pnwhomebrewer 1 point ago +1 / -0

My grandfather gave me a copy of the Creature from Jekyll Island and it lead me down the rabbit hole. Became a Ron Paul delegate at 18 years old back in 2012. And now I am here.

I woke up early in life which has its blessings and its curses.

pnwhomebrewer 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am a PNW guy born and raised. Japanese cars are the norm here. My family immediate and extended drives Subaru and Toyota only with the exception of my Dad’s Diesel RAM truck. I woke up my senior year of high school. I may have been more socially liberal when I was younger but have always voted libertarian/Republican.

I get the stereotype and don’t blame you. I live in the immediate Seattle metro area so I like to blend in. I keep my yard a little unkept as well. As we get towards more craziness I like my low profile.

pnwhomebrewer 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am another Subaru driver. They are reliable and easy to get service on. American cars are ass.

pnwhomebrewer 6 points ago +6 / -0

Exactly!! Without a return to family values the Q movement just helps us short term.

Women’s sexual “liberation” was the worst thing to happen to America outside of the creation of the Federal Reserve. Many men are just giving up on finding a woman due to Onlyfans, dating apps and a society that caters to women. Women (as a group) are fucking the same top 10-15% of men then offering leftovers to the rest before they hit the wall. I got lucky but I don’t blame passport bros at all. So even if the Q plan goes through, how are you gonna deal with millions of men who have opted out. If any of you think this is over the top go talk to Gen Z younger millennial men.

Limit abortion to medical issues only, ban birth control pills (they should be banned for what they do to the water supply anyways) and reward people for having kids and stop rewarding people being irresponsible whether it’s abortion or gibs for pumping out 4 kids out of wedlock.

Rebuild society to cater to the family unit. Make it easy for people to support a family on a single income and make the 4 day work week the norm.

We only need to work as much as we do because of our shitty currency, ridiculous taxes going to government fat cats and corporations having a monopoly on technology/products.

pnwhomebrewer 12 points ago +12 / -0

I remember WAMU. Bill Gates ruined Washington State. He helped the Dems steal elections with mail in voting, he owns the University of Washington through donations so he can make vaccines, gain of function research and AI research because he basically built the entire computer science department in his image. And not to mention all his little pet projects around here. Also he and all the other tech companies have brought in millions of immigrants for cheap tech work and fucked the COL here.

Yeah we are tucked away in the Northwest so most don’t know but Washington is one of the 5 most corrupt DS owned states in America with Boeing, Microsoft and Amazon.

The only benefit to living here is that a false flag is unlikely here due to the amount of deep state infrastructure here. For example I know by looking at the toxic batches that the Seattle area got much better vaccines then say Spokane or Idaho. Bill and Jeff Bezos need their tech people.

pnwhomebrewer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol no fucking way. Let normies and leftists make their own choice to off themselves or not. The awake and semi awake have lives to live. Asking people to put their lives on hold for 10+ years to try to save people still masking is evil.

pnwhomebrewer 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean that I am not gonna pay attention anymore and just focus on me and my family only.

Cause even if the Q plan is still in motion I’ll be in disagreement by then because dragging this on past that to wake up retards while the rest of us and many innocent children are suffering is evil itself if they “have it all”.

pnwhomebrewer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yup I am giving it until January 2025. After that I am just gonna live my life.

pnwhomebrewer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yup trying to stack as much silver and food as I can before then.

pnwhomebrewer 15 points ago +15 / -0

Not even close. I think it will be WW3. I used to think it was economic but I don’t think white hats want a lot of people to be completely destroyed.

Or it could be a little bit of A and a little bit of B kind of situation.

pnwhomebrewer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yup. I eat out on special occasions or I’ll get thai take out or something if for example first good day of spring the wife and I are doing yard work all day. But I haven’t been to a chain restaurant in years.

The loss of jobs does suck don’t get me wrong but I don’t feel sorry for the people that eat out all the time. That is just poor financial and nutritional planning. Dr. Paul Saldino does great videos about how to get nutritional food even at a place like 7/11 if you are in a pinch. Hell at a place like Jackson’s gas stations you can get a fruit cup, hard boiled eggs and a meat and cheese cup now. Sure not organic but better then seed oils at Applebee’s.

pnwhomebrewer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am not really. Eating out is more expensive than cooking at home. It’s nothing new.

pnwhomebrewer -2 points ago +1 / -3

Stop being lazy and cook your own food or go to an actual mom and pop or regional restaurant.

pnwhomebrewer 3 points ago +3 / -0

The economy and people waking up to processed foods and seed oils.

pnwhomebrewer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I don’t care about these chain restaurants going out of business at all. They are processed crap anyways.

pnwhomebrewer 6 points ago +6 / -0

God bless you all. I am on the tail end of millennials and when Gen xers realize I am not a retard we immediately become friends. I have more friends who are late 40’s to mid 50’s then friends my age lol.

pnwhomebrewer 3 points ago +3 / -0

RIP Uncle Raymond. My Grandfather may have served with him. My grandfather went from a machine gunner to a combat medic. He said the hardest thing was telling guys he knew were goners that everything would be okay.

All those poor souls gone because of the cabal.

pnwhomebrewer 2 points ago +2 / -0

This guy is less of a cuck then 75% of christcuck pastors in my area

We need to go back to the Christianity of the crusaders.

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