posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +20 / -1

STEP ONE: Joe Biden reversed every Trump-era border policy that delivered a 45-year low in illegal crossings.

STEP TWO: He lets in 8-10 million illegals that kill 100,000 Americans with fentanyl and violent crime.

STEP THREE: He claims he can't fix it because he needs Congress to act.

STEP FOUR: He negotiates a bill that allows 1,800,000 illegals in a year and calls it "border security."

STEP FIVE: The bill fails to pass the Senate because it's a terrible bill.

STEP SIX: Blames Trump.

STEP SEVEN: Checks polls.

STEP EIGHT: Now he says he actually can just sign an EO capping illegal crossing at 4,000/day just months out from the election.

Do I have this about right?

