3inch_Thunder 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes it does. At the bottom.

3inch_Thunder 14 points ago +14 / -0

So does this mean the government is about to release bad news for electric vehicles? That could make the price of palladium go up.

3inch_Thunder 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've never had anyone I know die in a natural disaster or a shooting. I don't see what that has to do with anything. I saw the damage from the tornado with my own eyes. I tracked the storm and watched it live on TV. And went to Moore the next morning to see the damage. Not everything is a conspiracy dude. The reason the same footage was used from an earlier tornado is probably just laziness from Wikipedia or whatever site you found. It should be noted that the 2013 and 1999 tornadoes followed very similar paths.

3inch_Thunder 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude the 2013 Moore tornado was real. I live 14 miles south of Moore. I drove there to see the damage just like I did with my parents in 1999 when Moore got hit then. Video and pictures exist of it. I was amazed that the giant movie theater didn't get taken out in 2013. It just glanced it and destroyed everything just to the north of it.

by Qanaut
3inch_Thunder 1 point ago +1 / -0

3INCH_THUNDER I just post memes mostly.

by Quelle
3inch_Thunder 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not all symbols have meaning. Q wanted us to practice discernment. When you throw everything that you dont understand into the conspiracy pile it dilutes the over all message.

3inch_Thunder 16 points ago +16 / -0

Thats what I thought as well.

3inch_Thunder 1 point ago +1 / -0

C4 could be the first move of a new game or the next move of the game in his video.

3inch_Thunder 1 point ago +1 / -0

So your saying that a baptist summer camp in Falls creek Oklahoma is a front for evil shit that Zuckerberg is involved in? Do you have proof of his donations or proof of anything you have said? You cant just post stuff without links to articles or a paper trail.

3inch_Thunder 1 point ago +3 / -2

Drugs are bad mmmkay.

3inch_Thunder 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hamas was firing rockets from the media buildings. Israel targets all locations rockets are fired from.

3inch_Thunder 1 point ago +1 / -0

Seriously? You people are grasping now. Do you know anything about the creators of this game? Do you know that Nintendo uses actual historical civilizations and myths and legends for inspiration? Not every symbol means something sinister. The japanese are some of the most based people on the planet. And if Nintendo was part of the deepstate Im sure Q would have said something. Nintendo is the video game company that promotes and creates primarily for younger children. It wouldn't be left unscrutinised.

3inch_Thunder 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. We do believe they would do that. Its the shedding part we are skeptical about. If shedding is real then they wouldnt be pushing the vax so hard. The number of people that have gotten the vax would be sufficient to infect everyone by now. And how could you tell anything from the initial reaction? Only 2 other people commented and they weren't even refuting you.

3inch_Thunder 6 points ago +6 / -0

Im confused though. The democrats have more than enough money to stop it. So why didn't they? Do they know its not as bad as we think? Or white hats in control? I hope its because of the white hats.

3inch_Thunder 1 point ago +1 / -0

Texans need to check out Chad Prather. I think he would be a good governor.

3inch_Thunder 1 point ago +2 / -1

An owl? Doesn't seem like an owl was the intended shape. People refer to full stomachs after eating as food babies all the time.

3inch_Thunder 1 point ago +1 / -0

Personally fantasized? Seriously? I never saw the man correct anyone. If i had then it wouldn't have seemed shady to me. Even when the picture was posted it wasnt about correcting anyone. Why is that your first assumption? That I fantasize? I never once talked to him or attempted too. I mostly lurk. Im happily married and dont need to hit on some girls on a research forum. Lol seems like you are projecting to me. Are you a liberal? ?

3inch_Thunder 1 point ago +3 / -2

Its not a hatred of q communities. Evspra was a shill. Dude pretended to be a chick. Gave us a bunch of cool stuff and got popular then suddenly started trying to push all of us to attack george news. He posted a pic of himself looking like a libtard shitlord then deleted all his stuff. Now hes making his own site. Divide and conquer tactics. Nothing good can come from Evspra.

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