noquo89 2 points ago +2 / -0

HOLY FUCK, BROTHER, did you see what his total number of shares is going to be after those June 21st calls? 17. FUCKING. MILLION. There's that number 17 again!

noquo89 2 points ago +2 / -0

All those "UBS is buying calls to close" shills in shambles, lmfao. He foretold what he was about to do with his movie long meme-a-thon on X, and now he's just laid it all out there. What a time to be alive!

noquo89 7 points ago +7 / -0

AND HE POSTED A NEW YOLO UPDATE ON REDDIT! He never sold and has been the one buying all those July 21st $20 calls!!! Bro, this shit is about to get WILD.

noquo89 4 points ago +4 / -0

The "Consolidated Audit Trail" goes live tomorrow as well. Many in the GME world over at Superstonk see this as a big moment, and I find it very coincidental it is happening on the same day as this unix epoch clock moment you've pointed out, OP. All of it still requires the SEC and DOJ to take action, which we all know won't happen, but it is still very important in the grand scheme of things.

For those that don't know, the CAT going live signifies that any trade will have its CAT CAIS event (trade) and FDID (broker id), customer id, timestamp, security id information time stamp accurate and synchronized down to within 50 milliseconds. This essentially means all trades, including naked shorts, must be reported to the FIS reporting system, or it will be sent to the SEC for reporting to the DOJ.

"This comprehensive database collects and accurately identifies every order, cancellation, modification, and trade execution across all U.S. markets, allowing for more efficient and accurate tracking of trading activity. This significantly enhances market oversight by providing regulators with a comprehensive and real-time view of trading activity across U.S. markets." - Microsoft Co-Pilot.

Essentially, bad actors in the stock market have been able to hide from enforcement groups due to a lack of synchronized data they can take their time to forge and manipulate over time, since before this system, it's been up to the SEC to take their word at face value. This system creates a database where all trades, and anything that happens with these trades, are recorded within milliseconds of any action (creation, editing, completion, cancellation, etc.). They no longer control the data, and that to me can turn into something interesting real quick. Let's see what happens!

noquo89 11 points ago +11 / -0

3 Q posts for 7/11 all mention NYC and the many pedos arrested there. Let's see what happens.




noquo89 17 points ago +17 / -0

It's just the Q post number 711, thought I'd post it. If it's a chess move reference, then it is a reference to "one of white’s most popular and aggressive options to begin a chess game." Opening move, setting the precedent that former Presidents can be prosecuted.

noquo89 30 points ago +30 / -0


Even though Q posts are military time, this was posted at 5:16AM, the same time the jury began to read their verdict if in PM.

noquo89 3 points ago +3 / -0

C before D. Many, myself included, thought it was [C]rash before [D]eclass. Some thought it was Coats before Declass. Now I'm thinking it's Conviction before Declass. If everything happening to Trump can and will happen to them because of the precedent they are setting ("Think Mirror," and "Boomerang"), then it makes perfect sense that once the precedent has been set, the game can finally unfold.

This trial will be appealed, but it has to happen so that this precedent can be set and the public accepts that former Presidents can be sued and held liable for things they did both before and after their time in office.

noquo89 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, they have 3 years from today to do it, which many on superstonk are saying will happen during MOASS. I also recommend reading this post from Superstonk, as it's a very interesting theory.

noquo89 3 points ago +3 / -0

They announced them today, not that it's happening today. It could be between today and the next three years when they sell them, but it's the fact they announced them today, the 17th, and it was 45m (45 being Trump).

noquo89 11 points ago +11 / -0

I also like how Gamestop announced they're issuing 45 million shares on the 17th. 45 and 17, gotta love the little details.

noquo89 4 points ago +4 / -0

These aren't the only Q post mentioning him, so let's not forget who this faggot really is. I get it, the post is about backtracking what they said in the past, but let's not fool ourselves into liking Bill "Kid Love Productions" Maher for being the one to say some things we like.

noquo89 3 points ago +3 / -0

What he's saying is true: crypto crashing will result in the death of the stock market. But WHY he believes its pumping and soon to be dumped is incorrect, in my opinion. I believe that crypto has been pumped to keep short sellers and banks afloat as an easy way to post collateral and use token stocks as a means to continue shorting the real stocks. All you have to do is look into Tether infinitely printing BTC-USD to pump Bitcoin to what it is today, and look into PICKANYSTOCKTICKER-BTC of your favorite stocks to find out how they short stocks with crypto. This all feels like a distraction and alternate narrative to capture the real insidiousness behind where our stock market and crypto is today. These banks have failed and had their bags pushed onto other banks. What happened to the bag holders? THEY'RE FAILING TOO! If the banks are in on it, then they're eating themselves alive, which only makes so much sense.

Crypto does indeed have value, but not the inflated one it has today. It will crash and bring everything down with it, but that's because they can only keep the game up for so long. Just like short sellers, crypto exchanges don't hold any of the tokens and coins they advertise, they just take your money and flip it, all while pumping the cryptos in the process. When you buy anything from a broker or exchange, unless you have direct registered stocks or control your wallet, all you're getting are IOUs. If you transfer something in, they sell it instantly and just give you an IOU. When you sell, they just give you the value of that IOU. There isn't enough of these tokens, coins, and stocks to go around, they can only deal in IOUs and derivatives, and THAT is what will bring the house of cards down. When people panic run these brokerages and exchanges, they'll just take the money and run SINCE YOU HAVE NEVER ACTUALLY OWNED ANYTHING IN YOUR ACCOUNT BUT THEIR IOUs!

The stock market and crypto exchanges are ponzi schemes, but the game is setup right now to keep them afloat. They never expected people to lock them out of certain stocks by registering their IOUs, and now the game has become a ticking time bomb. Inflation is the result of them trying to keep it going, but pretty soon that inflation will go so out of control, they won't have the collateral to keep it together. The dollar milkshake theory is in full effect, its only a matter of time until the Game Stops.

Evil cannot create things, only steal and control it. Crypto was not made to advance the rich, if that was the case, they would have been pushing it from the onset. Instead, they waited until they could control it and set it up for what it is today. They denied the importance of crypto for years and then turned around and started pushing it once they had their systems in place. If they wanted to use it from the onset, they would have done so. It's the same way I feel about many things they taint and control: evil studies it first to find out how to control it, then goes all in. If control was their intent, they'd have been the ones to create it. Again, we all know evil is incapable of creating, only stealing and controlling.

noquo89 12 points ago +12 / -0

While this is a powerful speech, knowing the context of the Diablo IV trailer they used as the background footage makes it kind of funny. The Angel you see is a fallen Angel for his transgressions in the lore of the video game series Diablo. He fell after leaving Heaven to marry the daughter of Diablo, and their children would go onto become Humanity. He goes to hell to fight Diablo and banish his wife, not to save mankind, but to save his own skin. He's a literal crybaby bitch who uses his stature to use mankind as pawns in his own pursuit of defeating Diablo to seek favor with Heaven again and return home. He is literally willing to let humanity, his own children and devout followers, burn if it means he can go home. To top it off, he dies at the end of this trailer to his Wife in the most pathetic way possible.

So, using that footage with the speech is funny since the game is very sacrilegious and not at all portraying what people think it is.

noquo89 5 points ago +5 / -0

I believe this is only part of the greater equation stacked against us younger generations. I'm in-between millennial and gen z, so I have an interesting perspective being on the cusp of this all unfolding before my very eyes. The list includes not only these traits, but also our education system, the splintering of the nuclear family, internet culture and social media influence, and the overall state of the workforce / economy at large.

Our education system has been flattened to meet the needs of the lowest common denominator. How did it happen? Well, thanks to our lovely pal George W Bush, he forced education to be a federally controlled system with the "No Child Left Behind" Act. No longer are we trying to help kids achieve what is necessary of them to succeed in life. Instead, school has been retrofitted around the concept of "National Testing," which forces curriculums to revolve around preparing for these tests rather than preparing students with the knowledge that is necessary for success. So, even though states decide what is necessary for their schools to receive state funding, the federal government still has final say since they dictate the national tests that determine what states get in federal funding. Better test results equals more funding, and how do you get better test results? By teaching what is necessary to pass the tests, ie, the federal curriculum. And guess how most states get funding for schools? Federal funding. So, by design, we aren't teaching our best and brightest to their fullest, instead we're pushing everyone along, specifically our dumbest, at the expense of our best and brightest. It's not so much a participation trophy type mentality, but rather a "make metrics look better by having everyone graduate" mentality. How do you do that? By making education as easy as necessary to let our dumbest graduate. What does that do? Makes everyone stupid in the process since they're only learning what the dumb are capable of learning. In turn, this also means there isn't time in the curriculum to learn actual life changing information (philosophy and home ec, specifically). Throw in the fact that they banned religion and continually ban history and older media in the pursuit of "political correctness," and you have a greater picture of how our education system is designed to let us down.

Now, how does splintering the nuclear family play into this? Well, if Mom and Dad are both busy working, then there isn't anyone to teach the kids but the schools themselves. Our schools are raising us and everyone else's kids because children's parents are too busy to teach them anything, let alone help them with their studies. Parents are completely disconnected from the education their children are receiving, and as a result, children are being groomed into obedient slaves to a system they were purposely uneducated on to ensure their mental enslavement.

This also leaves children completely to their own devices, literally and figuratively. Television, video games, and the books they are being shown are all tailored with DEI and SJW wokeness in mind. How do you get funding for anything nowadays, even as a company? By having a high credit score, and for business' that also includes having a high social credit score, aka, conforming to DEI standards. So, as we've been witnessing over the past 10+ years, slowly but surely, companies have not only been infiltrated by woke-types, they're also being pressured by big finance to conform or go under from a lack of funding. Thus, we have the endless barrage of woke-drivel being forced into every cultural medium. Companies aren't doing this because they believe these things, they do it because it gives them funding and access to easy money. The big dogs and top finance companies, in my opinion, are also doing this not only to brainwash younger generations with this mindset, but also to ensure these assets crash and burn and can then be swallowed up on the cheap. They get a triple whammy in their pursuit of control: brainwash the youth, splinter the masses (and families) on culture issues, and control more assets for cheap.

What about social media and influencers? Social media users conformed entirely, partially because of bot farms pushing specific narratives and attacking those who don't support that narrative (see the "Dead Internet Theory"), but also because of people's fear of offending others. This one comes from the education system and woke media pushing people to believe their woke version of the "Original Sin," and therefore everyone who is labeled with some -ism must stand aside and silence themselves, less they want to be mobbed. The grey area of conversation has been completely co-opted, and what we're left with is a "team A vs team B" situation, and you must pick a side (in their worldview). What about influencers? Well, if you want to be an influencer, you have to conform to not only the rules of the platforms they use, but also to the rules that their sponsors follow. No swearing, no use of specific language, no talking about specific topics, unless you want to get banned or blacklisted from receiving any support from these people. Language has been dumbed down because it isn't being taught in school, since the stronger your vocabulary, the more ways you have to express yourself. On top of that, language is also being suppressed, and therefore censored, so even if you have a strong vocabulary, you aren't allowed to use it without fear of offending imbeciles. Mix it all together, and the end result is a world where everyone is at each other's throats, no one knows how to communicate or express themselves, and no one is allowed to have a rationed, nuanced conversation.

Finally, you must consider the state of our economy as a whole. Why try and do anything if inflation is on the rise and we're all too stupid to do anything that requires proper education? We don't know how to or have the courage to educate ourselves on any specific topic. Children have also been taught to look down upon trade work because it's a waste of time and for the dumb, so you must get an education from a federally funded University and continue to be brainwashed with federal curriculums. No matter what school you go to, everyone is buying the same textbooks and being taught the same general course studies. The best Universities and professors are the ones who design the curriculum themselves, and that's becoming harder and harder to come by as these older professors retire, or are forced out, and get replaced with textbook pushers. But even if you decide to forgo higher education, most of our factory jobs and other trade work is being entirely replaced or pushed overseas. Throw in the fact that younger generations watched their families get worked to the bone with nothing to show for it today thanks to inflation, or the fact that recent college grads aren't able to find any kind of job because the markets are oversaturated with dime a dozen college degrees, and it's understandable why young people are left feeling hopeless and without purpose.

So, not only are we having to deal with neurodivergent issues thanks to vaccines and our food like you mentioned, young people aren't being taught the proper things to succeed. Their families have become fragmented due to overworking and cultural nonsense splintering them. Entertainment and social media gives off the perception that people are bad for simply existing and everyone believes it. The economy has been forced into being predominately services focused, with trades being labeled as worthless and factory work being shipped off overseas. The whole world has been stacked against our younger generations BY DESIGN to ensure they conform to the system being setup to control them. They aren't being taught how to find purpose or educate themselves, how to analyze the world, how to find God and inner peace. They're being taught that they stole everything for merely being born with specific racial and cultural traits, and to step aside and let someone take their place. All of this leads to the world we're facing now, but luckily God woke many of us up and Trump is here to show us the way. It had to be this way, for at the very precipice of losing it all, you step back and realize you can't kid yourself anymore. Your current way of life and understanding of things is flawed, and you must look deeper. Only then do you find purpose, and only then do you find the will to change.

TL;DR, it's despotism by design.

noquo89 1 point ago +1 / -0

grifter - noun someone who gets money dishonestly by tricking people


"hE WilL pRoBaBlY sTaRt sElLiNg mErCh" fucking lol on that one. If he tries to sell anything, then yes hes a grifter. But (spoiler alert) he wont.

noquo89 1 point ago +1 / -0


IDK How I didn't notice this link, but it's literally in Ian's profile.... So he does have a shop.

noquo89 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you ever spot Ian Carroll endorsing mustache trimmers than yes hes a grifter.

I'll give you a kek for that one, that's pretty funny.

Anyway, let's just end this here since we aren't enemies here and just disagree on this. You and I have interacted in the past and it was respectful, no need to think of it as anything else with this one. Again, I wouldn't have a problem if he just sourced the work instead of acting like it's his, but even without a source, video breakdowns definitely have their use and are helpful to send to normies looking for answers.

noquo89 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, that was a stretch on the merch, I'll give you that. HOWEVER, TikTok ad revenue is a thing and I'm surprised I didn't mention that earlier.

noquo89 1 point ago +1 / -0

I haven't backpedaled at all, he's literally a grifter branding himself with other people's work. If he linked to the original source with all the other DD people could be reading on top of what he covers, I wouldn't have a problem with him. He passes it off as his own while branding himself. IDK how many times I have to say that.

noquo89 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, which is why I'm asking why he doesn't do that. I enjoyed his content at first, even though I've known all he's doing is regurgitating others'work since I've literally heard the research he brings up already. Over time, though, I've grown weary of people like him who don't link to any sources whatsoever and pass it off as their own. If he didn't put his face and name front and center, I wouldn't have a problem with him. But by doing it, he's just branding himself. As Q said, anons do this work for free.

noquo89 1 point ago +1 / -0

Brother, Q literally said anons do this work for free. I've been a part of this train waking people up around me and online for 10 years now, before Q even started. Sorry I don't have a tangible grift I can point to that'll satiate you. You're really fired up all because I pointed out someone is doing people a disservice, take a look in the mirror.

noquo89 1 point ago +1 / -0

I get what you mean, and I agree since Q repeatedly said in some of his first posts "disinformation is necessary." However, your logic can apply to guys like Alex Jones, who is controlled by Mossad and Q even called out when he was active:

u/#q1341 u/#q2101

It's that concept of "the best place to hide the truth is in a lie." I personally am still up in the air on RFK as a whole (remember, YOU said I thought he was deep state, I NEVER SAID THAT ANYWHERE, PERIOD), my only gripe is the concept of taking votes from Trump. Which, when speaking about Ian Carroll, is what upsets me and makes me think all he is a grift (again, YOU SAID I THOUGHT HE WAS DEEP STATE, NOT ME). If he really wanted to be bold and stand out, he would have endorsed Trump, especially after all he's exposed and discussed. Instead, he takes the easy road and remains neutral by supporting RFK rather than Biden or Trump. Which means he gets to keep the leftists in his audience watching. This also happens with guys like Joe Rogan, who I absolutely love and tell people here they should listen to if they want to hear what the average person is thinking right now. I never think they're on some team or apart of some conspiracy, I just think they want to remain neutral and not flat out say they support Trump since that would instantly alienate a large portion of their fan base. And in both Joe and Ian's case, they aren't saying their audience should or shouldn't do something, they're just giving their opinion. However, Joe interviews others, Ian tries to pass others work off as his own, which is my complaint and why I keep saying he's just a grifter.

If we want to shift the conversation to whether or not RFK is deep state or not, I don't think he is. If anything, he has definitely done us a great service by exposing the vaccine narrative to leftists. That's about it, though. Is he a part of Q team? IDK, doesn't change my mind on anything.

noquo89 1 point ago +1 / -0

He shows his sources period. But ok you think he should make walls of text out of those sources for all his tiktok videos. You could always contact him and tell him this.

All I'm asking for is the link back to the superstonk DD, the Q research, news article, website, or the Twitter thread he got his info from. It would literally be one link to the already written and completed research that already has that source inside of it. This strawman about a wall of text doesn't negate my point at all.

And I agree he's doing a service by spreading the word, but he would be doing an even greater service by pointing people in a direction where they can do their own research by seeing THE ORIGINAL STUFF. By not linking back to it and trying to pass it off as his own, he does everyone a disservice.

The people I argue with about him irl are already awake. Again, from my previous comment:

I just get in arguments over this guy irl all the time trying to point this very thing out that he never sources anything and he's just trying to pass off other's info as his own.

The debate I'm having with you right now is the exact same debate I have with the already awake irl. He's doing both the researchers and the viewers a disservice by not linking back to the original and letting people see more for themselves.

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