0369Grunt 8 points ago +8 / -0

Tell me its election season without telling me its election season. This Rep must be in a contested district... impeachment has zero chance of happening, so this is nothing but optics.

0369Grunt 7 points ago +7 / -0

Burning down a university, you say? I think that's a great start to ending the liberal indoctrination camps!

0369Grunt 4 points ago +4 / -0

Either Diddly did something to piss off the cabal or the 3 letter guys are going to cover for him and protect the elites... most likely the latter. I'm sure the 3 letter guys could dig through Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell court records and find many of the same pedos in the Diddler's circle of friends, without all the publicity of raiding mansions.

0369Grunt 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would like to see these 140 asshats go to a local VFW Post, have a few cold ones, and then start talking out loud about this bullshit.

Likely result would be 140 special elections held to fill empty seats in OUR House of Representatives.

0369Grunt 4 points ago +4 / -0

I won't hold my breath on this one... the ONLY people held "accountable" by the House in all of their "investigations" has been Republicans. This will be no different. All for optics: "hey my fellow Americans - look what we're doing! Ignore the fact that this is an election year."

0369Grunt 2 points ago +2 / -0

If the "threat" increases to the point where the average citizen has to "take action," groups of like-minded people will naturally coalesce. Figuring out a leadership structure will be more challenging, and should be considered in some detail. Get to know your neighbors in some capacity, even if its just saying Hi while walking the dog. The Walking Dead is a great example of how like-minded people gather for security and pool their resources.

Remaining non-violent is the key until violence is required. Things tend to get sorted out quickly when a common threat becomes apparent. Hang in there, fren!

0369Grunt 39 points ago +39 / -0

My wife would kill me in my sleep if I was that much of a cowardly retard. And she would be right to do so.

0369Grunt 2 points ago +2 / -0

And our elected officials, who are supposed to represent WE THE PEOPLE, will happily push this BS legislation through both chambers and POTATUS will happily sign it into law, stating China is the bad guy.

Seems to me, our entire government is the bad guy in this case - I'll bet the great majority of congress critters couldn't be bothered to even read this bill.

We have such GREAT representation in OUR government!!!!! (sarcasm)

0369Grunt 4 points ago +4 / -0

There are too many incidents with Boeing… I’m thinking this is sabotage and not DEI related. Too many issues to be coincidental… I wonder who benefits the most if Boeing tanks.

0369Grunt 1 point ago +1 / -0

We don't realistically believe the results will show he's in poor mental/physical condition, do we? Its going to be published that he's in GREAT health - but we know better. After all, we cannot be expected to believe what we observe over what the talking heads tell us, right?

0369Grunt 5 points ago +5 / -0

This should be intetesting. I hope they sent the "export" version of the M1... If not, we just gave the Russians an example of how to build the best armor plating in the world.

0369Grunt 4 points ago +5 / -1

I think we all need to mentally prepare ourselves for the likely outcome of this crap: the prosecutors may be removed from the case, but the trial will continue, most likely after a significant delay to allow a new team of prosecutors to come onboard.

Before all of the hate is directed towards me, please be mindful of the fact that this case was brought before a grand jury in Fulton County that decided there was enough evidence to go to trial. We all know this case is garbage and a political ploy to get DJT. The opposition team may change players, but the game remains unchanged, and the judge is still a political hack.

Of course, I'm hopeful this all goes away and the case is dismissed... as it should be.

0369Grunt 9 points ago +9 / -0

Optics.... This strike was telegraphed when the bombers took off so the bad guys had time to move. And don't you think it's quite a coincidence that our long awaited retaliation happened the day our three deceased soldiers came home?

We could have done this days ago and without telegraphing our response.

0369Grunt 11 points ago +11 / -0

If I'm Gov of Texas, in addition to ignoring the feds on border control measures, I would also unleash the oil industry to generate income to pay for the border security. I'd open ALL public lands within the state borders to drilling, regardless of feds' policies, permits, etc. Drill, baby drill!!!!

0369Grunt 3 points ago +3 / -0

We need to keep in mind that the R's and D's are both wings on the same bird. Neither have any intent to do what is right and necessary for this country. \

As for "FISA works both ways" - its pretty obvious that it only works one way, and I don't think that will change anytime soon.

0369Grunt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Follow up to the post above: what is plausible? Elements from Moody AFB may be preparing to deploy, but certainly not the whole base. Also plausible: we have response forces that are always ready to deploy upon notification - 7k is likely part of that response force, but they are at their home station. The AF would send the transports to the troops in this scenario, not send them all to Moody. Also plausible that this is a drill designed to ensure readiness. Bottom line: there might be a kernel of truth in this twatter, but definitely not anything to get worked up about... yet.

0369Grunt 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is a case where five minutes of research and some common sense should prevail. Its not hard to find info on Moody AFB: fighter wing, search/rescue, and medical evacuation/treatment are the primary forces at the AFB, and the base itself is only 4.1 sq miles in size (VERY small). They don't have 7000 troops to deploy.

Next, where are the 7k troops coming from? The nearest Army bases have their own airfields - so why move 7k troops all the way to Moody? Doesn't make sense.

For this twatter post to make sense, we' have to believe the Army (or any other military agency) is moving a lot of people a considerable distance to a tiny AFB that primarily provides fighters, close air support and medevacs (NO TRANSPORT capabilities). We also have to believe Air Mobility Command is going to redirect a ton of transport aircraft to a small AFB to pick up a bunch of troops/equipment that would've initiated troop/equipment movements at least three days ago to get to the AFB. (Its called "logistics" and it doesn't move quickly). We also have to believe that TransCom and Air Mobility Command would buy into sending all of the required transportation assets to Moody, when it makes much more sense to send those A/C to the bases where the troops are stationed.

The military would send A/C to the troops, or troops to the A/C, but not send troops and A/C to a third location. Too much for me to hit the "I believe" button.

0369Grunt 2 points ago +2 / -0

As per the U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 5: "Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member."

Unpopular fact: the House of Representatives is well within its Constitutional rights and duties to expel a member. The Framers built this in to the Constitution for a reason.

I just wish they would hold EVERY member to the same standard. Then again, if they did that, we would only have about 5 elected officials in Congress, as the rest are criminals.

0369Grunt 6 points ago +6 / -0

It would take at least two or three election cycles, minimum, to vote enough of them out to start to make a difference. I don't think we have that much time before the government, at all levels, is weaponized against us - I don't think we can elect our way out of this. I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but my money is on the "animal snipers" mentioned above!

0369Grunt 2 points ago +2 / -0

This all sounds good on the surface, but why is the FBI really looking into this? Our 3 letter agencies haven't been on the side of law and order for quite a while now, so we have to ask: what's the angle?

What are the odds that the FBI is "investigating" only to seize and hide evidence?

0369Grunt 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'd like to watch them when they get there... they'll all shit themselves as soon as things start going boom. Pansy bitches.

0369Grunt 1 point ago +1 / -0

We need to waterboard assholes like him until they all give up the goods on who is pulling their strings. Then we feed them to woodchippers and start over with new elections.

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