posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +83 / -0

I am in no way comparing Trump to Jesus Christ, I am just saying there is obvious similarities in both the Biblical storyline and today's storyline. We were told it would be biblical.

Here is the 4th Psyop Group (Ghosts in the machine) video


Here is a X link highlighting the dates on the watches.


Here is the Q post talking about America being Unified Again 11.11.18.



If we look at Mark 11.11-18 what do we find?

We find the story about Jesus entering the temple courts and overturning the tables of the money changers.

We also read that the chief priests and the teachers of the law feared Jesus, they began looking for a way to kill him.

The crowds were amazed at Jesus's teaching.



There is lots of talk about our fiat currency being rejected by foreign countries (BRICS). The exploding debt is pushing us toward hyperinflation, one day soon our currency will be worthless and an opportunity for a new asset-based currency arises, restructuring the Federal Reserve. (Overturning the Tables) (RESET)

Remember, Trump rolled the Federal Reserve into the Treasury? Well, he is still working on plans to erode the Federal Reserve’s independence.


Here are a series of clues from the National debt clock about a future financial reset.






Who are the "Teachers of Law" mentioned in Mark 11? I guess those would be judges today. There are several that have Trump tied down with 4 different court cases, more than 30 indictments. Do you think they want to harm him? (Lawfare)

former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki says, "They think maybe @realDonaldTrump will go away. Maybe he'll go to jail. Maybe he will die."


What platform is Trump using to teach us? He posts on a daily basis explaining the determent the country is in under Biden's leadership. He is exposing the 2-tier justice system, awakening the people to the tyranny/treason.

Truth Social was registered on 2011.11.18


Do you think Trump supporters are amazed at his teachings?


God Bless the United States, keep its defenders safe.

Have a Blessed Day!