The Testing πŸ—£οΈ DISCUSSION πŸ’¬
posted ago by Richmanstrick ago by Richmanstrick +143 / -1

The Globalist and their puppet Politicians are testing the boundaries of how much Shit the people will tolerate, how many freedoms we will relinquished, and how much money we will allow them to rob before we do something, say something, or even care? Over the past 5 years there has been the GREATEST shift from our tax dollars into the Globalist pockets. The largest money laundering in history.

What is happening abroad is being kept out of the media; and with just a little digging one can see the Globalist are accelerating the "One World Order" agenda of owning everything..... controlling everything. It would be a mistake to dismiss their threats as grandstanding.

The Founders of America planned that the citizens own land in order to control their government; Government hates being controlled. With that said, this is why Farmers are being attacked and removed from their generational properties not just in America, but World Wide. Beef farmers, Sheep farmers, Dairy farmers, Chicken farmers and Vegetable farmers. No Farmers, No Food.

By the time shelves are empty and freezers are bare, ( middle of 2024) it will be to late to change course. Millions will starve. That is the history of Tyrants.

The Globalist feel they have won, they are already removing infrastructure to RE-WILD the planet for their pleasure and enjoyment. Look around, how many industrial plants have moved to other countries? How many bridges are failing? How many food distribution centers have burned? How many dams have been removed? There is already technology where seeds are dropped from drones to repopulate bare lands.

These Globalist are deadly serious. The outcomes will likely determine the future of global stability and the security and prosperity of everyone. The Globalist are clueless about the damage they are inflicting.

Already in my Red area, there are 120 large scale low cost housing complexes being built for illegal migrants right in the middle of suburbia, just like Obama wanted in 2012.

The potential for a major collapse in the norms that we have taken for granted are real. We have been riding on the coat tails of the men who fought and died to keep us free. The Globalist have stated that populism and the rise of parochial economic nationalism are among the gravest threats to future stability. We are in for a rough ride, for if we are honest on this forum, we know that America is still asleep the helm.

It is our time to come to the table and secure our future. The Globalist want to crush Americans. If we don't wake up, there will be no future for us, our history removed and rewritten. The Globalist will place China in our place of standing. Our inheritance erased.