

Surprised someone would read your comment and just jump to you expecting failure. I’m over 10 years younger than you, basically healthy, and I still pray the Lord keep me around to see the victory. Any of us could die at any time so it makes perfect sense to be so certain of the plan that you know you want to live to see it. I’m with you Q sibling!

enough_of_the_racism 1 point ago +1 / -0

Golf Trump is the one that I think of as the drunk Santa version of Trump. Like there’s a lot of Santa’s that look pretty similar and do a good job and can be convincing and then there’s that one that is just drunk and looks bad. https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/donald-trump-golfing

enough_of_the_racism 3 points ago +3 / -0

When I was making this, I noticed the picture was yesterdays and it had changed for today (Monday) But check out the site for the new picture today, and there is ANOTHER Q in the wild. http://www.bing.com

enough_of_the_racism 6 points ago +6 / -0

I had a post back then before the raid that something was going to happen that day (I was really off on my guess as to what.) I knew because I realized Trump’s text number of 88022 was a date (8/8/2022). And that number had been around for a few years. So he planned the raid date to coincide with that date, or he knew that raid date way back when the text number for the campaign was being set up and he selected that number.

enough_of_the_racism 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree with you, but I also think some level of that is Trump Derangement Syndrome. While I think that phrase started as a tongue-in-cheek joke, it really is a syndrome that affects people’s mental capacity. For example, I remember back to the big border wall debate and you would have College educated people repeating the line that “walls don’t work”. Which is the dumbest argument ever. Walls have been used for thousands of years. If I were to make up a statistic I would say they’re 99.9% effective in keeping the people they want on one side of the wall on that side of the wall. But then you have intelligent people saying walls don’t work. It makes you wonder how they could be so ignorant or blatantly disingenuous all of a sudden. It’s the TDS.

enough_of_the_racism 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here’s a great resource for someone’s voting voting record, and this is his specifically. https://ballotpedia.org/Chip_Roy At the bottom of the 2023 votes there’s a place where you can click on more and I will go back to prior years. And then I did just a quick Bing search just to see an example of some of the positive things he does. I know I’m not going to be able to find a lot of it but I do see his name come up a lot when you see stuff about actions by Congress that support the patriots goals.



Here is a good summarizing quote of him from that article, “Trump and his followers antagonized Roy for supporting DeSantis, calling the congressman a RINO. Never mind that Roy’s voting record is one of the most conservative in Congress, not once voting with President Joe Biden’s agenda — an anomaly even in this divided Congress.”

In the 2022 primaries, I think it was, there was a Maga candidate in the primary along with three other Republicans also. However, none of them came anywhere close to beating him. So that’s the hard part is someone can run against him but I think the only way to have a chance to beat him would be with Trump’s endorsement. He’s up for the vote for this year but maybe 2026 will be different. The problem is there’s no fault in his voting record. He talks anti-Trump, but he votes as Republican as you could ever ask for. (Except when he voted to certify the election. Unless that was part of his job for team MAGA. Trump needed Biden to win for the “pause” so maybe that’s a good cover to be outwardly anti-Trump and it allowed him to place that vote.). He may just be another great actor in the plan… 🧐

enough_of_the_racism 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m Chip Roy too. I wish there was an anon meetup but I get that defeats the purpose of “anon”.
I will say, he has made some RINO voters, but he also does a lot of lifting for the good guys too.

enough_of_the_racism 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m already full up on legitimate conspiracy theories. No room for this stretch of one in my brain.

enough_of_the_racism 7 points ago +7 / -0

Back shortly after the 2020 election, I saw a department of transportation highway sign on the side of the road and it was programmed to say Biden lost Trump won and something else. I had some people in the car with me and by the time I got to go back by to take a picture it was gone. I’m guessing somebody lost their job that day but I loved seeing the message out there.

enough_of_the_racism 1 point ago +1 / -0

I sure hope this happens but this sounds like almost the exact write up I’ve seen on GME a couple years ago, and all of it was supposed to come to light turned out to be a big ol dud.

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