In order to fix it, it most be irrevocably broken for all to see. Joe Biden wins again in 2024. Then we are at the precipice. Then you can have "The storm is upon us." The government will never fix itself. The people must completely lose faith in it. Once it becomes a complete laughingstock, it can be abandoned, and re-made. Its never going to be fixed. Everyone thinks the government is going to fix the government. It will never happen. The only way to win is by pointing and laughing at them. That point will come when Joe Biden wins with 100 billion votes or some ridiculous number.

The Precipice 🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
posted ago by faxandu ago by faxandu

I truly believe the only way this all ends without bloodshed is Biden stealing 2024 so obviously, the entire system becomes a complete laughingstock. EVERYONE has to know the system is rigged. Biden massively cheating a 2nd time when NO ONE votes for him brings the house of cards down and requires a complete, total restart of everything. 175 million + votes. Something truly outrageous.


Biden steals it every step of the way from every competitor. 120+ million votes. Total undeniable cheating. Only then will the will the system be shown to be truly broken.


He supports and promotes the vaccine so that when the big reveal comes and all the blue-hairs and sheeple learn they were duped, Trump is also a victim, but he is the biggest victim of all because they lied to HIM - the president. They may follow and forgive Trump after that when they realize he was right all along about the Fake News.




Oh yeah, 2 more weeks. . .


Straight up.


She said he expects to speak to misc world leaders if he needs to in the coming days. Lol. Isolated and confused.


Remember the Bo Jackson commercials? "Bo knows baseball. Bo knows basketball." etc. What does Joe know? A bunch of ludicrous shit, memesmiths.


Paski's freakout alone must have been incredible. I want that fancy lad with the black and white short-pant suit to be the new spokesman.


When Biden puts his feet up on the Resolute Desk and laughs about how they stole the White House. He admits the crime and Trump beats them with the same wiretap they used against him. Poetic.

17 Flags behind POTUS (www.youtube.com)
posted ago by faxandu ago by faxandu

Our military is an intelligent weapon. It is the sword in the sword. Go ahead and try to pull that sword and see what happens, Joe.

he would ever walk into that trap waiting for him in DC. They will say Biden is president, we will have two presidents, and there will be complete chaos. Biden, the dems, and the msm will demand Trump leave the country or be arrested and hand over the nuclear codes. They want two Presidents. They want chaos.


There is no way that POS has the guts to go in there and and swear on the bible. Trump is staring him down like a game of chicken. "Come at me Joe. Walk right in and swear on that Bible. Do it. I dare you." In that way, there will be a ridiculous end.


I'm not a Christian and I don't believe in God. However, I think I see what is going to happen. Trump is going to be impeached. He is going to be removed from every social media, delisted from the internet. They are going to crucify him. It will happen. He will let it happen. He will let them completely bury him. THEN. . . then and only then will the military act with RIGHTEOUS FURY and legal justification. It can't be him. It won't be him. It has to be. . the military.


If you think everything is going to go hunky-dory you are wrong. This will be an actual battle.