posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog +115 / -2

...over the course of the past 2 years, it has been brought to my attention that I am only presenting one side of the argument when it comes to the "cause and effect" of the "Covid Situation"...

...so in respect to free speech and an open forum to all ideas, Unleashed has opened its platform to this discussion....

...do not take this as an endorsement from me on the validity of the material presented...

...Unleashed is simply a conduit to allow these ideas to reach awareness...

...of course, all comments will be welcomed....

...just remember to be happy pups and play nicely in the doggy park...

...now on with the show....

In installment one from the AVL we learned the following:

Nobody has ever found a unicorn virus in nature in all of history

The provenance of all alleged unicorns cannot be proven, both those pictured in electron microscope images (monkey kidney {Vero} particulates stained with heavy metals) and those ASSEMBLED by computer software sequencing techniques (fragmented human RNA strands) all of which are based on “unicorn models” created in exactly the same manner.

No scientific experiment has ever satisfied Koch’s Postulates demonstrating the transmission of unicorns from a sick to healthy person that caused the same dis-ease

When we travel far enough upstream to the font of the spring we see that the mythical unicorn virus has no basis in reality as the unicorn can only be conjured up with sleight-of-hand manufacturing techniques like viral culturing and in-silico computer generated Sanger sequencing, Metagenomic sequencing and next-generation sequencing (software RNA fragment ASSEMBLY techniques)

Modern virologists never find fully intact “viral genomes” (viruses) in fluid and tissue samples they use for their computer “Sequencing (really “ASSEMBLING) techniques. They only find alleged “viral RNA fragments”, which are obviously human RNA fragments until proven otherwise. This fact alone decimates virology.

Knowing all this, we can now understand why virologists are unable to run “Control Experiments” due to their inability to find REAL unicorn viruses prior to all their magical manufacturing techniques. And skipping this most elementary step in the “Scientific Method” makes virology a PSEUDOSCIENCE by definition

You might think knowing all of the above would be more than enough to win people over regarding germ theory, but all these facts seem to make barely a dent in most people’s deeply ingrained belief systems. Without a satisfactory explanation as to what causes all these dis-eases attributed to unicorns, the majority shut down. And I further argue this is why the pioneering doctors who have done such amazing work exposing the virology sham have failed to win over more converts.

I speak specifically of doctors Andrew Kaufman, Tom Cowan and Sam & Mark Bailey in particular. They’ve all done amazing work to date and have been courageous and relentless in their efforts to win people over to the above obvious truths. But for some reason, while they are aware of what I’m about to share, this group continues to stick to the “Terrain Theory” model of dis-ease causation which lacks any falsifiable evidence, just like the “Germ theory” model. Nobody can prove or disprove whether a specific toxin, gene, family history, bad diet, poor exercise regime or germ are the causal factors in disease. Quite convenient, eh? Could it be because they’re all false?

The one notable exception is Dr. Stefan Lanka who was really the leader of the “viruses don’t exist” movement, former virologist, who does indeed know the causal factor of dis-ease that I am about to share. And he is revered and admired by all the doctors named in the above paragraph as well. But why they choose to stick to this terrain theory model is a conundrum. As far as I can tell they tend to discount what I’m about to share because, as I’ve heard a couple of them say, “there’s no real proof”, which is mind-boggling to me as there is a tremendous amount of proof that has been provided. It seems they simply don’t want to look at it for reasons unknown.

I’ll also add, for any Christians reading this thread, one Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science, also agrees with what is about to be shared. In her book “Science & Health” (1875), she repeats hundreds of times that neither the cause nor cure of dis-ease and illness exists in matter and that it all emanates from mind. I believe she is quite correct based on all I’ve learned over the past 3 years. While she never got into great detail or specifics like the more modern and scientifically evidenced research of today, her fundamental premise is correct as we’ll soon see below.

And one last note; severe malnutrition and poisoning fall outside the above paragraph. Neither qualify as a “dis-ease” as the term is understood. And we will see that some “viral scamdemics” do indeed have some basis in poisonings.

Dis-ease emanates from mind, not matter, so says Eddy repeatedly. The more modern explanation gets more specific stating; “the dis-ease process is initiated when we experience an unexpected, acute and isolating life event that we can’t quickly and easily resolve”. Thus, it starts “in the mind”. Our psyche (or subconscious mind, or autonomic nervous system, or soul if you like) operates every function of our body, from the beating of our heart to the breathing of our air, to the digestion, assimilation and elimination of our food, to the growth, decay and removal of all our cells. It’s responsible for protecting you and ensuring your survival at all times. You could call it “nature” if you like. And “nature” never, ever, ever, makes a mistake. It is always right. Human knowledge is what is routinely wrong.

This is a paradigm shift that one must make to understand what is to follow. In about 85% of all our “dis-eases”, the actual “dis-ease” aspect is in reality the “restoration” phase that follows the resolution of the initial conflict shock. This can take 1-second to 50+ years, or never. In this missive today we deal only with the shorter-term conflicts when it comes to those dis-eases mistakenly blamed on unicorns.

And one last note, there are many different categories of “conflict shocks” as we’ll see below. If we consider life events that catch us off guard we can quickly arrive at some common themes - e.g. losses, scares, worries, concerns, failures, separations, self-devaluations, angers, etc.

I realize now this post is going to have to be broken up into several separate posts due to character limitations. As I wish to explain in some detail the nature of conflict shocks so as to leave the reader with as few questions as possible. As such, I’ll provide a brief bullet list here of the dis-ease and its cause followed by explanatory details for each in the paragraphs that follow. Whatever doesn’t fit in this week’s post will be included in the following weeks and I will endeavor to address most of the major "viral" dis-eases that people are curious about: Today we will look at:

The Common Cold -> Stink Conflict Influenza/Flu -> Stink Conflict +/- Scare-Fright-Worry-Concern Conflict Bronchitis/Laryngitis -> Scare-Fright-Worry-Concern Conflict Pneumonia (bacterial) -> Intense Scare Conflict + Abandonment /Existence /Hospitalization Conflict Chicken Pox -> Severe/Intense Separation Conflict (from mother primarily) So let’s begin with the common cold, blamed on the mythical Rhino-unicorn or Corona-unicorn. The common cold is caused by what we call a “Stink conflict”. Some simple examples: “The weather stinks!”. “My spouse/child came home with an infectious cold, this stinks, now I have to take care of him/her!!” “My car won’t start, this stinks!”. “My boss treated me unfairly, this stinks!”. Etc. etc.

The intensity and duration of your stink conflict determines how long your dis-ease will last. In the case of a “stink conflict”, your psyche interprets your FIGURATIVE thoughts LITERALLY. The psyche also has no sense of time, all is the “NOW” from its perspective. Thus, the moment you have your stink conflict, the psyche begins to adjust the tissue in your nasopharynx tissue to protect you from, quite literally, SMELLING something you think “stinks”. And shortly thereafter, you can no longer smell smells, runny nose, stuffed up nasal passages, mucous build-up, etc. Your psyche has performed admirably based on your unwittingly misguided thoughts, protecting you from the stink!

So why do most people get “colds” when it’s “cold”? Could it be because people generally don’t like the winter weather which prevents many from getting outside and enjoying the fresh air? Could it be because people think “it stinks” to be locked-up inside their house all winter long? This makes more sense when you consider people get colds in warm regions of the world as well as people getting colds in the summertime too. The unicorn idea just doesn’t hold up when examined carefully, as much as people hate the explanation the first time they hear it.

Next let’s jump to the mythical influenza-unicorn and all its magical variants. Firstly, many people mistake general fevers for flus. Fever indicates the restoration phase of a dis-ease process for countless different afflictions as all healing occurs in fluid coupled with inflammation and higher temperatures which enable bacteria to activate and thrive.

Many people also consider longer colds to be flus as there is a general loss of energy and hot/cold spells that occur during the restoration phase. But generally speaking, a flu is a more intense “stink conflict” frequently coupled with a “scare-fright conflict” which registers in the bronchial & laryngeal passages. Thus, if your spouse/child comes home with the flu, or a co-worker has the flu, many people become worried/concerned (scared) that they might “catch it too” if they’re not careful. And this type of fright generates a biological program that the psyche runs which is to get more oxygen into your system to help you escape your fear by widening your bronchial/laryngeal passages enabling more air to get through to your lungs. You can think of a prey animal like a rabbit or deer being stalked. The psyche acts immediately to increase oxygen uptake enabling the prey to flee and survive.

This is how and why there are so many different “types of flus”. 24-hour, 48-hour, 72-hour, A, B, Chicken, Bird, Swine, etc., some with vomiting, some not, some with diarrhea, some not. Some knock you flat out, some aren’t so bad, etc. This is because there is no uniform unicorn causing it, but rather the types, intensities and durations of a person’s conflicts.

A standalone mild “scare conflict” leads to bronchitis or laryngitis in the restoration phase. A severe scare conflict coupled with hospitalization often leads to a second “abandonment/existence conflict” which registers in the kidneys and causes water retention. And it is this water retention during the restoration phase of a severe scare conflict that leads to the deadly pneumonia. Word to the wise: Never leave a friend/relative alone in the hospital as it is all too common that the abandonment conflict will arise as the patient often becomes highly disoriented which leads to a wide variety of potentially fatal outcomes that would otherwise not arise.

I’ll make a quick note at this stage about bacteria. Bacteria are created by your body, not unlike your cells. They don’t come from “out there”, are not contagious nor pathogenic. They, along with fungi, are the primary resources used to rebuild, restore or remove tissue that was adapted and altered by your psyche to help you get through your conflict phase. Anti-biotics (against-lifes) should never be used except in the most extreme circumstances (like an elderly person with multiple comorbidities with severe pneumonia). The against-lifes kill off the healing bacteria leaving your tissue/organ in an incompletely restored and weakened state that, over time, can lead to tremendous complications later in life.

Next let’s jump to chicken pox. This was the hardest one for me to reconcile as I had the pox as a 6-year old, straight from a chicken pox party no less. Anyone who has cared to think carefully about our so-called “Childhood unicorns” comes to realize that this makes very little sense that such a unicorn can distinguish and afflict only those of a certain age. It’s nonsense when seen in this light. A closer inspection of the so-called chicken pox indicates that it is really just a rash of sorts, not terribly unlike psoriasis, eczema or smallpox for that matter. Distinguishing the difference between these so-called unique dis-eases is difficult and variable from one expert to the next if not impossible as they all arise from the same type of conflict in varying stages of the dis-ease process.

**Interesting Note - In the latter half of the 19th and early half of the 20th century, many doctors were instructed to tell mothers of children with a “pox” rash that they had “chicken pox” if the child was vaccinated with the smallpox nostrum and the they had smallpox if unvaccinated.

The skin rash/pox/pustule conflicts are all related to separation conflicts. And this helps explain why chicken pox is typically a western dis-ease that tends to afflict children who become separated from their mothers for extended periods for the first time. Namely, kindergartners (half day) and first-graders (6+ hours). Chicken pox reach deep into the epidermis and rank as a severe separation conflict. When the psyche registers this in the child it goes into action desensitizing the skin of the child where the child’s “touch memories” resonate with contact with their mother, which is oftentimes most or much of the upper body & head (hugs & kisses). The psyche desensitizes the neurons of the epidermis so when the child is touched on these parts of the body by somebody else at school, they are not reminded of their separation from their mother. There is no “dis-ease” during the entirety of the conflict. When the conflict is resolved, the psyche rebuilds the epidermal neurons and this results in little red pustules and “pox” on the skin as the neurons are re-connected to normal function again.

I had a hard time with reconciling chicken pox at first because I caught them off a kid at a chicken pox party and there was no “separation” involved. I can still recall my mother being there and making me eat off his fork, drink off his milk glass, and I even had to take a bath with the sick kid!!! It wasn’t until I learned what the conflict was for shingles (adult chicken pox) that I was able to connect the dots. Shingles is caused by either an “Attack” or “Feeling Soiled/Dirtied” conflict. And then it all made sense. I was 100% worried about getting those gross red pox the sick kid had, and frankly couldn’t understand why my mother wanted me to get them. I was under attack and being soiled!!!!

continued in comments