posted ago by WinsAnon ago by WinsAnon +523 / -0
  1. Puppet Joe Biden admits that if he takes questions from reporters he is “really gonna be in trouble” https://www.foxnews.com/media/biden-cuts-off-press-questions-trouble-answering

  2. CDC forced to reconcile insistence that everyone gets vaccinated with insistence that everyone should keep wearing masks https://www.foxnews.com/health/cdc-fully-vaccinated-people-dont-need-masks-outdoors

  3. Wash Post fact-checker announces he will stop fact-checking Biden after first 100 days although he doggedly pursued Trump for four years https://www.foxnews.com/media/washington-post-ripped-ending-biden-fact-checking-database

  4. Le Bron won’t sit down with Black cop to hear an opposing viewpoint by someone who knows better https://www.foxnews.com/media/lebron-james-wont-sit-with-cop-for-a-talk-because-it-would-destroy-the-nba-stars-narrative-terrell

  5. BLM co-founder spent $26,000 at Malibu beach resort for “jail reform” meetings https://dailycaller.com/2021/04/26/reform-la-jails-malibu-beach-resort/

  6. Idaho State House passes legislation banning anti-white critical race theory curriculum in public schools https://bigleaguepolitics.com/idaho-state-house-passes-legislation-banning-anti-white-critical-race-theory-in-schools/

  7. Judicial Watch has documents showing that California government officials worked with big tech to censor Right-leaning political speech on social media https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1387078770662821889

  8. Private school in Miami flips the script and tells teachers and staff that anyone getting the vaccine risks the health of everyone else and will be terminated if they are vaccinated https://youtu.be/3CaTtP07o00

  9. Priest says it is a mortal sin to take the covid vaccine because it derives from aborted babies https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/vatican-doc-confirms-its-mortally-sinful-to-take-or-facilitate-covid-vaccine-priest

  10. 20 retired French generals, along with dozens of other military leaders, write letter to Macron threatening action if Macron cannot stop Islamic overrun of France https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/france-20-ex-generals-warn-macron-of-chaos-civil-war-/2218775

  11. Oklahoma Governor signs many bills into law supporting unborn children, 2nd amendment, money for police https://www.foxnews.com/politics/oklahoma-gov-kevin-stitt-heartbeat-bill-2nd-amendment-sanctuary

  12. Trump slays Liz Cheney in statement today https://twitter.com/mattgaetz/status/1387153492062740487/photo/1

  13. Wray’s FBI unconstitutionally used NSA to spy on Americans in search for far right extremists, during Trump’s administration https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1387172295370756098

  14. Even James Carville admits that wokeness is a problem for Democrats https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/04/27/james-carville-democrats-wokeness-is-a-problem-and-we-all-know-it/

See you tomorrow.