hunterscrackpipe1 1 point ago +1 / -0

KeK- cannot wait for the rebuttal shortly after their failed DNC convention which will result in the mostly peaceful burning of the parts of Chiraq, again. I like most the others stopped after the first sentence and chuckled. Stuff like this many years ago would get me a bit pissed, but now I laugh because of their lame attempt to downplay what is going on and what is to come.

He should have gone into more depth around more conspiracies that have come true like the covid vax poisoning. Love the dribbleware that keeps coming out, expect more this weekend.

We're going to need lots of rope.

hunterscrackpipe1 3 points ago +3 / -0

The FAA had to CHANGE THE RULES ON EKG's for pilots because the vast majority now FAIL the standards post injection. No one talks about that, all those pilots have heart damage, I am sure it's a coincidence.

hunterscrackpipe1 1 point ago +1 / -0

I Should have read down thru the comments before I posted. The very first thing I think of when I see this topic is Rope.

hunterscrackpipe1 2 points ago +2 / -0

So what? Well, recall that HRC's Rose Law Firm handled the patent filing/petition for the QRS11, a solid-state gyroscopic guidance system. It is rumored that HRC/RLF managed to strongarm the patent holders for their own financial gain. The QRS11 and it's later versions are rumored to be at the heart of the Deep State's ability to skyjack and down a plane or helicopter:

Let's not forget that we also had the whole rash of MIL crashes a few short years ago.

Interesting leads with Klausutis - great dig anon. I do remember killary and the fact that she also had ties on encryption keys. https://aim4truth.org/2018/09/17/hillary-clinton-controls-50000-fbi-encryption-keys-proves-muellers-witch-hunt-is-treasonous/

hunterscrackpipe1 4 points ago +4 / -0

already calculated and projected their eventual fine and budgeted that into their calculations

Spot on - factored as cost of doing business. It's obviously more profitable than the fines to them. Treat them like the Bells - break them up. I am forgetting the legal definition where they're suppose to be a neutral 3rd party too, which they're obviously not.

Still fully believe they're guilt of crimes against humanity due to their tactics to quell dissent and push the injections during the poisoning of Americans and citizens of the world at large. Trials - then lots of rope, wonderful reusable rope.

hunterscrackpipe1 2 points ago +2 / -0

When is this guy going to go on trial - I look forward to the day we hear someone does the pie trick to him, but with a bat. Fun fact- gates was 100% anti vaccine with his kids.

hunterscrackpipe1 4 points ago +4 / -0

^^ This - "not only was working in that role a life long dream, but the impact from being let go from that role and the fact that it was based on my religious, civil rights as well as body antimony, has rocked the foundation of my being. It continues to impact every aspect of my life since then."

Now (actually past due) is a great time to grab some sessions with a counselor / shrink. ;-) You have zero to lose and everything to gain. Note that when you get real serious with them, discovery can be a two way street. Be careful what you "document" in emails.

hunterscrackpipe1 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's past time to have public executions of those people who are doing what they can to harm Americans. I think this is what they want, ultimately. At some point soon, we need to impact these people so it is remembered generationally. It's coming down to an us or them.

hunterscrackpipe1 2 points ago +2 / -0

7 stage RO with carbon block filters. Was going to hold on doing a whole house carbon filter, looks like that has to get going sooner than later.

hunterscrackpipe1 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am waiting for some despondent father or mother, who listened to the media arm of the dnc, the msm, who then injected their kid with that bioweapon. Now we're hearing case after case of kids with myocarditis (better than 50% wont last 10 years - it's a death sentence) or the rampant cases of sudden death, cancers and neuro issues. Someone with nothing to lose since they lost what was most important to them, is going to snap and start track these people down.

hunterscrackpipe1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reminds me of that big push for zika virus and pregnant women here in the US, prior to the covid pysops. Those mosquitos, gates has been releasing billions of them in the US. There was also studies that mentioned rises of certain diseases in those area too. I will look for the article.


"A Bill Gates-tied mosquito project is not responsible for recent US malaria cases"

Are we sure about that?

hunterscrackpipe1 2 points ago +2 / -0


Doncha know that's for horses! What a hypocrite POS.

hunterscrackpipe1 2 points ago +2 / -0

The real crypto currency that is backed by some real assets

This is my primary gripe, the existing cryptos that in my limited knowledge, is backed by zilch. If you're old enough, 15 years ago or so, people were flipping - collecting beany babies, cheap shit that can be produced over and over, with a tangible value of making some kid smile at best. I knew of two people who dumped 10's of thousands into buying and holding this shit for part of their retirement. I am sure you can see how it ended. The difference I see between bitcoin and this, is at least they got a stuff animal out of the deal.

Now back to something backed, I am with you on the anonymity at a high level. With something backed, I would feel a bit better, like the proposed fedcoin etc, but in the right hands and controls. I still see risk because I am old enough to remember when people never thought the standards of encryption would cracked. I get most of your points and I have more understanding to do on my side. I like the control aspect of transparency, that provides a whole lot clarity and honesty but still see too many risks, which admittedly, a lot is probably due to my lack of knowledge. I still prefer paper, but as you say, having a ledger prevents or provides a window to see the printer go burrrrrrrr.

Thanks for taking the time to provide some insight.

hunterscrackpipe1 3 points ago +3 / -0

The pandemic showed us who would be willing to be "brownshirts" and sell out their fellow family and neighbors to get views on their social media. My faith in humanity was confirmed. It also strengthen the resolve of those with common sense and critical thinking skills. Sad but true, the vax will a generational learning lesson for NPC's as well as distrust amongst those who felt they were coerced into this poison. The saddest part of that is the innocent, the children and seniors who didn't have a word or ability to push back. The day of judgement will come to all of those who sold their souls to push this on humanity. The world also needs global trials and public capital punishment or else this disease process will only get worse.


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